Protestant Reformation

What is the Protestant Reformation?
When Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians separated from one another
When Gospel believers separated from the Roman Catholic Church
When the Church of England separated from the Roman Catholic Church
When Protestant Churches adopted a common confession of faith
What century did the Protestant Reformation begin?
What nationality was Martin Luther?
What significant act did Martin Luther perform on October 31st?
Celebrated Halloween dressed as the pope
Stood trial for his views
Nailed his 95 Thesis to the Wittenberg Chapel door.
Founded the Lutheran Church
Was Martin Luther assassinated after his fight for civil rights?
What issue most directly provoked the Protestant Reformation?
The sale of indulgences (forgiveness for sin)
Rejection of papal authority
Disagreement over the Lord's Table (ie transubstantiation)
Disagreement over the definition of the gospel
What is the Diet of Worms
The food eaten by worms (ie decomposing materials etc.)
The occasion during which Martin Luther stood trial for his writings
God's judgment of those who like Herod (Acts 12:23) assume the place God alone deserves
The food fed to the Reformers while in prison
What was Martin Luther's most famous declaration
Give me liberty or give me death
He is no fool to give what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose
Soli Gratia
Here I stand; I can do no other
What does the Latin word "Sola" mean?
Which best describes your church affiliation
I am a member of Calvary Baptist Church in Fair Haven
I am a member of a Baptist Church
I am a member of a Protestant Church
I am not a church member
I am a member of a Catholic Church
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