After midterm

What are the type of Arsonists:
Professional, Fraud, Serial
Sadistic, Organized, Serial
Unorganized, Organized, Pyromanic
T or F: A fraud arsonists is money motivated and sets fire for money profits
Which is not a characteristic of a Serial Arsonists:
White male, age 17-35
Has a criminal record and history of alcohol
Low self esteem, works a labouring job
Has uncontrollable impulse to set fire
Will have a feeling of remorse and want to confess
T or F: A serial rapist is a male over the age of 30
Psychodynamic Theory suggest that Serial rapist:
A - psysexual development is skewed
B- Oedipus complex, driven to mother fear from dad
C- Learns maladaptive behavior
Passive father or no father during upbringing
All of the above
All except C
T or F: Behaviourist theory suggest serial rapist learns maladaptive behaviour, learning abusive behaviour from father towards females, learns to deal with frustration through aggression
4 types of rapists are:
Power dominate reassurance rapists
Power dominant assertive rapist
Anger retaliation rapists
Serial rapists
All of the above
Which is not a characteristic of Power Reassurance Rapist:
Cares about the wellbeing of his victim
Rape same age and race
Use weapon of opportunity
Takes Souvenirs or diary
Exhibiting a violent temper when victims dont cooperate
Which is not a characteristic of Action Retaliation Rapist
Rapes victim with same ethnic background as him and older women
Verbally abuses his victim
Rapes have every 6- 12 months
Believes he is God's Gift to women
Believes he is athletic and mancho
Which is not a characteristic of Power Assertive Rapist:
Believes his God's gift to women
High school dropout
Careless Predator
Meet women at a singles bar
Known as a sociopath
Stalks his victims
T or F: a sadistic rapist is non organized
T or F: a Pedophile is not defined as a mental disorder in the DSM IV
Situational and Preferential are two types of:
Child molesters
Which is not a characteristic of a Regressive Situational rapist
Doesnot know the child, available children
Rape due to regressive stress
Does not care about having sex with children
Mentally ill
Which kind of rapist know the child and experiments and curious about sex, also cannot distinguish between right or wrong
Regressive Situation Rapist
Immature Situational Rapist
Fixated preferential Rapist
Sadistic preferential rapist
{"name":"After midterm", "url":"","txt":"What are the type of Arsonists:, T or F: A fraud arsonists is money motivated and sets fire for money profits, Which is not a characteristic of a Serial Arsonists:","img":""}
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