Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 24 Jan 22
[2201.08404] Patrick M. Lenggenhager, Xiaoxiong Liu, Titus Neupert et al.: Triple nodal points characterized by their nodal-line structure in all magnetic space groups
[2201.08416] Arpit Bhardwaj, Phanish Suryanarayana: Strain engineering of Janus transition metal dichalcogenide nanotubes: An ab intio study
[2201.08420] M.A.Jafari, M. Wawrzyniak-Adamczewska, S. Stagraczyński et al.: Spin valve effect in two-dimensional VSe$_2$ system
[2201.08437] Jamie M. Fitzgerald, Joshua J. P. Thompson, Ermin Malic: Twist Angle Tuning of Moiré Exciton Polaritons in van der Waals Heterostructures
[2201.08449] Hanshang Jin, Jackson Badger, Peter Klavins et al.: Stabilization of CeGe$_3$ with Ti and O featuring tetravalent Ce ions: (Ce$_{0.85}$Ti$_{0.15}$)Ge$_3$O$_{0.5}$
[2201.08463] Zewen Zhang, Ming Yuan, Bhuvanesh Sundar et al.: Motional decoherence in ultracold Rydberg atom quantum simulators of spin models
[2201.08478] Constantin Payerne: Statistical properties of the gravitational force in a random homogeneous medium
[2201.08503] A. M. Gu'enault, P. V. E. McClintock, M. Poole et al.: A low-frequency, high-amplitude, torsional oscillator for turbulence studies in quantum fluids
[2201.08509] Hengdi Zhao, Yifei Ni, Bing Hu et al.: Mechanical control of physical properties in the van der Waals ferromagnet Cr2Ge2Te6 via application of electric current
[2201.08519] Xiaofan Wu, Oleg Tchernyshyov: How a skyrmion can appear both massive and massless
[2201.08532] S. Nishioka, S. Sasaki, S. Nakagawa et al.: Nuclear-spin evidence of insulating and antiferromagnetic state of CuO2 planes in superconducting Pr2Ba4Cu7O15-δ
[2201.08534] S. Tori Ellison, Senthilkumar Duraivel, Vignesh Subramaniam et al.: Cellular Micromasonry: Biofabrication with Single Cell Precision
[2201.08546] Kongtao Chen: Grain Boundary Motion on Curved Substrate
[2201.08556] Fumio Hirata: Does the second critical-point of water really exist in nature?
[2201.08566] Qi-Jun Ye, Xin-Zheng Li: Dynamic phase transition theory
[2201.08567] Yu-Jie Cen, Chang-chun He, Shao-Bin Qiu et al.: Determining ground states of alloy by a symmetry-based classification
[2201.08569] Wolswijk L., Mordini C., Farolfi A. Et al.: Measurement of the order parameter and its spatial fluctuations across Bose-Einstein condensation
[2201.08573] Leyla Majidi, Reza Asgari: Electrical and thermal transport in twisted TMDC/CrI$_3$-superconducting TMDC junctions
[2201.08575] Yu-Rong Shu, Shuai Yin: Dual dynamic scaling in deconfined quantum criticality
[2201.08590] Saeid Amjadian, Mahdi Esmaeilzadeh, Nezhat Pournaghavi: Carbosilicene and germasilicene: Two 2D materials with excellent structural, electronic and optical properties
[2201.08597] Jian-Keng Yuan, Shuai A. Chen, Peng Ye: Higher Rank Symmetry Defects: Defect Bound States and Hierarchical Proliferation
[2201.08601] Jun Zhang, Xiancheng Wang, Long Zhou et al.: A ferrotoroidic candidate with well-separated spin chains
[2201.08608] Zion Hazan, Michael Averbukh, Yishay Manassen: Electron Spin Resonance Scanning Tunneling Microscope of Non-Magnetic Molecules
[2201.08621] Peiyuan Huang, Ruifang Wang: Eigenmodes of twisted spin-waves in a thick ferromagnetic nanodisk
[2201.08623] Suryanarayana Maddu, Quentin Vagne, Ivo F. Sbalzarini: Learning deterministic hydrodynamic equations from stochastic active particle dynamics
[2201.08624] Claas Abert, Sabri Koraltan, Florian Bruckner et al.: On the origin of noncollinear magnetization coupling across RuX layers
[2201.08630] P. Ntetsika, G. Mitrikas, G. Litsardakis et al.: Cavity Ferromagnetic Resonance Study of Acoustic and Optic excitations in Ru/Cr/Co and Ru/Co multilayers
[2201.08637] N. Piot, B. Brun, V. Schmitt et al.: A single hole spin with enhanced coherence in natural silicon
[2201.08653] Zi-Kui Liu: Theory of Cross Phenomena and Their Coefficients Beyond Onsager Theorem
[2201.08665] M. L. Olivera-Atencio, L. Lamata, S. Kohler et al.: Perspective: Universal patterns in multifrequency-driven dissipative systems
[2201.08667] Saravana Kumar, Peter Cats, Mohammed B. Alotaibi et al.: Absence of anomalous underscreening in highly concentrated aqueous electrolytes confined between smooth silica surfaces
[2201.08672] Philipp M. Mutter, Guido Burkard: Fingerprints of Qubit Noise in Transient Cavity Transmission
[2201.08685] V. Eswara Phanindra, A. Das, J. J. L. van Rijn et al.: Spin Hall magnetoresistance in paramagnetic NdGaO3
[2201.08715] Achintya Priydarshi, Yogesh Singh Chauhan, Somnath Bhowmick et al.: Strain-tunable in-plane ferroelectricity and lateral tunnel junction in monolayer group-IV monochalcogenides
[2201.08728] Y. M. Bidasyuk, K. S. Kovtunenko, O. O. Prikhodko: Fine structure of the stripe phase in ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates with spin-orbital-angular-momentum coupling
[2201.08743] Sam Azadi, N.D. Drummond: Low-density Phase Diagram of the Three-Dimensional Electron Gas
[2201.08749] Judit Clopés Llahí, Aitor Martín-Gómez, Gerhard Gompper et al.: Simulating wet active polymers by multiparticle collision dynamics
[2201.08752] Daniel Tay, Benoît Grémaud, Christian Miniatura: Momentum Signatures of Site Percolation in Disordered 2D Ferromagnets
[2201.08754] Robert Shah, Thomas Barrett, Andrea Colcelli et al.: Probing the degree of coherence through the full 1D-3D dimensional crossover
[2201.08761] Daniel Sucerquia, Cristian Parra, Pilar Cossio et al.: Ab initio metadynamics determination of temperature-dependent free-energy landscape in ultrasmall silver clusters
[2201.08781] Wouter Heyvaert, Adrián Pedrazo-Tardajos, Ajinkya Kadu et al.: Quantification of the helical morphology of chiral Au nanorods
[2201.08801] Xinyang Zhang, Alexander Palevski, Aharon Kapitulnik: Anomalous metals: from "failed superconductor" to "failed insulator"
[2201.08809] Swarnadeep Seth, Art Rand, Walter Reisner et al.: Discriminating protein tags on dsDNA constructs using a dual Nanopore device
[2201.08829] Chang Niu, Gang Qiu, Yixiu Wang et al.: Tunable nonreciprocal electrical transport in 2D Tellurium with different chirality
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 24 Jan 22","img":""}
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