Nutrition Final

A vibrant and visually appealing infographic showcasing various fruits, vegetables, and nutritional elements important for oral health and general well-being.

Nutrition Knowledge Quiz

Test your understanding of essential nutrition concepts relevant to health, dietary needs, and oral care. This comprehensive quiz covers various topics including vitamins, nutrients, and their importance in maintaining overall wellness.

  • Assess your knowledge on key dietary guidelines.
  • Learn more about nutrition's role in oral health.
  • Challenge yourself with multiple-choice questions!
102 Questions26 MinutesCreated by EatingExpert27
What are "IDEAL" nutrition and oral self-care for an orthodontic patient.?
Offer endeavors that improve their appearance
Patients with orthodontic appliances do not have any food restrictions
patients must use electric toothbrush after each meal
All of the above
All of the following are facts about Vitamin D and exposure to sunlight, except one. Which one is the exception?
M: Each correlation between vitamin D and sun exposure is accurate, except one. Which is the exception?
The body has the ability to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D from sunlight
UV radiation penetrates uncovered skin and converts a precursor of vitamin D to vitamin D3
Sunscreen does not block the formation of vitamin D3.
Homebound elderly are at an increased risk for deficiency
By the age of 70 years, the skin generally produces vitamin D at only half the level it did at the age of 20 years.
How many calories do you need to reduce your intake by to lose 1lb of weight per week?
100 calories
200 calories
500 calories
700 calories
Which two major nutrient deficiencies contribute to NUG?
Vitamin C and E
Protein and Vitamin C
Calcium and Vitamin C
Protein and Calcium
What hydrolyzes milk?
Salivary amylase
The following benefits contribute to _______
  • Regular defecation 
  • Increase stool bulk 
  • Increases muscle tone of digestive muscles
  • Slows starch hydrolysis 
Which of these observations of a patient can be considered clinical?
A. posture
B. Skin tone
C. Weight status
D. Gait and mobility
A and b
All of the above
Which nutrient is most appropriate to reduce neural tube defects and when is the best time to take it?
Folic acid; before conception
Folate; after conception
Folate; before conception
Folic acid; after conception
Each is true of carbohydrate digestion, except one. Which is the
Digestion begins in the oral cavity with salivary amylase
Hydrolysis of carbohydrates begin in the mouth
Xerostomia increases digestive function
Produces 4kcal of energy
Breakdown into monosaccharides
A semi-fluid mass consisting of ingested food and gastric secretions
What are the properties of fluoride and how it affects the dental structures it comes into contact with?
It is more resistant to demineralization when incorporated into developing tooth enamel, or fluorapatite.
It is advantageous to dental health because of its systemic effects before tooth eruption and topical effects after tooth eruption
The caries-preventive properties of topical fluoride are not cumulative
Fluoride is believed to promote deposition of calcium phosphate to demineralize the enamel surface
Each is true of osteoporosis, except one. Which is the exception?
Osteoporosis is an age-related disorder.
It is characterized by decreased bone mass.
Increased estrogen during perimenopause is a strong causative factor.
Weight-bearing exercise is thought to be a preventive factor.
A blood clot blocking an artery that is capable of causing a cerebrovascular accident (stroke).
Each is true of fats, except one. Which is the exception?
Cooked fats improve texture of foods
Liquid fats are digested at a slower rate than hard fats
Fats contribute to feeling fuller longer or increase satiety of foods
Fats contribute to palatability of foods
The amount of energy the body needs to maintain life: which includes digestive, physical, and emotional rest.
Body Mass Index
Basal Metabolic Rate
Resting Metabolic Rate
Resting Metabolic Index
What do nutrients need in order to be utilized from fats, CHO’s and/or proteins from energy.
Amino acids

All of the following are characteristics of _________in saliva.

  • It can decrease the risk for caries
  • Saliva is super saturated with this vitamin
  • In saliva it provides a buffering action
  • Saliva is a source to mineralize demineralized enamel
  • Prevention of night blindness
  • Involved in tooth development
  • Growth of soft tissue and bone

The listed above are all importance of which vitamin?

Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E and C
Vitamin A
What is the main causative agent for periodontal disease?
Plaque biofilm
Which nutrient passes through the stomach the slowest?
Dietary fiber
What are the main nutrition goal for patients who just received a denture?
Promote healing and repair by ensuring an adequate and nutrient dense diet
Biting down on hard items promotes faster adaptation and healing
Soft foods should be eaten for the first year
Use tugging motions as they bite to promote healing and repair
  1. More than 400 over the counter and prescription medications identify xerostomia as a possible side effect
  2. Patients should have frequent re-care appointments to monitor oral conditions
  3. Over-the-counter antihistamines often exacerbate xerostomia-related conditions
  4. Patients might experience a burning sensation while eating spicy foods
  5. Chewing and swallowing of dry foods can be difficult
1, 2, and 3
1 only
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
3, 4, and 5
What is the best source for ensuring optimal glycogen stores?
Which of the following are physiologic roles of water?
A. Enables transport of nutrients and excretion of waste
B. Maintains stability of body fluids, ICF, and ECF
C. Acts as a solvent for chemical reactions
D. All of the above
Which group of individuals requires the least amount of RDA Iron?
Each is true of lipids, except one. Which is the exception?
The hydrophilic nature of lipids make them retain water.
The catabolism of lipids is a major source of energy for the body.
Act as hormones that regulate the body
Lipids can by oxidized to produce more energy than carbohydrates or proteins.
Provide insulation and protection
Lipids can be stored in adipose tissue in unlimited amounts.
Involved in energy, metabolism and storage
All of the following are various aspects of the dietary reference intakes (DRIs), except one. Which one is the exception?
DRIs attempt to estimate required nutrients to improve long-term health
Attempt to establish maximum safe levels of tolerance for nutrients
Specifically address individuals whose requirements are NOT affected by a disease state
DRIs do not replace the older RDAs

Mineralization is the deposition of organic elements on an ORGANIC matrix. Nutrition during pregnancy has a direct correlation with mineralization of primary teeth.

Both statements are true
Both statements are false
The first statement is true; the second statement is false.
The first statement is false; the second statement is true.
Which foods should a patient with xerostomia avoid and those that they should consume?
Avoid: saltines, hot salsa, alcohol. Consume: Greek yogurt
Avoid: milk, spicy food, energy drinks. Consume: jello
Avoid anything sticky and consume mainly soft foods
Inadequate intake of: vitamins, minerals, and nutrients can exacerbate what?
Cardiovascular disease
Respiratory disease
Periodontal disease
None of the above
What is the formula for pounds = cups of water lost when exercising?
A loss of 1lb of body weight = 2 cups of lost water
A loss of 1lb of body weight = 3 cups of lost water
A loss of 1lb of body weight = 1 cup of lost water
A loss of 1lb of body weight = 5 cups of lost water
Which of the following are macronutrients?
Fats and protein only
All of the above
  1. Presence of an etiologic agent
  2. Susceptibility of the host
  3. Resistance of the host
  4. Environmental factors
1 and 2 only
1, 2, and 3
3 and 4
1, 2, 3, and 4
How much energy can a nutrient provide?
Carbohydrates: 4 Protein: 4 Alcohol: 7 Fat: 9
Carbohydrates: 3 Protein: 4 Alcohol: 7 Fat: 8
Carbohydrates: 2 Protein: 2 Alcohol: 7 Fat: 9
Carbohydrates: 4 Protein: 5 Alcohol: 7 Fat: 9
Each of the following are facts regarding oral exposure to fermentable carbohydrates, except one. Which is the exception? 
Shorter exposure leads to increased risk of demineralization
Frequency of carbohydrate consumption increases caries risk
Timing and sequence of carbohydrate within a meal affect cariogenicity

Behaviors are usually from lower socioeconomic groups with less than a high school education. 


Eating disorder typically defined as persistent ingestion of non-food substances.



Circumstances surrounding PICA.
Low socioeconomic circumstances
Circumstances of people with disabilities
What is the correct calcium-to-phosphate ratio?
1: 1
1: 2
2: 1
2: 2
What are the signs of Fluid Volume Deficit (FVD)?
Fissures in a dry tongue
Dry skin
Decreased muscular function
All of the above
What are the water-soluble vitamins?
A. Vitamin D complex
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin B complex
D. Vitamin A
C and b only
  1. Carry a water bottle around during the day
  2. Use an alcohol-free mouthwash for rinsing after eating
  3. Use lip balm to help keep lips moist
  4. Use a humidifier to maintain humidity in the air
  5. Use non-nutritive sweeteners
1, 2, and 3
3, 4, and 5
2 and 3 only
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
The relationship of consuming foods within one meal, such as rice and beans, that together make up for the insufficient amounts of essential amino acids.
Complementary minerals
Complementary proteins
Complementary vitamins
Complementary amino acids
Which are some impediments to active listening?
Multitasking and interrupting
Preparing a response while the other person is speaking
Finishing the speakers sentences
Avoiding eye contact
All of the above are impediments
What are the most common conditions seen in someone with TMJ disorders?
Clenching and grinding
Limited jaw opening
Malocclusion and limited jaw opening
All of the above
What instructions would you give to a patient with GERD?
Instruct patients to avoid eating for 2 hours prior to the dental appointment
They must eat prior to their dental appointment
They need to fast for 8 hours
They should drink plenty of liquid before the appointment
Each of the following is a characteristic of fat-soluble vitamins, except one. Which one is the exception?
The body can store small amounts of fat-soluble vitamins
They are organic substances
They are necessary for cellular reactions
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin
Which trace mineral is found in effective topical fluoride formulations.
What are the factors affecting the carcinogenicity of foods:
Frequency and consistency
Retention in mouth
Position in the meal
None of the above
All of the above

Low pH levels of sports and energy drinks resulting from citric acid content can cause irreversible damage to teeth. Damage can occur when pH level reaches critical level at 5.5.

Both statements are true
Both statements are false
The fist statement is true; the second statement is false
The first statement is false; the second statement is true
The leading causes of tooth loss in adults over the age of 65 are caries and periodontal disease.
Can nutritional deficiencies modify the body's response to periodontal disease?
Special considerations for pregnant women and nutrition include all of the following, except one. Which one is the exception?
Weight gain of 25-35lbs
Additional 21 grams of protein needed each day
Avoid consuming old fish that may contain unsafe levels of mercury
Increase diet by 700 calories per trimester
Which fish contains the least amount of mercury?
The best snack to reduce cariogenicity is _________
String cheese
Name the number one factor when trying to lose weight.
When kilocalories consumed DO NOT exceed energy expenditure
When kilocalories consumed exceed energy expenditure
There is absolutely no correlation between kilocalories consumed and energy expenditure

List the messages of MyPlate:

  1. Trackers can help analyze food intake
  2. Vegetables and fruit should fill half the plate
  3. Whole grains should occupy ¼ of the plate
1 only
1 and 2
2 and 3
1, 2, and 3
Dietary beta-carotene is less toxic than Retinal Vitamin A.
A deficiency of beta-carotene WILL result in skin pigmentation
Both statements are true
Both statements are false
The first statement is true; the second statement is false
The first statement is false; the second statement is true
The building blocks of proteins
Amino acids
What are some benefits of nonverbal communication?
A. It increases the effectiveness of a message and can create a comfortable atmosphere
B. Direct eye contact enables the patient to be more relaxed
C. It reduces plain language
D. A and b only
Which of the following are more nutrient dense?
Junk food
All of the above are nutrient dense foods
Which of the following are parameters of a full-liquid diet after periodontal surgery? 
Full liquid diet may be required for the first 1 to 3 days
Provides food in a liquid form for patients unable to chew
Contains no portions of solid foods
Contain high-protein, high-kilocalorie fluids
All of the above
What happens to salivary flow when chewing various types of foods?
Chewing crunchy foods will stimulate salivary flow more than chewing something soft
Chewing crunchy foods will inhibit salivary flow more than chewing something soft
Salivary flow is independent from the type of foods we consume
What are physiological energy values for carbohydrates, protein, alcohol, and fat? 
4, 4, 7, 9
4, 7, 9, 4
7, 9, 4, 4
9, 9, 4, 4
Retentive carbohydrates create a favorable environment for bacterial growth and plaque formation.
Gingivitis is an irreversable change in the interdental papillary tissues. 
Both statements are true
Both statements are false
The first statement is true; the second statement is false
The first statement is false; the second statement is true
Saturated fatty acids CANNOT undergo partial hydrogenation to be converted into tub spread margarine
At how many weeks is an infant considered premature?
37 weeks or younger
40 weeks
25 weeks
31 weeks and younger

Mechanically altered diet allows the ease of chewing and includes foods such as cheese, mashed potatoes, and boiled vegetables. Ex: the ideal daily diet during the beginning of a patient’s orthodontic treatment is the mechanically altered diet.

Which are common laboratory testing evaluations performed on a patient?
Salivary flow
Salivary buffering
Oral bacterial count
All of the above

 Xylitol is a sugar alcohol. Aids in preventing tooth decay because oral bacteria are unable to ferment it. 

Both statements are true
Both statements are false
The first statement is true; the second statements is false
The first statement is false; the second statement is true
Which of the following can occur in older adults due to dehydration?
Increased caries susceptibility
Loose fitting dentures
Fecal impaction
All of the above

Meat in MyPlate ALWAYS contains what?


Early childhood caries is the presence of one or more decayed, missing, or filled teeth in a child 5 years of age or younger. The first teeth affected by childhood caries are maxillary incisors. 

Both statements are true
Both statements are false
The first statement is true; the second statements is false
The first statement is false; the second statement is true
These contain significant amounts of sugar because of the natural content of simple carbohydrates:
Juice and milk
Milk and soda
Juice and soda
Filiform papillae is involved in glossitis and patients should avoid rinsing with Magic mouth rinse. 
In the small intestine is where the majority of the digestion occurs and most nutrients are absorbed. In the large intestine water and other electrolytes are reabsorbed. 
What are some of the side effects of gingival recession?
Abrasion of enamel and cementum
Erosion of enamel and cementum
Root caries
All of the above

Food insecurity is the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. It affects moslty single mother. 

Both statements are true
Both statements are false
The first statement is true; the second statement is false
The first statement is false; the second statements is true
Total kilocalories has the greatest effect on an increase in:
Body composition
Body weight
Body mass
There is no separate section within MyPlate for discretionary calories.
Functional foods offer health benefits beyond their nutritional value. 
What are some characteristics about fast-food type restaurants?
Protein is high in most menu items
Kcal content is high for most meals
Saturated fat is high in most menu items
Salt content is high in most menu items
All of the above
What are the types of foods older adult patients with xerostomia eat?
A. Harder foods
B. Softer foods
C. Less cariogenic foods
D. More cariogenic foods
E. B and d
  1. Monosaccharides
  2. Disaccharides
  3. Polysaccharides
  4. Triglycerides 
1 only
1, 2, and 3
2 and 3
4 only
What happens to our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) as we age and caloric recommendations as we age? 
It decreases; it lowers
It lowers; it decreases
None changes
What are some characteristics of tooth loss?
Is not a normal element that happens with age
Education level and race/ethnicity are strong determinants of tooth loss
Both are correct
Loss of teeth or supporting periodontium is frequently associated with poor food selection and limited chewing ability. The patient's masticatory efficiency and biting force decline with each tooth lost. 
Both statements are true
Both statements are false
The first statement is true; the second statement is false
The first statement is false; the second statement is true
What is the most accurate methods of obtaining dietary information from a patient?
2-3 day food diary
3-7 day food diary
10-15 day food diary
30-45 day food diary
How can we improve health literacy?
By simplifying healthcare instructions
Informing about the effects in nutrition
Informing about the effects on oral health
All of the above
SEA SALT is NOT a healthier choice for patients with hypertension Is NOT a good source of iodine for these same patients
Which dental conditions can increase the risk of malnutrition in older adults?
Loss of teeth
Edentulous status
All of the above
What health behavior can lead to children needing less orthodontia than others?
Infants being breast fed for one year versus bottle fed children
Bottle feeding them until three years old
Avoiding the use of pacifiers
All of the above
Which of the following are commonly found on nutrition label facts?
2000 kcal is the reference amount for the % DV in a serving
Daily reference values are the levels of nutrients considered desirable for health
Portion size is indicated in order to determine kcal based on number of contents eaten
All of the above
Vegans are most at risk for nutrient deficiencies.
Cheese has the most cariostatic properties
Water is the most important nutrient for health.
Lipase is the most essential enzyme for the digestion of triglycerides.
Which nutrient is of utmost importance for tissue healing and repair in patients with gingivitis or periodontal disease?
Vitamin A
Vitamin K
Vitamin C
Vitamin E and D
What happens during harvesting, processing, and cooking of food?
Increased amount of fats
Nutrients are lost
Minerals and vitamins are added
None of the above
Fortified foods have nutrients added that were not present in the original product
Which lipoprotein is considered to be the “good cholesterol” ?
Mechanical and chemical are two main actions involving the process of digestion
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