Med Errors - Final

Common medication errors include which of the following? Select all the apply
Incorrect or Inapproprite dosage
Inappropraite medication
Communcation Failure between physician and patient
Correct drug and correct SIG
Which of the following is a barrier that can lead to ineffective communication dynamics?
Unclear order communcation
E-prescribing software
Use of approved abbrevations
All of the Above
Which of the following represents a correct use of decimals?
.1 mg
1.0 mg
0.1 mg
.003 mg
Which of the following is NOT a High-Realiability Organization (HRO)?
Chemical Manufacturing
Nuclear Power Industry
If a worker realizes there is a possibility for harm, but proceeds to do that action anyways, would be an example of which behavior?
Human Error
Reckless Behavior
At-Rish Behavior
Cautious Behavior
As you age, the therapeutic window for most medications increases?
Which of the following is NOT a factor of successful error disclosure?
Absence of Litigation
Truthful and Respective explanation is given
Media is alerted
Prompt apology to patient/family members/caregivers
As you age, in general, the therapeutic window of medications ___________.
Is the same as adults
None of the Above
What is a strategy to decrease errors with Look Alike/Sound Alike drugs?
Computer Alerts
Tall Man Letters
Look Alike/Sound Alike drugs have different colored stock bottles
All of the Above
Which of the following should NOT be reported to FDA MedWatch?
Prescription medications
OTC medications
People over the age of 65 consume 30% of all prescriptions in the US and 40% of all OTC medications
Failure Mode Analysis (FMA) includes all the following EXCEPT:
Analyzes why failures occur
Based on simultaneously analyzing failure modes, their consequences, and associated risk factors
Used to find potential risks in a system or product by identifying all the ways it could possible fail
May refer to specific types of failure of degrees of failure
Which of the following can prevent medication errors in regards to cancer chemotherapy?
Educating health care providers
Verifying the dosage
Establishing dosing limits
All of the Above
Which of the following is a challenge to prescribing medications in older adults?
Multiple prescribers
Low cost of medications
Having a high adherence rate to medications when compared to younger adults
None of the Above
Which of the following can reduce intimidation in the workplae?
Have an open dialogue on workplace intimidation
Reward outstanding examples of teamwork
Survery staff attitudes about intimidation
All of the Above
Which of the following graphs shows change over time?
Pie chart
Run chart
PDSA chart
Bar graph
What does PDSA stand for?
See answer
Plan, Do, Study, Act
Next Question
The score calculated to determine fall risk in the elderly is the:
Morse Code
Morse Scale
Morse's Law
Morse Legend
Why is there an increased risk for ADRs with chemotherapy compounded products?
Complex dosing calculators
Variability of administration of various chemotherapeutic agents
Chemotherapeutic agents are often combined with supportive agents
All of the Above
Which one of these medications is NOT the leading cause of emergency department visits for adverse drug events in older adults?
Drugs with narrow therapeutic window are the main causes of adverse drug events in young adults
Which of the following is not an example of safety subculture?
Informed culture
Reporting culture
Justified culture
Learning culture
Flexible culture
What statement is true about the Ishikawa fishbone diagram?
It is a visual tool used in RCA to look at cause and effect and sort possible cause of a problem into useful categories
It is a graph that presents data of multiple dependent variables over an x-axis
The visual tool is mainly used in FMEA analysis and it focuses on the effects of the problem
All of the Above
FMEA is a retrospective and a one-time quality improvement process that is carried out in healthcare organizations by a multidisciplinary team
Which of the following is false about bundle strategy?
Bundles should be large
Strategies should be based upon proven, validated, error-prevention principles
Bundles should be treated as a cohesive unti
None of the Above
Which of the following ambulatory aid gives the highest score on the Morse Scale?
Wheel Chair
Human factors engineering is the study of how people interact and work successfully with other people and things in their world, and how to increase success or improve human performance by "designing in" physical or environmental cues of processes.
What should the response in justice culture be to at-risk behavior?
None of the Above
Human error is defined as the worker realizes possibility of harm, but does it anyway
Pre-1990's, punitive culture fear drove errors underground
What is described as a prospective, risk assessment method based on simultaneously analyzing ways things can go wrongm their consequences, and associated risk factors?
Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Just Culture
Risk Assements
What are the primary questions one hopes to answer with a Root Causes Analysis (RCA)? Select all the apply
What happened?
Why did it happen?
How can we prevent it from happening again?
Who did it?
Which of the following is retrospective not prospective?
Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
According to "Emergency Hospitalizations for Adverse Drug Events in Older Americans," which 4 medications/classes represent 2/3 of admissions? Select all the apply
Oral Antiplatelets
Oral Hypoglycemics
What risk factors for falls are assessed by Morse Falls Scale? Select all that apply
History of falls
Secondary diagnosis
Use of ambulatory aid
Heparin lock
Mental status
Developed in the 1980s as replacement for medication carts. May help prevent administration errors by limiting RN access to only those medications for which a patients has an approved order.
Locked Medication System
Automated Dispensing Cabinets (ADC)
None of the Above
Which of the following incorporate drug libraries and dose checking software to enhance safety of IV administed mediations?
Lure Locks
Smart Pumps
Portable Bar Coding Systems
Phenomena in where healthcare workers become desensitied to safety alerts and either ignore of fail to act appropriately on such warnings
Alert Fatigue
Work Fatigue
Bypass Culture
Clinical Judgement Based Practice
Any injury occuring during the patient's drug therapy and resulting either from appropraite care, or from unsuitable or suboptimal care.
Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)
Side Effect (SE)
Adverse Drug Event (ADE)
A systematic instrument for identifying Adverse Events in a chart through the use of "prompts" or clues, such as abnormal lab values, dc orders and the administration of "antidotes."
Forcing Function
Alert Systems
Global Trigger Tool (GTT)
Research Analysis Procedure
Any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropraite medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, patient, or consumer.
Adverse Drug Event (ADE)
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR)
Side Effect
Medication Error
Aspect of a design that prevents a target action from being performed or allows its performance only if another specific action is performed first.
Forcing Function
Conformational Bias
Just Culture
View that most errors reflect predictable human failings in the context of poorly designed rather than focusing corrective effects on reprimanding individuals or pursuing remedial education.
Systems Approach
Individual Approach
System Analysis
All of the Above
List two external programs to whom you can voluntarily report medication errors
See Answer
ISMP Medication Error Reporting Program AND FDA MedWatch Reporting Program
Next Question
Non-regulatory state agency in Massachusetts with a legislative mandate to support healthcare organizations in improving patient safety and educating the public.
Mass Board of Pharmacy
Department of Health and Human Services
Betsy Lehman Center
Sloan Ketering Research Center
{"name":"Med Errors - Final", "url":"","txt":"Common medication errors include which of the following? Select all the apply, Which of the following is a barrier that can lead to ineffective communication dynamics?, Which of the following represents a correct use of decimals?","img":""}
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