Pediatric2 Dr, sok Khunthy ( 52-101 )

A vibrant and engaging illustration of pediatric dental care, showcasing a smiling child in a dental chair with a friendly dentist, dental tools, and educational charts on the walls.

Pediatric Dentistry Quiz

Test your knowledge in pediatric dentistry with this comprehensive quiz designed for dental professionals and students. With a total of 50 questions, you will cover various topics essential for understanding pediatric treatments and procedures.

Each question is multiple choice, allowing you to gauge your expertise and learn along the way. Topics include:

  • Pulpotomy techniques
  • Restorative materials
  • Treatment options for dental trauma
  • Root canal treatments
50 Questions12 MinutesCreated by CaringSmile724
52. Neonatal teeth is?
Οƒ½ Premature eruption of primary teeth at birth
ΟƒΎ Premature eruption of primary teeth 1 month
Οƒ½ Premature eruption of primary teeth 2 month
Οƒ½ Premature eruption of primary teeth 3 month
53. Ankylosis is the same meaning of?
Οƒ½ Impacted teeth
Οƒ½ unerupted teeth
Οƒ½ fully erupted teeth
ΟƒΎ submerged teeth
54. Factors that affect prognosis of pulpotomy?
Οƒ½ Size of exposure
Οƒ½ Location of exposure
Οƒ½ Marginal leakage
ΟƒΎ All of above
55. Medicaments for pulpotomy?
Οƒ½ Calcium hydroxide
Οƒ½ Zinc oxide eugenol
ΟƒΎ All of above
56. After removed pulp chamber of tooth #75 it still bleeding from the amputation site. What would you do on the next treatment?
Οƒ½ Root canal treatment
Οƒ½ Formocresol pulpotomy
Οƒ½ Partial pulpotomy
ΟƒΎ Two visit pulpotomy
57. The medicament used for two visit pulpotomy is?
Οƒ½ Formocresol
Οƒ½ Osomol
ΟƒΎ Paraformaldehyde
Οƒ½ Ferric sulphat
58. The patient 5 years old come to the dental clinic want to treat the toot #85 After access the cavity the pulp chamber and the root is non vital. What is the treatment of choice for you?
Οƒ½ Formocresol pulpotomy
Οƒ½ Ferric sulphat pulpotomy
Οƒ½ Two visit pulpotomy
ΟƒΎ Non vital pulpotomy
59. The medicament used for non vital pulpotomy is?
Οƒ½ Formocresol
ΟƒΎ Beech wood cresol
Οƒ½ Osomol
Οƒ½ Calcium Hydroxide
60. The patient 8 years old come to dental clinic with the crown fracture exposed pulp about 2mm on #11 and the x-ray show that the apex is not closed yet. What is the treatment would you choose?
ΟƒΎ Partial pulpotomy
Οƒ½ Root canal treatment
Οƒ½ Formocresol
Οƒ½ Ferric sulphat pulpotomy
61. The medicament used for partial pulpotomy is?
Οƒ½ Formocresol
Οƒ½ Ferric sulphat
ΟƒΎ Calcium Hydroxide
Οƒ½ Beech wood cresol
62. The patient 5 years old come to dental clinic because of pain when eating food on tooth #75 and have big decay on the x-ray there is no radiolucency. What is your treatment?
Οƒ½ Beech wood cresol pulpotomy
ΟƒΎ Formocresol pulpotomy
Οƒ½ Calcium pulpotomy
Οƒ½ Partial pulpotomy
63. Ca(OH)2 used for?
Οƒ½ Two visit pulpotomy
Οƒ½ Single visit pulpotomy
Οƒ½ Non viral pulpotomy
ΟƒΎ Ca(OH)2 pulpotomy
64. How long does the formocresol applied in the amputation site of pulpotomy?
65. How long does the ferric sulphat applied in the amputation site of pulpotomy?
ΟƒΎ 15 seconds
Οƒ½ 20 seconds
Οƒ½ 25 seconds
Οƒ½ 30 seconds
66. Which of the following of material best for restoration after pulpotomy?
Οƒ½ Composite
Οƒ½ Amalgam
ΟƒΎ Stainless steel crown
67. The patient 5 years old come to the dental clinic with sharp pain on tooth #85 and the pain continued for few minutes. Mostly pain at night. What is the your treatment?
Οƒ½ Pulpotomy
ΟƒΎ Pulpectomy
Οƒ½ Pulp capping
Οƒ½ Extraction
68. The material used for root filling in the primary teeth is?
Οƒ½ Ca(OH)2
ΟƒΎ ZoE (Eugenate)
Οƒ½ Cortisomol
Οƒ½ Endo methasone
69. Which of the following material used instead of Eugenate in root filling on primary teeth?
Οƒ½ Ca(OH)2
Οƒ½ Cortisomol
Οƒ½ Endomethasone
ΟƒΎ Kry past
70. Indication for apexogenesis is?
Οƒ½ Fractured tooth with pulpal exposure
Οƒ½ Carious exposure
Οƒ½ Traumatic Luxation
ΟƒΎ All of above
71. Material used for apexogenesis is?
Οƒ½ Eugenate
Οƒ½ Endomethasone
Οƒ½ Cortisomol
72. Compare to the clinical outcome between MTA and Ca(OH)2 in Apexogenesis?
Οƒ½ The same rate of success
Οƒ½ Ca(OH)2 is better than MTA
ΟƒΎ MTA is better than Ca(OH)2
Οƒ½ All of above
73. Which material is the alternative to Ca(OH)2 in Apexogenesis?
Οƒ½ ZoE
ΟƒΎ Formocresol
Οƒ½ Osomol
74. How many pH of MTA?
75. What is the contraindication of Apexification?
Οƒ½ Very short root
Οƒ½ Vital pulp
Οƒ½ Compromised periodontium
ΟƒΎ All of above
76. What influences the rate of caries progression?
Οƒ½ Concentration of bacterial by products
Οƒ½ Diet
Οƒ½ Permeability
Οƒ½ Exposure to saliva
ΟƒΎ All of above
77. The patient 8 years old come to dental clinic with crown fracture exposed pulp and the x-ray show root is not complete. What is your treatment?
Οƒ½ Extraction
Οƒ½ Pulp capping
ΟƒΎ Apexogenesis
78. The patient 8 years old come to dental clinic with dental trauma on tooth #11 for 3 months ago and the tooth become non vital and x-ray show that the root is not complete. What is your treatment?
ΟƒΎ Apexification
Οƒ½ Apexogenesis
Οƒ½ Extraction
79. αž‚αŸαžœαžΆαž™αžαž˜αŸ’αž›αŸƒαž€αžΆαžšαž–αŸαž‰αžœαŸαž™αž’αŸ†αž–αžΈαžšαžΌαž”αžšαžΆαž„αž€αžΆαž™αžšαž”αžŸαŸ‹αž€αž»αž˜αžΆαžšαžŠαŸ‚αž›αž€αŸ†αž–αž»αž„αžšαžΈαž€αž…αŸ†αžšαžΎαž“αž•αŸ’αž’αŸ‚αž€αž›αžΎαž€αžαŸ’αžαžΆ?
80. αžŠαžΎαž˜αŸ’αž”αžΈαžœαžΆαž™αžαž˜αŸ’αž›αŸƒαž’αžΆαž™αž»αž†αŸ’αž’αžΉαž„αžαŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαž†αŸ’αž›αž„αž€αžΆαžαŸ‹ X-ray αž“αŸ…αž›αžΎ?
Οƒ½ αž†αŸ’αž’αžΉαž„αžαŸ’αž‚αžΆαž˜αž›αžΎ
Οƒ½ αž†αŸ’αž’αžΉαž„αžαŸ’αž‚αžΆαž˜αž€αŸ’αžšαŸ„αž˜
ΟƒΎ αž†αŸ’αž’αžΉαž„αž€αžŠαŸƒ
Οƒ½ αž†αŸ’αž’αžΉαž„αž€αž‡αžΎαž„
81. αž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‡αžΆαž˜αž’αŸ’αž™αž˜αž–αŸαž›αž‘αžΎαž”αž€αžΎαžαž‚αžΊ?
82. αž“αŸ…αž…αž»αž„αž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ†αžŠαŸ†αž”αžΌαž„αžαžΎαž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αžšαž”αžŸαŸ‹αž€αž»αž˜αžΆαžšαž€αžΎαž“αž‘αžΎαž„αž”αŸ‰αž»αž“αŸ’αž˜αžΆαž“αžŠαž„?
83. αžšαžΌαž”αž˜αž“αŸ’αžαžŠαžΎαž˜αŸ’αž”αžΈαž‚αžŽαž“αžΆαž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž’αž˜αŸ’αž˜αžαžΆαžšαž”αžŸαŸ‹αž€αž»αž˜αžΆαžšαž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αžŠαŸ†αžŽαžΆαž€αŸ‹αž€αžΆαž› Infancy αž‚αžΊ?
Οƒ½ αž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ kg = (αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαžαŸ‚ +9)* 0,454
Οƒ½ αž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ kg = (αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαžαŸ‚ +10)* 0,454.
Αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆkg = (αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαžαŸ‚ +11)* 0,454
Αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆkg = (αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαžαŸ‚ +11)* 0,454
84. 85). αž”αŸ’αžšαžœαŸ‚αž„αž‡αžΆαž˜αž’αŸ’αž™αž˜αž–αŸαž›αž€αžΎαžαž‚αžΊ?
85. αž”αŸ’αžšαžœαŸ‚αž„αž‡αžΆαž˜αž’αŸ’αž™αž˜αž€αžΎαž“αž‘αžΎαž„αž”αŸ‰αž»αž“αŸ’αž˜αžΆαž“αž—αžΆαž‚αžšαž™αž“αŸ…αž…αž»αž„αž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ†αžŠαŸ†αž”αžΌαž„?
86. αž€αžΆαžšαž€αžΎαžαž˜αž·αž“αž‚αŸ’αžšαž”αŸ‹αžαŸ‚αž‚αžΊαž‡αžΆαž€αžΆαžšαž–αž–αž–αŸ„αŸ‡αž€αŸ’αžšαŸ„αž˜?
Οƒ½ 35 αž’αžΆαž‘αž·αžαŸ’αž™
Οƒ½ 36 αž’αžΆαž‘αž·αžαŸ’αž™
ΟƒΎ 37 αž’αžΆαž‘αž·αžαŸ’αž™
Οƒ½ 38 αž’αžΆαž‘αž·αžαŸ’αž™
87. αž‘αžΆαžšαž€αžŠαŸ‚αž›αž€αžΎαžαžαŸ’αžœαŸ‡αž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‚αžΊαž‡αžΆαž‘αžΆαžšαž€αžŠαŸ‚αž›αž˜αžΆαž“αž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹?
Οƒ½ αž€αŸ’αžšαŸ„αž˜ 2000 αž€αŸ’αžšαžΆαž˜
ΟƒΎ αž€αŸ’αžšαŸ„αž˜ 2500 αž€αŸ’αžšαžΆαž˜
Οƒ½ αž€αŸ’αžšαŸ„αž˜ 3000 αž€αŸ’αžšαžΆαž˜
Οƒ½ αž€αŸ’αžšαŸ„αž˜ 3500 αž€αŸ’αžšαžΆαž˜
88. αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αžŠαŸ†αžŽαžΆαž€αŸ‹αž€αžΆαž› Early Childhood αžαžΎαž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‡αžΆαž˜αž’αŸ’αž™αž˜αž€αžΎαž“αž‘αžΎαž„αž”αŸ‰αž»αž“αŸ’αž˜αžΆαž“ kg αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„ 1 αž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ†?
Οƒ½ 1 kg
89. αžšαžΌαž”αž˜αž“αŸ’αžαžŠαžΎαž˜αŸ’αž”αžΈαž‚αžŽαž“αžΆαž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αžŠαŸ†αžŽαžΆαž€αŸ‹αž€αžΆαž› Early Childhoodαž‚αžΊ?
Αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ kg = [(αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ† * 3) + 17]
Οƒ½ αž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ kg = [(αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ† * 4) + 17]
ΟƒΎ αž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ kg = [(αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ† * 5) + 17]
Αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ kg = [(αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ† * 6) + 17]
90. αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αžŠαŸ†αžŽαžΆαž€αŸ‹αž€αžΆαž› Early Childhood αž€αŸ†αž–αžŸαŸ‹αž€αžΎαž“αž‘αžΎαž„αž‡αžΆαž˜αž’αŸ’αž™αž˜αž”αŸ‰αž»αž“αŸ’αž˜αžΆαž“?
Οƒ½ 4 cm αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„ 1 αž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ†
Οƒ½ 5 cm αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„ 1 αž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ†
Οƒ½ 6 cm αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„ 1 αž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ†
ΟƒΎ 7 cm αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„ 1 αž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ†
91. αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αžŠαŸ†αžŽαžΆαž€αŸ‹αž€αžΆαž› Late Childhood αžαžΎαž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‡αžΆαž˜αž’αŸ’αž™αž˜αž€αžΎαž“αž‘αžΎαž„αž”αŸ‰αž»αž“αŸ’αž˜αžΆαž“ kg αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„ 1 αž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ†?
92. αžšαžΌαž”αž˜αž“αŸ’αžαžŠαžΎαž˜αŸ’αž”αžΈαž‚αžŽαž“αžΆαž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αžŠαŸ†αžŽαžΆαž€αŸ‹αž€αžΆαž› Late Childhood αž‚αžΊ?
ΟƒΎ αž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ kg = [(αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ† * 7 + 5] * 0,454
Οƒ½ αž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ kg = [(αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ† * 7 + 3] * 0,454
Αž“αŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ kg = [(αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ† * 7 + 4] * 0,454
Αž„αž“αŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ kg = [(αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ† * 7 + 6] * 0,454
93. αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αžŠαŸ†αžŽαžΆαž€αŸ‹αž€αžΆαž› Late Childhood αž€αŸ†αž–αžŸαŸ‹αž€αžΎαž“αž‘αžΎαž„αž‡αžΆαž˜αž’αŸ’αž™αž˜αž”αŸ‰αž»αž“αŸ’αž˜αžΆαž“?
Οƒ½ 4 cm αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„ 1 αž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ†
Οƒ½ 5 cm αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„ 1 αž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ†
ΟƒΎ 6 cm αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„ 1 αž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ†
Οƒ½ 7 cm αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„ 1 αž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ†
94. αžšαžΌαž”αž˜αž“αŸ’αžαžŠαžΎαž˜αŸ’αž”αžΈαž‚αžŽαž“αžΆαž€αŸ†αž–αžŸαŸ‹αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αžŠαŸ†αžŽαžΆαž€αŸ‹αž€αžΆαž› Late Childhood αž‚αžΊ?
ΟƒΎ αž€αŸ†αž–αžŸαŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ cm = [(αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ† * 2,5 + 30] * 2,54
Αž–αžŸαŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ cm = [(αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ† * 2,5 + 29] * 2,54
Οƒ½ αž€αŸ†αž–αžŸαŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ cm = [(αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ† * 2,5 + 28] * 2,54
Οƒ½ αž€αŸ†αž–αžŸαŸ‹αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆ cm = [(αž’αžΆαž™αž»αž‚αž·αžαž‡αžΆαž†αŸ’αž“αžΆαŸ† * 2,5 + 27] * 2,54
95. The patient 8 years old male come to dental clinic with traumatic on tooth #11 exposed pulp < 1mm. What is your Treatment?
Οƒ½ Pulpotomy
Οƒ½ Root canal treatment
ΟƒΎ Pulp capping with Ca(OH)2
Οƒ½ Filling with composite
96. Which one is the Strongest Material?,
Οƒ½ Composite
Οƒ½ Glass ionomer cement
ΟƒΎ Amalgam
97. Which GIC has more fluoride?
Οƒ½ Fuji I
Οƒ½ Fuji II
Οƒ½ Fuji IX
ΟƒΎ Fuji VII
98. Root filling for primary teeth should be?
Οƒ½ 1mm shorter than apex radiographic
ΟƒΎ 2mm shorter than apex radiographic
Οƒ½ 3 mm shorter than apex radiographic
Οƒ½ 4 mm shorter than apex radiographic
99. Different between Apexification and Apexogenesis?
Οƒ½ Apexification done on young permanent vital tooth
ΟƒΎ Apexification done on young permanent non vital tooth
Οƒ½ Apexification done on primary non vital tooth
Οƒ½ Apexification done on primary vital tooth
100. Different between Apexification and Apexogenesis?
ΟƒΎ Apexogenesis done on young permanent vital tooth
Οƒ½ Apexogenesis done on young permanent non vital tooth
Οƒ½ Apexogenesis done on primary non vital tooth
Οƒ½ Apexogenesis done on primary vital tooth
101. αž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹αž–αŸαž›αž‘αžΎαž”αž€αžΎαžαžšαž”αžŸαŸ‹αž€αž»αž˜αžΆαžšαž”αžΆαž“αžαŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαž”αžΆαžαŸ‹αž”αž„αŸ‹αž”αŸ‰αž»αž“αŸ’αž˜αžΆαž“αž—αžΆαž‚αžšαž™?
{"name":"Pediatric2 Dr, sok Khunthy ( 52-101 )", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge in pediatric dentistry with this comprehensive quiz designed for dental professionals and students. With a total of 50 questions, you will cover various topics essential for understanding pediatric treatments and procedures.Each question is multiple choice, allowing you to gauge your expertise and learn along the way. Topics include:Pulpotomy techniquesRestorative materialsTreatment options for dental traumaRoot canal treatments","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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