History Exam YAs

In his first inaugural address, FDR suggested that many unemployed citizens "faced the grim task of existence" Which if the following programs would be the most likely response to such a problem?
Bank Reform
Emergency loans to States and Counties
Youth Education programs
Cash assistance to local food banks.
The election of 1932
Saw very little political participation by Democrats.
Was a disputed election, as neither candidate earned a majority of the electoral votes
Was a landslide win for FDR
Was unusual, as Hoover resigned as a candidate in August of that year
The Great Depression began in 1929, due to
1929 was the year farm prices collapsed
1929 was the year Hoover was assassinated, causing panic in the markets
1929 was the year the Stock market crashed
1929 was the year FDR was elected to office
The "Court packing" scheme by FDR involved
Impeachment of three members of SCOTUS, so he could replace them Selected:
Adding 4 members to SCOTUS, and having 13 instead of 9 justices
He refused to call SCOTUS into session to consider cases
SCOTUS was abolished temporarily as a new Judicial Act was considered by Congress
Why was it true in the depression that prudent individual measures like saving money would actually lead to further financial difficulty for communities as a whole?
Banks were failing well beyond 1933, so any money saved typically was lost.
Saving money reduced spending, thus reduced incomes for the community in general.
Saving money meant having it loaned back out, and most loans were not paid back, so the money was lost.
Interest rates were actually negative, so you had to pay the bank to keep your money for you.
Which of the following is true of the Bonus Army?
They were mainly Civil War veterans due a large pension
They marched on Washington DC, living in a well-organized tent city
Their request was for a $1,000 bonus to be paid in 1932, rather than 1945
A and C are true
B and C are true
In the First Inaugural Address, FDR stated the all we have to fear is fear itself. What was the primary source of this fear?
Continued loss of jobs and savings
The potential of a Stock Market crash
Continued drought in the Western Great Plains.
Potential invasion from European enemies
In the Depression, African-Americans
Saw little change to their situation of racism and underemployment
Were aided by New Deal programs, but not at levels that Whites were aided
Experienced policies of a blatantly racist president, similar to that of Wilson.
A and B are true
A and C are true
In his first inaugural, FDR wished to act and act quickly. Which program was the one that he acted most quickly on?
Granting large sums of cash to local governments
Addressing bank failures
Creating the Social Security program
Creating the Social Security program
Social Security helped the problem of unemployment by
Creating a program to support elderly so they do not need to look for a job
Creating jobs for Artists and Actors
Created a plan for increasing the size of the Supreme Court.
Creating conservation programs the curb the effects of the Dust Bowl
The Great Depression ended
July 4, 1776
December 25 of every year
When WWII started
June 6, 1944
What was the cause of FDR's "court-packing" scheme?
He didn't think anyone over 70 should ever serve in public office
It was a mandatory part of the Constitution that the make-up of SCOTUS be reviewed by the President.
He was frustrated at SCOTUS for invalidating so many of his New Deal programs
SCOTUS was not hearing cases, and thus kept the government from operating
Which of the following programs attempted to employ people through major public works projects, such as building schools, airports, and roads?
The New Deal programs focused on the "Three R's" they included all EXCEPT
The Dust Bowl was
Extreme drought conditions in the Northeast, which caused many deaths due to lack of clean water
A popular phrase to describe conditions of the cities while Hoover was in office
An annual college football game played in northern Nevada
An agricultural disaster for the Great Plains, causing many to leave their farms.
The author of the above cartoon
I showing the way the Supreme Court made sure that only good laws were held up as constitutional.
Feels the programs on the cars are not going to work
Seems to support the notion that the Supreme Court was antiquated and out-dated
Is critical of FDR's efforts to change the Supreme Court
Which was true of the Bank holiday, declared March 5, 1933?
It lasted many days longer than expected
Only financially stable banks were allowed to reopen
The holiday was cut short by an emergency action by the Supreme court.
A and B are true
A and C are true
Social Security
Was a program intended only for orphaned children who were kicked out of homes during the depression.
Is a program that was phased out in 1967
Provided minimum standard of living for all Americans
Is mainly an old-age insurance program
Huey Long's criticism of FDR can be summed up as
FDR did too much, and now the nation was going to end up like Stalin's Soviet Union.
Huey Long thought all of the New Deal programs to be unconstitutional.
FDR and Hoover identified the problem of unequal wealth, but they did not do enough about it.
FDR didn't do enough, and Long wanted to see him take all wealth over $5,000 from each person.
In his first inaugural address, FDR made it a point to place blame for the crisis on which industry?
Automobile manufacturing
History has been largely unfair to Hoover, as
FDR declared emergency dictatorial powers to fix the crisis that Hoover was unwilling to take for himself
Most of his ideas were adopted by FDR, even though Democrats had campaigned against them.
The Depression actually got worse after 1933
History made the Depression out to be worse than it actually was.
The above cartoon...
...is critical of the number of programs and the seemingly endless number of programs being proposed, and Congress's willingness to support them all.
...is very supportive of the New Deal since the maid as Congress is smiling
...is supportive of the New Deal, since the NRA bottle is the largest one on the table.
....is critical of the New Deal since the "patient" is still getting bottles, even though he is "better."
The Wagner Act had what effect on the nation?
. It established minimum wage laws
It recognized the right to a worker to join a union
It created the FDIC
It limited the ability of Labor Unions to negotiate for better wages
All of the following described Hoover's reflief efforts during the Depression EXCEPT
Lowering taxes
Local charities and volunteers to support the unemployed
Increased tariffs to protect industry
Increased spending on public works projects
Huey Long proposed
Provide a minimum $500 a month stipend to each family in America
Give every family $5,000 by selling government bonds to wealthy people
Give every family $5,000 by taxing the handful of wealthy people in the country
Provide every family $60 a month.
The program that employed young men to plant trees and engage in other conservation projects was
To combat the crisis, Hoover instituted a number of programs. Among these, public works. Which of the following projects was the most notable of the Hoover administration?
The Second New Deal
The Dust Bowl
Hoover Dam
Entertainment such as Movies, Radio, and Comic Books were still profitable in the Depression.
The key issue that the NAACP specifically targeted for action in the 1920's and supported in Congress by Congressman Dyer of Missouri was
Ending the lack of housing opportunities
Anti-lynching measures
Ending segregation in the US
Punishing those who employed unfair hiring practices
The above advertisement reflects consumerism in the 1920's in what ways?
National Oats are pure rolled white oats
National Oats is a patriotic name
National Oats are good for under weight children
National Oats gives your kid a quality desirable for a football player
The above map clearly demonstrates
The first great migration had a larger impact on Black populations in the north than the second one did.
In the first Great Migration, very few (less than 5) southern cities saw their Black populations change less than -10%
Industrial cities of the north attracted black migration
Rural areas of the north experienced greater Black populations
Automobiles impacted which of the following industries?
B and C
A, B, and C
In the famous radio skit "Who's on First?" The shortstop's name is
I Don't Give a Darn
The major difference(s) between the stock market of the 1920's and today are
The reliability of information regarding the market
The rules placed on buyers and sellers of stocks
The way people can make or lose money in the stock market
A and B
A, B, and C
Which of the following best exemplifies consumerism?
Purchasing cereal that has your favorite baseball star on the cover.
Buying a car that only satisfies the most basic needs of the family and household.
Paying the electric bill.
Going to the doctor's office about a sore throat.
In an open market, how are prices affected by buying and selling?
Banks only make money if there are more sellers in a marketplace.
Prices go up when there are more sellers in a market, prices go down when there are more buyers.
More buyers mean prices are bid up. More sellers mean prices are bid lower.
More money is spent when there are more sellers in a market place
Henry Ford revolutionized the auto industry by
Making a car that could easily be towed by a Chevy when they inevitably break down along the road.
Making cars that were luxurious
Developing interchangeable parts for all automobiles
Making cars that were affordable to most working families
The Emergency Quota Act in 1921 restricted immigration from Europe in what way?
Only 3% of a nationality based on the 1910 census were allowed in
Only 2% of a nationality based on the 1890 census was allowed in
Only immigrants with professional training (Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer) were allowed in the country.
Only 150,000 immigrants were allowed in from Europe
A flapper would most likely be found
At a speakeasy
In a church
In Three Oaks, MI
at an elementary school
Margaret Sanger was known in the 1920's for
Her acting on the silver screen in major Hollywood movies
Her support for birth control
Her writings about flappers and fashion
Leading the support for Prohibition
Urban America grew rapidly in the 1920's thanks mainly to
Improved sanitation
Architectural improvements in skyscrapers
Increased immigration
A and B
B and C
The above map from 1921 reads "Areas of the states scaled according to Proportion of Electricity-using population
Great Plains states had the lowest proportion of electricity use among its populations
Little investment was made in electricity in New England states.
The Deep South was economically similar to the north, signalling a full recovery from the Civil War.
The percentage of Americans that used electricity was very similar across the nation
"The Great Migration" of the 1920's was
Migration of African-Americans from rural south to urban centers in the north
The movement of failed farmers in the Great Plains to the West Coast
Movement of immigrants into the United States.
The migration of White Americans from cities to suburban areas
Opposition to immigration existed for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
Industry was concerned they did not have enough labor to fuel economic expansion.
Citizens feared communists would influence our nation
Americans feared an anarchist criminal element among Immigrants
Workers feared immigrants would take their jobs
The KKK was revived in 1915 thanks to
Too many African-Americans were joining the military
African-Americans were "taking over" white schools.
A nation-wide advertising campaign on radio
The popularity of the movie "The Birth of a Nation"
Which of the following was NOT a president during the 1920's?
Herbert Hoover
John Tyler
Warren Harding
Calvin Coolidge
Buying on Margin enabled all of the following to happen EXCEPT
Middle class Americans to invest in stocks
Banks loaned out much more capital
Amount of capital invested in the stock market to expand
stock prices to remain steady and predictable
The cultural conflict at the heart of the Scopes "monkey" trial was
A debate over control of public schools
B. A debate over morality and new roles that women could play in the economy of the 1920's thanks to their new right to vote
Conflict over new revelations made by science and traditional explanations held by fundamental Christians
a debate over the merits of evolution
Which cultural change did not occur in the 1920's?
Newspapers became popular in America
Motion pictures went from silent films to "talkies" with sound
Increased popularity of Radio
Child Labor decreased
A speakeasy is
. A secret place where citizens would illegally buy and consume alcohol
A place where bootleggers would make alcohol
A special court where informants would rat out the smugglers of alcohol
My old man's a white old man And my old mother's black. If ever I cursed my white old man I take my curses back. If ever I cursed my black old mother And wished she were in hell, I'm sorry for that evil wish And now I wish her well My old man died in a fine big house. My ma died in a shack. I wonder where I'm going to die, Being neither white nor black?""""""The above poem by Langston Hughes highlights what racial realities of 1920's America?
Black children were disrespectful of their parents.
Being of "mixed" race meant you were considered white.
The experience of being white and black were very different, and racial identity was important.
The automobile was important to Black and White Americans alike
Prohibition was enacted due to
Connecting alcohol use to wife and child abuse
Decades-long efforts of conservative Christian groups from the south and west
The Great Depression
A and B
A, B, and C
You would be most likely to find supporters of prohibition at
A church with an immigrant congregation
New York City
Central Mississippi
A speakeasy
The Munich Pact resulted in all the following (Check ALL that apply)
The surrender of parts of Czechoslovakia to Germany
A promise from Hitler to not take over any more territory
The surrender of land from France to Germany
Refunds of payments of reparations from WWI
A promise from Germany to cease all construction of any military vehicles
Facism is described by all of the following EXCEPT:
The Holocaust was
The isolation of Jewish people in remote areas of Africa, far from the economic centers of Europe.
The removal of Jewish people from their homes in Eastern Europe
The systematic murder of individuals that threatened Nazi vision for Germany
The migration of Jewish people to the new state of Israel
The "Battle of Britain" was
An attempted German land invasion of Great Britan
A Soviet spy attack on great Britain from 1939-1941
an air battle between Great Britain and Germany in summer 1940
A naval battle between Great Britain and German in Fall 1941
The US/Japanese economic relationship was mainly dependent on the US sale of _____ to Japan.
One of the main ideas of the Nazi party platform of 1920 centered around
Communism was the best system for the workers
All non-Germans had to die
Democracy was the downfall of society
Only those of German heritage could be citizens
The US declared war on Japan following the attack at
Pearl Harbor
Los Angeles
In war posters, "V" stood for:
The "Final Solution" was carried out in two phases:
Phase 1: Assignment to Ghettos, Phase 2: cut off supplies and let people starve.
Phase 1: Gas Chambers, Phase 2: Nuclear bombing of Jewish ghettos
Phase 1: Forced labor camps, Phase 2: Medical experimentation labs.
Phase 1: Mobile killing Units, Phase 2: Gas chambers
Germany's best defense against the Naval power of the US and Great Britain was
The German Luftwaffe (Air force)
Non-Aggression Pact
Maginot Line
The position of the United States in the 1920's and 1930's to the developments in Europe were based in the mindset of
Using military force to make the world "safe for democracy"
Creating a new world order for peace for all nations
Formal declaration of war against any dictator who gained power by any means other than free elections.
The battle that was the main turning point for the war in Europe and represente dthe point that Hitler's armies began to lose ground was
Pearl Harbor
The decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan centered on
The desire to save American lives
The desire to show our military might to the world
the desire to experiment with the results of a bomb drop.
The desire to save Japanese lives
WWII began on September 1, 1939 with the German invasion of
Joseph Stalin's efforts to industrialize his country from 1928 up through 1937 led to
Immediate military attacks from neighboring nations
The second largest industrial base in the world.
A massive economic collapse
Widespread support and prosperity for all his countrymen
The conditions in Europe in the 1920's which helped lead to the rise of nationalist dictators were caused in large part by
poor economic conditions
Results of the Treaty of Versialles
Strong US support of European reconstruction after WWI
A wave of democratic reforms inspired by Woodrow Wilson
A and B
A, B, and D
Joseph Stalin's philosophy of Government and economics is best described as
Germany's demands for territory in the 1930's resulted in the takeover of what two areas?
France and Poland
Poland and Sudetenland
Austria and Belguim
Austria and Sudetenland
Minorities in the US:
Was drafted into the war, but was totally excluded from the factories.
Worked in the factories but did not participate in the military
Participated in the war in a very significant way on both the homefront and in battle
The purpose of the "Cash and Carry" program was to
Create a program where Britain could pay the US for military advisers and pilots to help fight Germany.
Create a program where Britain could pay the US for military advisers and pilots to help fight Germany.
Allow Britain to buy military supplies, but do so in a way that did not involve borrowing from US banks.
Allow Britain to borrow equipment needed to fight Germany
The "Non-Agression Pact"
was a promise between Hitler and Stalin to not go to war with each other
Was a promise from Hitler to not invade nations next to the Soviet Union
Obligated Hitler to not invade France
Expanded Germany's borders outward by 50 miles in all directions.
The "Arsenal of Democracy" speech laid out what main idea?
War was here, and the US must send troops to Europe immediately
Japan was the main threat to our democracy
We must be ready to do all we can to stop Hitler and help those who oppose him.
There was no need to worry about war coming here, but we must help our neighbors
The Roosevelt phrase "one cannot turn a Tiger into a Kitten by stroking it" during the "Arsenal of Democracy" speech is supportive of Winston Churchill's opposition to the policy of
Military Drafts
June 6, 1944, the US/British/Canadian invasion of Northern France was
Battle of Okinawa
Battle of the Bulge
The US government's homefront war effort included all of the following EXCEPT:
Encouraging posters
Sale of War Bonds
All of the above were part of the homefront effort
If the country of Zumbia falls to communism, then neighboring nations Yazbia and Xenia are at high risk of also becoming communist. This idea is a reflection of
Containment policy
Domino Theory
HUAC directives
The Marshall Plan was an attempt to spread American influence in Europe through
Economic means
Military means
Cultural means
The Sputnik launch contributed to the Cold war by
Made China a major world power and a part of the Cold War
Establishing USSR as the dominant force in weapons and military
Brought about the McCarren Act as a response to the launch
Alarming Americans about a possible slide in US technological power in the Cold War
McCarthism came about in large part due to
A desire to contain Communism in the Eastern part of Europe
American fears of a war with East Germany
American fears of the presence of Communism in our own government
A desire to blacklist Hollywood actors for being suspected Communists
The fall of Dien Bien Phu resulted in
China expanded its territory and took over new areas
A renewed effort from France to fight communism
A strong communist presence in southeast Asia
The establishment of NATO
The Truman Doctrine established
Warsaw Pact
The policy of containment
Berlin Airlift
The agreement at the Yalta Conference in February 1945 among the "Big Three" was
The United States would supply the Soviets with the naval power to defeat Japan in the Pacific.
The US would share atomic secrets with the Soviets to help defeat Germany
The Soviet Union would conduct free elections to select new leaders in countries recently freed from German rule.
The war was officially over and no more hostilities would take place.
A major difference between the Yalta conference and Potsdam conference was
The US president and British Prime Minister had both been replaced
The United States had given nuclear weapons to Russia
A Soviet shift from hard communist ideas to a softer more centrist stance
The United States had elected several communists to political office
Following the war, Germany was split between
USA, England, France, and USSR
East Germany, USA and France
USA, England, and USSR
What made the Cold War "cold"
There was tension and struggle between the US and USSR, but no direct fighting between the two.
The US asked for world peace, but was ignored by the Soviets, thus getting a "cold shoulder", hence the name "Cold War"
The war featured many skirmishes between the US and USSR armies, but none were permanent declared wars.
The US called it "cold" instead of "Soviet" since the USSR is a very cold place.
The most obvious result from the formation of NATO was
The Berlin Airlift
The Bay of Pigs invasion
The Korean War
The Warsaw Pact
Which word best describes the US and USSR relationship at the end of WWII
One-Sided in favor of the US
1949 featured a new major Communist player on the world scene when civil war ended and _____ became a Communist nation.
North Korea
In the above cartoon, the storks represent
Atomic weapons being transported to Turkey from the UK over Berlin
Refugees flooding into East Berlin
New children being born 9 months after Soviet troops sacked Berlin
US and British planes delivering supplies
A topic that was a major issue and remained a major issue betwen the Yalta and Potsdam conferences was
Joint military security of the Middle east
Policy of elections in liberated Eastern European nations
Size of military forces following the War
The establishment of an iron curtain
The area in bright red the east of the blue countries BEST depicts
Satellite States
The result of the Korean War for Koreans was
A unified Korea, but one that allowed Communism to exist in the north.
A much expanded North Korean territory
a much expanded South Korean territory
A border that was the same as when the war began
Which of the following was a direct result of the Korean War regarding US policy?
The United States softened its stance on communism
The United State returned to a 1930's style of isolationsim
The United States became an ally of North Korea
The United States expanded military spending and size of military
The above cartoon has the caption "It's Okay, we're hunting Communists!" What is the Author's point of view in this 1947 cartoon? The rear of the car reads "Committee on Un-American Activites"
It is a good thing to hunt communists down, regardless of the cost
There are people getting in the way of investigating communism
The Congressmen investigating communism is harming Americans.
Congressmen shouldn't drive cars.
The Korean War was started by
North invasion of South in an attempt to unify the country as a communist state
Chinese desire to control the entire Korean peninsula
Russian goal of Communism all along the far eastern Asian seaboard
The American army defending South Korea from Russians.
What of the following BEST describes "Stalin's Dilemma?"
He only has one shot in his gun, so he has to choose what plane to shoot down carefully.
Could any of the supplies be considered acts of war? If so, which ones could he shoot down and prevent from being used in Berlin?
He wants to supply Berlin with all of their supplies, and he's jealous of the US and Great Britain.
to allow supplies to arrive means West Berlin survives, to shoot them down means a war that he starts.
There was no “deliberate attempt to violate Soviet air space,” President Eisenhower said, “and there never has been.” This above statement from May of 1960 is in relation to
Bay of Pigs invasion
The U-2 incident
The "Space Race"
Sputnik launch
The origins of the Cold War can best be summed up as
The USA felt the growth of the Soviets was dangerous to the interests of the US.
The US continued to wage war against Serbia, an ally of the USSR.
The Soviets felt that the USA was incredibly dangerous due to possession of Atomic Weapons.
The USA and USSR had very different and competing economic and political visions for the world following WWII.
Communism entails all the following EXCEPT
One political party control of the nation
Economic decisions are made by the government
Total government control of the nation
Free speech is allowable through various media outlets.
The US policy of "containment" is best exemplified by
reelection of Truman
Aid to Greece and Turkey following WWII.
Stalin establishing the "iron curtain"
HUAC investigations
Which of the following is mismatched to the term or event they are best known for?
James Meredith- Integration of University of Mississippi.
Huey Newton - SNCC
Stokley Carmichael- "Black Power"
Malcolm X- Message to the Grassroots
A boycott is
A way to prevent others from buying or using a particular good.
the refusal to buy or use a good or service as a form of protest
Laws that prohibit blacks from buying a particular good.
the destruction of a good in protest of the way it is produced
The above poster reflects all of the following about the Black Panthers EXCEPT:
The militant nature of the group.
The group's primary location.
The political engagement of the group.
The community service performed by the group.
The Little Rock 9...
Were escorted to school by the 101st Airborne division of the US Army
Were allowed to go to school thanks to the actions of Governor Faubus
Were co-defendants in a case involving the murder of white civil rights workers.
Filed the case Brown vs Board of Education and won in 1954.
Which of the following quotes is MOST likely to be a quote from a speech by Malcolm X?
A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”
€�Without education, you’re not going anywhere in this world.”
€�There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time.”
€�We are nonviolent with people who are nonviolent with us.”
The Black Panthers would be best characterized as a _____ civil rights group.
The sit-ins were unique from the Bus boycott because
The sit-ins were, in the end ineffective at bringing about change to segregation laws, whereas the boycott achieved its desired goals.
The sit-ins were organized largely by students and SNCC, whereas the boycott was a function of the SCLC.
The sit-ins were non-violent whereas the boycott became violent at the end.
Dr King was the leader and coordinator of the sit-ins, whereas Malcolm X led the bus boycott.
The 13th Amendment was an important step in the American Civil Rights movement because
It restored property to former slaves
it guaranteed African Americans the right to vote
it outlawed all forms of segregation
It abolished slavery
Black Codes and Jim Crow laws were
Federal court rulings that legitimized segregation
State-issued regulations on activities of African-Americans
Federal laws that mandated segregation
State supreme court cases that struck down segregation
Which of the following is currently categorized as a racial hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center?
Nation of Islam
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
Rainbow-PUSH organization
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
The integration of Little Rock Central High was significantly different from other integration efforts due to
The US President Eisenhower used the army to enforce integration
The school was an urban school in the state capitol
The black community came out in large numbers to protect the children entering the school
The governor forbidding the integration to take place
Freedom Riders had the goal of
Registering African-Americans to vote Selected:
Desegregating interstate buses
Ending segregation in public places
Ending the power of the KKK in the south.
Rosa Parks gained noteriety from her role in
March on Washington
Selma March
Freedom Riders
Montgomery Bus Boycott
The Birmingham campaign
Was conceived due to the particularly brutal tactics of the police to enforce segregation
Was a celebration of the desegregation of Birmingham
Featured a boycott of the city buses, led by Rosa Parks
Was a failure due to the large number of arrests in the city
Which of the following is true of the Civil Rigths movement after 1965?
Malcolm X became the major voice of the movement, as Dr King faded into a secondary role.
The focus was on fighting federal laws on segregation in the north
The focus shifted from fighting legal segregation to fighting the poverty and unemployment for African-Americans.
The focus was on desegregation of the south
The Civil Rigths Act of 1964
Outlawed segregation in all public accommodations.
Guaranteed African-American representation in Congress
Outlawed segregation in government buildings only
Was struck down by the Supreme Court
WWII was a major development in the Civil Rights movement due to
Over 1 million Black soldiers that fought for the concept of freedom abroad and brought that idea back state-side after the war.
Black soldiers refused to serve in segregated units, so the government was forced to allow integration in the armed forces.
FDR issued a decree that outlawed all segregation following the war, because he felt the US should emulate the ideals of freedom and democracy.
The organizational success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott was a result of
Organizational leadership within the local churches
Aid from the federal government to help people to work daily
Individual acts of protest
The leadership of Rosa Parks
Emmitt Till was
The first African-American to attend Little Rock Central HS
An African-American teen who was brutally murdered for "leering" at a white woman
The first African-American Supreme Court Justice
The leader of SNCC, and organizer of sit-ins all across the south.
The Voting Rights Act of 1965
Created segregated polling places to allow African-Americans in the south to safely vote.
Placed the role of running elections firmly in the hands of states to run as they see fit.
Gave black men the right to vote
Allowed the Federal government to guarantee, through legal enforcement, the right of African-Americans to vote
The Polio Vaccine...
was limited in its effect, as the polio virus is still a threat in the US.
Was hailed as a miracle solution to a horrible childhood disease
Led to the deaths of thousands of children due to its untested nature
The difference in Sh-Boom by the Chords and Crew Cuts was
The Chords version was more a big band sound, and the Crew Cuts more a Rap style
The Chords were a black band and less commercially successful than the white Crew Cuts.
The Crew Cuts version was banned for being "too sexy" for radio
The Chords version was banned in Mississippi, Crew cuts was not.
The Interstate Highway System...
Helped fuel migration to suburbs
Increased American's vacation spending
Brought about new businesses related to driving cars such as theaters and restaurants
All of the above
None of the above
Religion in the 1950's rose in part to all of the following except
Religious figures using television to broadcast their message
Religion is seen as our American alternative to "godless" communism
Americans felt guilt and a sense of mortality in the aftermath of WWII
The above illustration highlights what aspect of the 1950's?
The Beatnik movement
Life in suburbs
America's unhealthy credit problem.
Ideal family life brought on by consumer goods
Suburban life offered all of the following EXCEPT
A rise in home ownership
opportunity to move out of city centers
New opportunity to further desegregate America
A new marketplace for consumer goods
The above blank graph COULD be a graph that shows what trend of the 1950's?
Railroad construction
Home ownership
The "Beat" literary movement is best captured in which of the following quotes? Selected:
"Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it."
€�If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you'll never learn.”
€�I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another til I drop.”
"I feel that the greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more."
The 1950's songs "Yakety Yak", "Charlie Brown" and "School Days" reflected Rock and Roll's strong tendancy towards
Dark realities of life.
Youth themes
Drug references
Sexual overtones
The medium of mass media that expanded the most during the 1950's was
Print media
The above illustrations were likely written by
A supporter of Dr King
A Beatnik
A Russian
A supporter of McCarthy
In his farewell address, Eisenhower suggested that our "leadership and prestige" in the world depends on
How we use our military strength
How well we integrate our society.
How well we bring other nations into agreement with us
how much our economy grows
"The King" was a music star named
The Crew Cuts
Elvis Presley
Little Richard
Buddy Holly
The GI Bill helped create a prosperous 1950's economy due to which benefits?
Fully paid up life insurance policies due in 1965 for WWII vets
Federal jobs in law enforcement and military factories for WWII Vets
Full pensions and healthcare for WWII vets
guaranteed home loans and college tuition for WWII vets
Dr Benjamin Spock's book
Ushered in a new era of child-rearing, focused on bringing up very well-balanced, healthy children.
Warned against the dangers of Polio
Was a new view of what patriotism meant to America
Brought about new participation in religion
The military-industrial complex was
The name given to the largest federal armory in North America
A new department created by Eisenhower to maintain our military's needs
The role played by the homefront in the Korean War.
The relationship in which industry becomes dependent on military purchases even in peacetime.
In his farewell address, Eisenhower makes the claim that military expenditures are more than
the earnings on Wall Street
The net income of all working Americans
The spending of the next 50 largest nations
Net income of all corporations combined
Rock and Roll originated
From the Blues and Jazz clubs of New Orleans and Memphis
From Ragtime sounds of the 1890's
From the classic music movement of the 1800's
The "Baby Boom" refers to
A 1950's trend that brought on a new wave of youth sports.
Large spike in birth rates following WWII
A trend among High School girls to date.
Orphaned children in Europe following WWII
To "Rock Around the Clock" would be thought of by an older adult as
Praying around the clock
Dancing around the clock
Engaging in physical relations around the clock
Driving their car around the clock
The name "Rock and Roll" was coined by
Alan Freed
Jonas Salk
Dwight Eisenhower
Elvis Presley
The Gulf of Tonkin resolution's effect on the Vietnam war was
Congressional approval for the president to direct the Vietnam war as he saw fit.This answer is correct.
The United States engaged in the Tet offensive.
Congressional approval for waging war in Vietnam for one year.
Congress denied the president his requests for troops and funds for the Vietnam war
The interstate highway system designed in the 1950's
Made us highway travel slower due to numerous traffic issues
Was designed to enable easier emergency movement within the nation if needed.
Uses even numbers for north/south roads and off numbers for east/west roads
all of t he above are true
The fall of Dien Bien Phu led to which of the following outcomes?
The Geneva Accords split Vietnam into two nations, a North and South
The French sent additional troops to further secure their position in Vietnam
The French granted Vietnam free elections as a united independent nation
The United States withdrew all troops and aid from the peninsula.
Kent State is notable in the Vietnam war story because
They sent more special operations troops to the Army than any other college
It was where Lyndon Johnson announced he was not running for president.
It refused to send along names of drop outs to the draft board
4 students were killed during a protest of the war
Medicare is
Anti smoking programs
Health insurance for elderly
A pension program for retirees
Health insurance for immigrants and refugees.
Which of the following was NOT a Great society program?
Federal College loan program
Social Security
Public Broadcasting System
Which of the following lyrics is most likely a song by the Rolling Stones?
I see a red door and I want to paint it black
She was just 17 and you know what I mean...and the way she looked was way beyond compare.
How do you do what you do to me, I wish I knew. If I knew how you do it to me, I'd do it to you.
Which of the following British invasion groups was most heavily influenced by the Rolling Stones?
Buddy Holly and the Crickets
Gerry and the Pacemakers
The Troggs
The Beatles
The Gulf of Tonkin incident
was a successful attack on Viet Mihn forces
Was a North Vietnamese attack on a US Destroyer
Was a Viet Cong attack on US planes
Was a North Korean attack on US aid workers
"Hell no you can't go" protest....The above picture from Seattle, Washington in September 13, 1968 likely supports
Those calling on the President to not visit Vietnam
Those eligible men who are considering avoiding the draft.
calling on President Nixon to not invade Cambodia.
Those who are calling on the President to not send troops to Vietnam
The year 1968 involved all of the following EXCEPT
Most lives lost in Vietnam
Robert Kennedy's assassination
Woodstock music festival
Martin Luther King's assassination
The initial American "advisors" into South Vietnam from 1960-1963 engaged in all of the following EXCEPT
Trained South Vietnamese troops
Offered aid to the Viet Cong in their fight against North Vietnam
Offered food aid to the people of South Vietnam
Set up medical assistance for the citizens
Which of the following song lyrics is from a song celebrating the couter culture?
"She was just 17 and you know what I mean, and the way she looked was way beyond compare"
"When the truth is found to be lies....and all the joy within you dies"
"Round, round, get around, I get around, yeah, get around, round, round, I get around."
"I can't get no satisfaction"
The Great Society was
A series of social programs designed to end poverty in the US
A program designed to end the war in Vietnam
A series of programs aimed at expanding the military
A series of programs aimed at limiting government involvement.
Agent Orange was developed for the purpose of
Defoliation of jungles
A weapon to cause health of enemy soldiers to fail
a way to combat jungle diseases
Burning buildings to the ground from the air.
Which of the following is incorrectly matched to their role?
Ho Chi Mihn- North Vietnam
Lyndon Johnson- United States
Ngo Dihn Diem- Viet Cong
Richard Nixon- United States
Which of the following British invasion groups was most heavily influenced by the Beatles?
The Kinks
The Hollies
The Rolling Stones
Paul Revere and the Raiders
Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched to the year it happened?
1968- Most US KIA in Vietnam
1965- Support for the war at a peak
1968- Tet offensive
1975- Cease Fire agreement
The end of the Vietnam war took place when
The Tet offensive
North Vietnam took over South Vietnam in 1975
President Nixon began Vietnamization
The end of Operation Rolling Thunder
{"name":"History Exam YAs", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"In his first inaugural address, FDR suggested that many unemployed citizens \"faced the grim task of existence\" Which if the following programs would be the most likely response to such a problem?, The election of 1932, The Great Depression began in 1929, due to","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/30-1051791/image.png?sz=1200"}
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