Technical Round

A vibrant image of a computer code snippet with question marks around it, showcasing the themes of programming, problem-solving, and education.

Technical Knowledge Quiz

Test your technical knowledge with our engaging quiz designed for aspiring programmers and tech enthusiasts. Challenge yourself with a variety of multiple-choice questions covering programming concepts, debugging techniques, and computer science fundamentals.

Whether you are a student, teacher, or just a technology buff, this quiz offers:

  • Instant feedback on your answers
  • An opportunity to improve your understanding
  • Fun and interactive learning experience!
16 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CodingSage101
Of the following, if statements, which one correctly executes three instructions if the condition is true
If (x < 0) { a = b * 2; y = x; z = a – y; }
If{ (x < 0) a = b * 2; y = x; z = a – y ; }
{ if (x < 0) a = b * 2; y = x; z = a – y; }
If (x < 0) a = b * 2; y = x; z = a – y;
Which of the sets of statements below will add 1 to x if x is positive and subtract 1 from x if x is negative but leave x alone if x is 0?
If (x > 0) x++; else x--;
If (x == 0) x = 0; else x++; x--;
If (x > 0) x++; else if (x < 0) x--;
X++; x--;
_______ is the process of finding errors and fixing them within a program.
Compare the following two if statements and select, which answer best, summarizes each line of code. String name1, name2; int guess, answer; if (name1.equals(name2)) if (guess == answer)
The first if statement will compare the numerical value of the two names entered to see if they are equal and the second if statement will also compare the numerical values to see if they are equal
The first if statement will not work correctly due to string values being used, the second if statement will correctly compare the variables guess and answer
The first if statement will compare the two string values to see if they are equal and the second will compare the two integer values to see if they are equal.
The first if statement should read if (name1 == name2) in order to properly compare the values and the second if statement will compare the numerical values to see if they are equal.
Sal needs to execute a section of code ten times within a program. Compare the selection structures below and select which one meets the needs identified.
Which command will stop an infinite loop?
Alt - C
Shift - C
Ctrl - C
Kim has just constructed her first for loop within the Java language. Which of the following is not a required part of a for loop?
Analyze the following error that was received when Scott tried to compile his java program named average. 'else' without 'if' else ^ Which of the following could have resulted in the error being generated?
Scott used an infinite loop within his program
Scott placed a semicolon at the end of an If statement
Scott placed a semicolon at the end of an If statement
Scott omitted a line of code below the If statement such as a System.out.pritnln or a Keybaord.readInt();
A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as
Pulse code modulation
Pulse stretcher
Query processing
Queue management
Once you load the suitable program and provide required data, computer does not need human intervention. This feature is known as
Jay is considering adding a repetition statement within his Java programming final project. Jay is unsure of the number of times each loop needs to execute. Analyze the conditional statements below and select which statement best fits the need identified by Jay within his programming.
While loop
For loop
Switch statement
Kevin has implemented a While loop within his Java program. Assess the code statement below and select which answer best summarizes the output Kevin will experience once the while statement is executed. Int count = 1; while (count <=25) { System.out.println (count); Count = count –1; } System.out.println (“Done”);
The while loop will execute 25 times and print the numbers 1 thru 25 and finish with the printing of Done.
The while loop will execute 25 times and print the numbers 25 down to 1 and finish with the printing of Done.
The while statement will not function correctly due to a missing semicolon(;) after the statement while (count <=25)
The while statement will execute by counting down from 1 until infinity and result in an infinite loop.
The protocol data unit (PDU) for the application layer in the Internet stack is
Score =Keyboard.readInt(); while (score != -1) { System.out.println (“The score is” + score); score =Keyboard.readInt(); } USER INPUT = -1, predict what will happen after the user input is accepted into the java program.
The while statement will continue to ask the user to enter a score and then print out the score that has been received.
The while loop will execute an infinite number of times because the program statement can never be false
The while statement will never print the statement “The score is” because the condition present within the while will be false on the first time through.
The while statement will function until a value other than –1 is entered.
Which of the following protocols is an application layer protocol that establishes, manages and terminates multimedia sessions ?
Session Maintainence Protocol
Session Initiation Protocol
Real-Time Streaming Protocol
Real-Time Transport Control Protocol
{"name":"Technical Round", "url":"","txt":"Test your technical knowledge with our engaging quiz designed for aspiring programmers and tech enthusiasts. Challenge yourself with a variety of multiple-choice questions covering programming concepts, debugging techniques, and computer science fundamentals.Whether you are a student, teacher, or just a technology buff, this quiz offers:Instant feedback on your answersAn opportunity to improve your understandingFun and interactive learning experience!","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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