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New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 15 Sep 21
[2109.06178] Zhaochen Liu, Dongheng Qian, Yadong Jiang et al.: Dissipative Edge Transport in Disordered Axion Insulator Films
[2109.06196] Guy Zisling, Dante M. Kennes, Yevgeny Bar Lev: Transport in Stark Many Body Localized Systems
[2109.06207] Sounak Biswas, Yves H. Kwan, S. A. Parameswaran: Beyond the Freshman's Dream: Classical fractal spin liquids from matrix cellular automata in three-dimensional lattice models
[2109.06214] Rhonald Burgos Atencia, Qian Niu, Dimitrie Culcer: Semiclassical equations of motion for disordered conductors: extrinsic interband velocity, corrected collision integral and spin-orbit torques
[2109.06220] I. Martin, K. A. Matveev: Scar states in a system of interacting chiral fermions
[2109.06226] Kazuya Shinjo, Yoshiki Tamaki, Shigetoshi Sota et al.: Density-matrix renormalization group study on optical conductivity of the two-dimensional Mott insulator
[2109.06227] Pragna Das, Auditya Sharma: Phase transitions of the Dicke model: a unified perspective
[2109.06237] Max Jauregui, Anna L. F. Lucchi, Jean H. Y. Passos et al.: Stationary solution and $H$ theorem for a generalized Fokker-Planck equation
[2109.06281] Julian Klein, Matthias Florian, Alexander Hötger et al.: Trions in MoS$_2$ are quantum superpositions of intra- and intervalley spin states
[2109.06282] Peitao Liu, Carla Verdi, Ferenc Karsai et al.: Phase Transitions of Zirconia: Machine-Learned Force Fields Beyond Density Functional Theory
[2109.06285] Da Wang, Evan J. Telford, Avishai Benyamini et al.: Andreev Reflections in NbN/graphene Junctions under Large Magnetic Fields
[2109.06307] Nzar Rauf Abdullah, Botan Jawdat Abdullah, Vidar Gudmundsson: High thermoelectric and optical conductivity driven by the interaction of Boron and Nitrogen dopant atoms with a 2D monolayer Ber...
[2109.06334] S. Shrestha, M. Krautloher, M. Zhu et al.: Emergent interlayer magnetic order via strain-induced orthorhombic distortion in the 5d Mott insulator Sr2IrO4
[2109.06337] F. G. Medina, J. P. Ramos-Andrade, L. Rosales et al.: Josephson and persistent currents in a quantum ring between topological superconductors
[2109.06353] Caleb G. Wagner, Michael F. Hagan, Aparna Baskaran: Steady states of active Brownian particles interacting with boundaries
[2109.06359] Arash Jafarizadeh, M. A. Rajabpour: Entanglement entropy in quantum spin chains with broken parity number symmetry
[2109.06360] Tyler D. Ross, Dino Osmanović, John F. Brady et al.: Snell's Law for Swimmers
[2109.06376] Bowen Li, Longlong Xu, Yuzheng Guo et al.: Internal reverse-biased p-n junctions: a possible origin of the high resistance in phase change superlattice
[2109.06412] Yuki Nagasato, Yositake Takane, Yukinori Yoshimura et al.: Gapless States Localized along a Staircase Edge in Second-Order Topological Insulators
[2109.06420] Elizabeth M.Y. Lee, Alvin Yu, Juan J. de Pablo et al.: Stability and molecular pathways to the formation of spin defects in silicon carbide
[2109.06434] Ken Hiura: Macroscopic dynamical fluctuations in Kac ring model
[2109.06454] Naoki Shioda, Kazuki Kumeda, Hideto Fukazawa et al.: Determination of the magnetic q vectors in the heavy fermion superconductor Ce3PtIn11
[2109.06455] Caleb G. Wagner, Michael M. Norton, Jae Sung Park et al.: Exact coherent structures and phase space geometry of pre-turbulent 2D active nematic channel flow
[2109.06460] Chen Zhang, Qi-Yi Wu, Wen-Shan Hong et al.: Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy Evidence of Pseudogap and Electron-Phonon Coupling in an Iron-Based Superconductor KCa$_2$Fe$_4$As$_4$F$_2$
[2109.06463] Chisa Hotta, Takashi Nakamaniwa, Tota Nakamura: Sine-square deformation applied to classical Ising models
[2109.06491] Kazi Rafsanjani Amin, Carine Ladner, Guillaume Jourdan et al.: A CMOS compatible platform for high impedance superconducting quantum circuits
[2109.06496] K. E. Nagaev: Electron-electron scattering and conductivity of Galilean-invariant systems
[2109.06502] Shaoshan Wang, Pengcheng Ding, Zhuo Li et al.: Subsurface Carbon-Induced Local Charge of Copper for On-Surface Displacement Reaction
[2109.06518] Qi-Rong Zhao, Meng-Jie Sun, Zheng-Xin Liu et al.: Magnon Condensation in Dimerized Antiferromagnets with Spin-Orbit Coupling
[2109.06570] Jérôme Deumer, Brian R. Pauw, Sylvie Marguet et al.: Small-Angle X-ray Scattering: Characterization of cubic Au nanoparticles using Debye's scattering formula
[2109.06572] L. Fratino, S. Bag, A. Camjayi et al.: Doping-driven pseudogap-metal-to-metal transition in correlated electron systems
[2109.06594] Xiao-Tian Zhang, Gang Chen: Infinite critical boson non-Fermi liquid on heterostructure interfaces
[2109.06600] Serguei Tchoumakov, Serge Florens: Bootstrapping Bloch bands
[2109.06606] Ruben Lier, Jay Armas, Stefano Bo et al.: Passive odd viscoelasticity
[2109.06659] V. Shingla, S.A. Myers, L.N. Pfeiffer et al.: Particle-Hole Symmetry and the Reentrant Integer Quantum Hall Wigner Solid
[2109.06673] Fryderyk Lyzwa, Yurii G. Pashkevich, Premysl Marsik et al.: Non-collinear and strongly asymmetric polar moments at back-gated SrTiO3 interfaces
[2109.06698] Shihui Zhao, Bowen Li, Huanglong Li: Unexpected enhancement of ferroelectricity in HfO2 on SiO2 and GeO2
[2109.06720] A. K. Ovsianikov, O.V. Usmanov, I. A. Zobkalo et al.: Magnetic phase diagram of HoFeO$_3$ by neutron diffraction
[2109.06741] Eugenia Pyurbeeva, Chunwei Hsu, David Vogel et al.: Controlling the entropy of a single-molecule junction
[2109.06767] Nicklas Volz, Christopher H. Zenk, Nicolas Karpstein et al.: Creep properties and deformation mechanisms of single-crystalline $γ^\prime$-strengthened superalloys in dependence of the Co/Ni r...
[2109.06769] M. Blanco-Rey, R. Castrillo-Bodero, K. Ali et al.: Valence state determines the band magnetocrystalline anisotropy in 2D rare-earth/noble-metal compounds
[2109.06774] M. Wyss, K. Bagani, D. Jetter et al.: Magnetic, thermal, and topographic imaging with a nanometer-scale SQUID-on-cantilever scanning probe
[2109.06787] Anna N. Morozovska, Eugene A. Eliseev, Arpan Biswas et al.: Chemical control of polarization in thin strained films of a multiaxial ferroelectric: phase diagrams and polarization rotation
[2109.06797] Sbastien Becker, Emilie Devijver, Remi Molinier et al.: Unsupervised topological learning approach of crystal nucleation
[2109.06809] Thanh Nguyen, Mingda Li: Electronic properties of correlated kagomé metals AV$_3$Sb$_5$(A = K, Rb, Cs): A brief review
[2109.06812] Giulia Piccinini, Vaidotas Mišeikis, Kenji Watanabe et al.: Parallel transport and layer-resolved thermodynamic measurements in twisted bilayer graphene
[2109.06816] Tanoy Kanti Konar, Leela Ganesh Chandra Lakkaraju, Srijon Ghosh et al.: Quantum Battery with Ultracold Atoms: Bosons vs. Fermions
[2109.06830] Lydia Chabane, Alexandre Lazarescu, Gatien Verley: Conditioning Markov processes: a Lagrangian and Hamiltonian perspective
[2109.06834] M. L. Pereira Júnior, W. F. da Cunha, R. T. de Sousa Júnior et al.: Dynamics and Structural Transformations of Carbon Onion-Like under High-Velocity Impacts
[2109.06840] Prashanta K. Mukharjee, K. Somesh, K. M. Ranjith et al.: Quantum magnetism of ferromagnetic spin dimers in $α$-KVOPO$_4$
[2109.06841] D. P. Shinde: Large Deviations for the Spatial and Energy Distributions of Systems of Classical Ensemble
[2109.06869] D. X. Horváth, M. Kormos, S. Sotiriadis et al.: Inhomogeneous quantum quenches in the sine-Gordon theory
[2109.06871] Alexander C. Tyner, Pallab Goswami: Symmetry indicators vs. Bulk winding numbers of topologically non-trivial bands
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 15 Sep 21","img":""}
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