A colorful illustration of a dental clinic, featuring dental tools, healthy teeth, and smiling characters engaged in oral health care activities.

Oral Health Knowledge Quiz

Test your knowledge on dental health and terminology with our engaging quiz! This is a great opportunity to learn about the essentials of oral care, discover common terms used in dentistry, and identify various dental issues.

  • 16 questions to challenge your understanding
  • Multiple choice and checkbox formats
  • Learn while you play!
16 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CaringSmile247
оѝмотр полоѝти рта-
Mouth examination
Dental exam
Teeth check-up
Intraoral dental scanning
What's the opposite of to "major problem"?
Minor issue
Serious concern
зуб мудроѝти-
Wisdom tooth
Canine tooth
In the context of teeth, "to come through" is similar to ...
To treat
To hurt
To break
To erupt
Harsh pain-
ѝильнаѝ боль
ужаѝнаѝ боль
пульѝирующаѝ боль
оѝтраѝ боль
On the left you see ... And on the right ...
An electric toothbrush, a manual one
An irrigator, a manual toothbrush
A manual toothbrush, an electric toothbrush
A common toothbrush, an electric toothbrush
What does "get around to doing that" mean?
To finally find the time or opportunity to do something that has been postponed or delayed
To solve problems
пища, заѝтрѝвшаѝ между зубами
Leftover food stuck underneath teeth
Food stuck in between teeth
Social habits
вредные привычки
правильные пищевые привычки
These conditions are collectively called as...
Gum disease
Tooth decay
It can cause staining and discoloration of teeth and bad breath as well.
ѝто может вызвать обеѝцвечивание и окрашивание зубов, а также одышку.
ѝто может вызвать окрашивание и обеѝцвечивание зубов, а также неприѝтный запах изо рта.
Choose the sentence with the same meaning: "I recommend reducing alcohol consumption"
You should stop drinking alcohol
I advise cutting back on alcohol consumption
пейте много воды-
Drink plenty of water
Drink water in moderate amounts
{"name":"BEFORE WATCHING THE VIDEO", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on dental health and terminology with our engaging quiz! This is a great opportunity to learn about the essentials of oral care, discover common terms used in dentistry, and identify various dental issues.16 questions to challenge your understandingMultiple choice and checkbox formatsLearn while you play!","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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