What Kind of Vibe Do You Give Off?

A colorful and engaging illustration of various personalities, depicting different styles and emotions, reflecting humor and self-discovery.

What Kind of Vibe Do You Give Off?

Are you curious about what your responses say about your personality? Take this fun quiz to explore how you handle homework, relationships, fears, and more!

  • Discover your unique traits
  • Find out how you react in social situations
  • Engage with a light-hearted take on self-reflection
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ChillPanda202
You have a ton of homework due tomorrow but you're tired, what do you do?
I sit through the pain and do my homework
Bold of you to assume I EVER do my homework
I'm going to bet. Tomorrow me will deal with it
I'll copy off of a friend. They're smarter than me anyway
Rest is the most important thing. I'll wake up early tomorrow and do it then
I'm too old to have homework to do. Who the fuck does their homework? Not me.
True winners always complete their tasks. I'll do all of it now and I'll do it so we'll the teacher will cry
What's your favorite color?
Someone tells you that they hate you. How do you respond?
"I hate you too!"
"That's mean!"
You ignore it. You have better things to do
You reply with a snarky comment, but you will later cry about it when you're alone
You find away to doxx them
You cry like a baby
You try to talk it through with them. They probably didn't really mean it, right?
What's your style/ aesthetic?
I dress like a grandpa. Without shame
Punk/ grunge
Y2k aesthetic
I don't really care, as long as the clothes are comfortable
I try my best to look like an androgynous Victorian prince
I never got out of my 2018 art hoe phase
What music do you listen to?
Indie/ bedroom pop
Pop/ rap
Punk/ indie folk
I don't listen to music
What's your relationship with your parents?
Mostly normal
Hate my dad, love my mom
Hate my mom, love my dad
At least one of my parents is gone
What do you fear the most?
Being alone
Never finding love
Losing someone I love
People realizing I'm a shitty person
Being forgotten
"I love you". Your response:
"God. Why."
"Awww I love you too!"
"Duh! Everyone loves me!"
"Oh. Wow."
What's your ideal partner?
They have to be hot and sexy
I don't care how they look like, as long as they make me happy and treat me right
They have to be funny!
I'm in love with my best friend. Help me
I don't want a partner.
My ideal partner is kind of the opposite of me, ahah!
What do you think of astrology?
I LOVE IT. Stay away from me if you're a gemini
I think it's stupid. It doesn't make any sense!
I tried getting into it but I gave up cause I'm too stupid
I don't really care
I mildly enjoy it, I don't know too much about it but it's fun!
I'm a scorpio
I believe in everything my oroscope tells me to a dangerous point
{"name":"What Kind of Vibe Do You Give Off?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you curious about what your responses say about your personality? Take this fun quiz to explore how you handle homework, relationships, fears, and more!Discover your unique traitsFind out how you react in social situationsEngage with a light-hearted take on self-reflection","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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