History of Law Enforcement 1.2 PART 2

A vibr



10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ChronicLibr
What forms of law are created under Feudal System?
King's Law, regulated and protected nobility
Church law-Regulated those that sought
Manor law- imposed upon the serfs by the lords of the manor.
Customary/municipal law - govern the merchants within a city.
All of the Above
What is the frankpledge or "Mutual pledge" System?
The public being responsible
The king being responsible
The military being responsible
No one being responsible
Where did the name sheriff originate from?
Pop - Culture
Shire - Reeve
Someone's last name
A group of people who wanted to stop crime.
A group of people who are mobilized by the sheriff to suppress lawlessness in the county
A group of criminals who were known for committing crimes together
What was the Magna Carta and why was it important?
Our constitution
A process
A document that is the foundation of our procedural process & bill of rights
Who was Sir Robert Peel and why was he important to the development of law enforcement?
Created London Metropolitan Police.
A King of a Royal Family
No one in particular
Why was American society forced to reconsider law enforcement of the early 1800s?
Massive amounts of crime all over the U.S
Advent of juvenile delinquency in the large cities and riots
Were worried citizens might overthrow the government again
Night watches led to modern day police departments and were first formed in what 3 major cities?
Virginia, Rhode Island, Georgia
Boston, New Jersey, New York
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New Hampshire
Boston, Philadelphia, New York
The 1st formal and public funded police department was developed in 1838 in what city?
New York
New Jersey
Where was the first uniformed police department
New York
New Jeresey
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