Chapter 2
Stroke Care Knowledge Quiz
Test your understanding of stroke care with this comprehensive quiz designed for healthcare professionals. This quiz covers essential nursing interventions, assessment techniques, and management strategies related to ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.
In this quiz, you will:
- Explore 31 thought-provoking questions
- Enhance your knowledge about stroke treatments and complications
- Evaluate your readiness to provide effective patient care
1. A patient is on the floor for monitoring after being admitted following an ischemic stroke. The nurse who knows the importance of the principles of body alignment and correct positioning will prevent joint deformities by:
A) Placing the patient in the prone position, laying flat, for 30 minutes a day
B) Assisting the patient in acutely flexing the thigh to promote movement
C) Placing a pillow in the axilla when there is limited external rotation
D) Placing the patient's hand in pronation
2. A patient who just suffered a hemorrhagic stroke is admitted through the emergency room. The nurse's primary assessment is focused on:
A) Cardiac and respiratory status
B) Seizure activity
C) Urinary output
D) Fluid and electrolyte balance
3. The nurse is caring for a patient on t-PA (tissue plasminogen activation) administration. The most common side effect of this infusion is:
A) Bleeding
B) Hypertension
C) Migraine headache
D) Flaccid paralysis
4. The nurse is aware that an absolute contraindication for thrombolytic therapy is seen in a patient:
A) Who is anticoagulated
B) Who is hypertensive
C) With evidence of stroke evolution
D) With symptom onset of less than 3 hours prior to admission
5. A patient experiencing transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) is scheduled for a carotid endarterectomy. The nurse explains that this procedure will be done to:
A) Decrease cerebral edema
B) Prevent seizure activity that is common following a TIA
C) Prevent a stroke by removing atherosclerotic plaques blocking cerebral flow
D) Determine the cause of the TIA
6. The nurse is caring for a patient who had a stroke. Maintenance of reduced intracranial pressure (ICP) is a priority with this patient. Which of the following positions is indicated to assist with this goal?
A) Head turned to the right side
B) Elevation of the head of the bed
C) Head turned to the left side
D) Extension of the neck
7. The nurse is taking care of a patient who suffered a stroke and has a flaccid right arm and leg. He is experiencing urinary incontinence. The nurse is aware that the most common patient response to a change in body image is:
A) Denial
B) Sexual dysfunction
C) Depression
D) Disassociation
8. The nurse is caring for a patient who had a hemorrhagic stroke. Close monitoring of vital signs and neurological changes is imperative. What is the earliest sign of deterioration in a patient with a hemorrhagic stroke?
A) Headache
B) Alteration in level of consciousness
C) Tonic-clonic seizures
D) Shortness of breath
9. Based on the patient's level of mobility following a stroke, an essential intervention that the nurse needs to perform to preserve both joint mobility and muscle strength is:
A) Turning and repositioning
B) Deep-breathing exercises
C) Kegel exercises
D) Range-of-motion exercises
10. The nurse caring for a patient with a cerebral aneurysm notes an increase in ICP. Which of the following nursing interventions would be appropriate for this patient?
A) Range-of-motion exercises to prevent contractures
B) Encourage independence with ADLs to promote self-esteem
C) Encourage family visitation to decrease anxiety
D) Absolute bed rest in a quiet nonstimulating environment
11. The nurse caring for a patient who suffered an ischemic stroke resulting in disturbed sensory perception is aware that:
A) The patient should be approached on the side where visual perception is intact.
B) Attention to the affected side should be minimized.
C) The patient should avoid repetitious turning of his head in the direction of the defective visual field in order to minimize shoulder subluxation.
D) The patient should be approached on the opposite side of where the visual perception is intact in order to increase perception and vision.
12. One of the nursing priorities for a patient who suffered an ischemic stroke focuses on the prompt initiation of rehabilitation including the establishment of an exercise program. To prevent contractures and further deterioration of the neuromuscular system, the nurse:
A) Teaches the patient to exercise the affected extremity after sitting balance is maintained
B) Teaches the patient to immediately stop all exercises if tightness occurs in any area in order to prevent damage to the joints
C) Exercises the affected extremity passively through a full range of motion at least 4 to 5 times a day
D) Initiates quadriceps and gluteal setting exercises after the patient can tolerate sitting out of bed for at least 1 hour to reduce cardiac workload
13. The nurse caring for a patient who has severe shoulder pain from subluxation of the shoulder is aware that to prevent further injury and pain:
A) Use of a sling should be avoided due to adduction of the affected shoulder
B) Elevation of the arm and hand can lead to further complications associated with edema
C) Passively exercising the affected extremity is avoided in order to minimize pain
D) The patient should be taught to interlace the fingers, place the palms together, and slowly bring the scapulae forward to avoid excessive force to the shoulder
14. The nurse performing stroke risk screenings to identify high-risk individuals in order to lower hemorrhagic stroke occurrence is aware that which of the following patients is at highest risk for a stroke:
A) White female, age 60, with history of excessive alcohol intake
B) White male, age 60, with history of uncontrolled hypertension
C) Black male, age 60, with history of diabetes
D) Black male, age 50, with history of smoking
15. The nurse caring for a patient who is postcarotid endarterectomy is aware that which of the following symptoms indicates a postoperative complication:
A) Swelling of the neck
B) Uncontrolled hypertension
C) Increase in neurologic deficits
D) Pain at the site of the endarterectomy
16. The patient has been diagnosed with a stroke and is aphasic. How might the nurse make the patient's atmosphere conducive to communication?
A) Help the patient to compose a list of daily tasks.
B) Have the patient speak to loved ones on the phone daily.
C) Help the patient complete his or her sentences.
D) Speak in a louder voice to the patient.
17. Which of the following initial assessment findings by the nurse is indicative of a stroke?
A) Facial droop
B) Increase in heart rate
C) Facial edema
D) Electrolyte imbalance
18. An 82-year-old woman in rehabilitation following an ischemic stroke insists on completing her daily tasks without assistance. The nursing staff is concerned that she is an injury risk. This behavior is typical of which condition?
A) Left hemisphere stroke
B) Cardiogenic emboli stroke
C) Right hemisphere stroke
D) Large artery thrombosis
19. An 86-year-old man has been admitted to the intensive care unit after receiving thrombolytic therapy for an ischemic stroke, confirmed by a CT scan. Which of the following applies to the care of this patient?
A) The blood pressure should be maintained with the systolic pressure less than 190 mm Hg and the diastolic pressure less than 110 mm Hg.
B) Patients with hemorrhagic stroke may also receive thrombolytics.
C) The therapy may be given up to 5 hours after the symptoms of an ischemic stroke.
D) Continuous cardiac monitoring is implemented.
20. What is the nurse doing a neurologic assessment on a patient who has suffered a left stroke likely to find?
A) Weakness in the patient's left hand
B) Drooling from the left side of the mouth when the patient is eating
C) Right visual field defects
D) Fixed left pupil
21. How might the nurse effectively position a female patient who has been diagnosed with an ischemic stroke and is unable to position herself?
A) Hip joint should be kept in a flexed position.
B) Maintain the patient in a supine position.
C) Place the patient in prone position for 15 to 30 minutes several times a day.
D) Keep the patient in semi-Fowler's position.
22. What should the nurse include in the patient's care plan when establishing an exercise program for a patient affected by a stroke?
A) Schedule passive range-of-motion every other day.
B) Keep activity limited, as the patient may be overstimulated.
C) Have the patient partake in active range of motion 2 times a day.
D) Exercise the affected extremities passively 4 or 5 times a day.
23. A female patient is experiencing hemianopia after her diagnosis of a right stroke. How might the nurse assist the patient manage her potential sensory and perceptional difficulties?
A) Keep the lighting in the patient's room low.
B) Place the patient's clock on the affected side.
C) Approach the patient on the side the vision is impaired.
D) Place the patient's extremities where she can see them.
24. A patient is experiencing dysphagia following a recent stroke. The nurse finds the patient is pooling food in one side of his mouth at mealtimes. What nursing interventions should be incorporated in this patient's plan of care?
A) Have the patient increase clear fluids with meals.
B) Feed the patient thickened liquids.
C) Have the patient slightly reclined at mealtimes.
D) Have a volunteer sit and feed the patient.
25. A patient who has recently been diagnosed with an aneurysm and been placed on aneurysm precautions will have which of the following incorporated into his plan of care?
A) Elevate the head of the bed to 45 degrees.
B) Maintain the patient on complete bed rest.
C) Administer enemas when the patient is constipated.
D) Avoid use of thigh-high elastic compression stockings.
26. Which of the following goals is a priority in a patient who has been diagnosed with a hemorrhagic stroke?
A) Maintain adequate urine output.
B) Maintain and improve cerebral tissue perfusion.
C) Relieve anxiety.
D) Relieve sensory deprivation.
27. Which of the following nursing assessments would detect the earliest sign of deterioration in the patient with a hemorrhagic stroke?
A) Hypotension
B) Agitation
C) Slight slurring of speech
D) Difficulty sleeping
28. Which of the following potential complications of a cerebral aneurysm will the nurse monitor for?
A) Weight loss
B) Hypotension
C) Decrease in ICP
D) Seizure
29. Which should be included in the discharge teaching information for a patient hospitalized for a cerebral aneurysm?
A) Intermittent seizures can be expected.
B) Take ibuprofen for complaints of a serious headache.
C) Take antihypertensive medication as ordered.
D) Drowsiness is normal for the first week after discharge.
30. Which action should the nurse caring for a patient diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm who reports a severe headache perform?
A) Sit with the patient for a few minutes.
B) Administer an analgesic.
C) Inform the nurse-manager.
D) Call the physician immediately.
31. What action should the nurse planning care of a patient who suffered a stroke in the right hemisphere of his brain perform?
A) Anticipate the patient will exhibit some degree of expressive or receptive aphasia.
B) When transferring the patient into a wheelchair, place the wheelchair on his left side.
C) Provide close supervision due to the patient's impulsiveness and poor judgment.
D) Support the right arm with a sling or pillow to prevent subluxation.
{"name":"Chapter 2", "url":"","txt":"Test your understanding of stroke care with this comprehensive quiz designed for healthcare professionals. This quiz covers essential nursing interventions, assessment techniques, and management strategies related to ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.In this quiz, you will:Explore 31 thought-provoking questionsEnhance your knowledge about stroke treatments and complicationsEvaluate your readiness to provide effective patient care","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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