Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 28 Sep 21
[2109.12110] Aleksey A. Shlyapnikov: Search for red dwarfs among X-ray objects of the deep survey of the equatorial region of the sky using eROSITA data
[2109.12114] I. González-Santamaría, M. Manteiga, A. Manchado et al.: Planetary Nebulae in Gaia EDR3: Central Star identification, properties and binarity
[2109.12119] Manuel Arca Sedda, Michela Mapelli, Matthew Benacquista et al.: Population synthesis of black hole mergers with B-POP: the impact of dynamics, natal spins, and intermediate-mass black holes on the ...
[2109.12120] Ethan O. Nadler, Arka Banerjee, Susmita Adhikari et al.: The Effects of Dark Matter and Baryonic Physics on the Milky Way Subhalo Population in the Presence of the Large Magellanic Cloud
[2109.12121] Jaewon Yoo, Jongwan Ko, Jae-Woo Kim et al.: Intracluster Light Properties in a Fossil Cluster at z=0.47
[2109.12123] R. Nikutta, E. Lopez-Rodriguez, K. Ichikawa et al.: Hypercubes of AGN Tori (HYPERCAT) -- I. Models and Image Morphology
[2109.12124] Jeffrey Chilcote, Taylor Tobin, Thayne Currie et al.: SCExAO/CHARIS Direct Imaging of A Low-Mass Companion At A Saturn-Like Separation from an Accelerating Young A7 Star
[2109.12129] Fazeel Mahmood Khan, Kelly Holley-Bockelmann: Extremely efficient mergers of intermediate mass black hole binaries in nucleated dwarf galaxies
[2109.12130] R. Nikutta, E. Lopez-Rodriguez, K. Ichikawa et al.: Hypercubes of AGN Tori (HYPERCAT) -- II. Resolving the Torus with Extremely Large Telescopes
[2109.12132] Caprice Phillips, Ji Wang, Sarah Kendrew et al.: Detecting Biosignatures in the Atmospheres of Gas Dwarf Planets with the James Webb Space Telescope
[2109.12133] Weichen Wang, Susan Kassin, S. M. Faber et al.: The Baltimore Oriole's Nest: Cool Winds from the Inner and Outer Parts of a Star-Forming Galaxy at z=1.3
[2109.12136] Wynn Jacobson-Galán, Luc Dessart, David Jones et al.: Final Moments I: Precursor Emission, Envelope Inflation, and Enhanced Mass loss Preceding the Luminous Type II Supernova 2020tlf
[2109.12139] Lukas Leisman, Katherine L. Rhode, Catherine Ball et al.: The ALFALFA Almost-Dark Galaxy AGC~229101: A Two Billion Solar Mass HI Cloud with a Very Low Surface Brightness Optical Counterpart
[2109.12146] J. Ahoranta, A. Finoguenov, M. Bonamente et al.: Discovery of a multiphase OVI and OVII absorber in the circumgalactic/intergalactic transition region
[2109.12154] Đorđe Savić, Luka Č. Popović, Elena Shablovinskaya: The first supermassive black hole mass measurement in active galactic nuclei using the polarization of broad emission line Mg II
[2109.12173] Sanjib Sharma, Dennis Stello, Joel C. Zinn et al.: The K2 Galactic Archaeology Program: Overview, target selection and survey properties
[2109.12193] N. G. Simion, M. Popescu, J. Licandro et al.: Spectral properties of near-Earth objects with low-Jovian Tisserand invariant
[2109.12197] The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, the KAGRA Collaboration: R. Abbott et al.: Search for subsolar-mass binaries in the first half of Advanced LIGO and Virgo's third observi...
[2109.12216] Zhongxu Zhai, Yun Wang, Andrew Benson et al.: Simulating properties of emission line galaxies from Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
[2109.12244] Zhijie Xu: Inverse mass cascade of self-gravitating collisionless flow and effects on halo deformation, energy, size, and density profiles
[2109.12251] Christian H. Hannah, Anil C. Seth, Dieu D. Nguyen et al.: Spatially Resolving the Star Formation Histories of Three Nearby Nuclear Star Clusters
[2109.12263] Yoichiro Hanaoka, Yoshiaki Sakai, Koichi Takahashi: Polarization of the Corona Observed During the 2017 and 2019 Total Solar Eclipses
[2109.12267] G. H. Heald, V. Heesen, S. S. Sridhar et al.: CHANG-ES XXIII: Influence of a galactic wind in NGC 5775
[2109.12268] Siri Chongchitnan, Joseph Silk: Extreme-Value Statistics of the Spin of Primordial Black Holes
[2109.12270] C. Cai, S. L. Xiong, C. K. Li et al.: Search for Gamma-Ray Bursts and Gravitational Wave Electromagnetic Counterparts with High Energy X-ray Telescope of \textit{Insight}-HXMT
[2109.12350] L. Dessart, D. J. Hillier, T. Sukhbold et al.: Nebular phase properties of supernova Ibc from He-star explosions
[2109.12360] Nicolas Peschken, Michał Hanasz, Thorsten Naab et al.: The angular momentum structure of cosmic ray driven galactic outflows triggered by stream accretion
[2109.12365] Bharti Arora, J. C. Pandey, M. De Becker et al.: Quest for the upcoming periastron passage of an episodic dust maker and particle accelerating colliding wind binary: WR 125
[2109.12366] Hongxuan Zhang, Yanmei Chen, Yong Shi et al.: Spatially Resolved Properties of Supernova Host Galaxies in SDSS-IV MaNGA
[2109.12376] Samuel W. Yee, Joshua N. Winn, Joel D. Hartman: How Complete Are Surveys for Nearby Transiting Hot Jupiters?
[2109.12387] Yan-Rong Li, Ming Xiao, Jian-Min Wang: A Pixon-Based Method for Reverberation-mapping Analysis in Active Galactic Nuclei
[2109.12413] L. Bonavera, M.M. Cueli M. M., J. González-Nuevo J. Et al.: Cosmology with the sub-millimetre galaxies magnification bias: Tomographic Analysis
[2109.12417] Ana Brito, Ilídio Lopes: Asteroseismology of low-mass stars: the balance between partial ionisation and Coulomb interactions
[2109.12439] Andrés E. Piatti: Residual velocities of Small Magellanic Cloud star clusters
[2109.12466] Jian-Wen Ou, Cong Yu, Chen Jiang et al.: Searching for orbital decay in a heartbeat star system KIC 3766353
[2109.12483] Jia-Jun Cai, Ji Yang, Sheng Zheng et al.: Preliminary Analysis on The Noise Characteristics of MWISP Data
[2109.12494] Aaron C. Boley, Ewan Wright, Samantha Lawler et al.: Plaskett 1.8 metre Observations of Starlink Satellites
[2109.12496] Tian-Peng Tang, Zi-Qing Xia, Zhao-Qiang Shen et al.: Explanation of nearby SNRs for primary electron excess and proton spectral bump
[2109.12574] Luis A. Balona: The mode selection problem in delta Scuti stars
[2109.12580] Asghar Qadir, Noraiz Tahir, Muhammad Sakhi: Virial clouds explaining the observed rotational asymmetry in the galactic halos
[2109.12589] Zhizheng Pan, Jing Wang, Xianzhong Zheng et al.: The role of HI in regulating size growth of local galaxies
[2109.12612] Johannes Reiff, Jonas C. J. Zatsch, Jörg Main et al.: On the stability of satellites at unstable libration points of sun-planet-moon systems
[2109.12619] Zirui Zhang, Yang Liu, Si-Yu Li et al.: Efficient ILC analysis on polarization maps after EB leakage correction
[2109.12644] Olivier Flasseur, Loïc Denis, Éric Thiébaut et al.: Joint unmixing and deconvolution for angular and spectral differential imaging
[2109.12654] S. Q. Yan, X. Y. Li, K. Nishio et al.: The $^{59}$Fe(n, γ)$^{60}$Fe Cross Section from the Surrogate Ratio Method and Its Effect on the $^{60}$Fe Nucleosynthesis
[2109.12671] João Rato, José Lopes, Ilídio Lopes: On asymmetric dark matter constraints from the asteroseismology of a subgiant star
[2109.12675] Geza Kovacs, Behrooz Karamiqucham: Bright single-mode RR Lyrae stars: matching Gaia EDR3 with pulsation and evolutionary models
[2109.12699] A.E. Bondar, S.I. Blinnikov, A.M. Bykov et al.: X-ray signature of antistars in the Galaxy
[2109.12707] Kevin Apps, R. L. Smart, Roberto Silvotti: Discovery of a uniquely cool and compact source at 28 parsecs from the Sun
[2109.12718] Erin R. Maier, Ewan S. Douglas, Daewook Kim et al.: Design of the vacuum high contrast imaging testbed for CDEEP, the Coronagraphic Debris and Exoplanet Exploring Pioneer
[2109.12733] Dara Storer, Joshua S. Dillon, Daniel C. Jacobs et al.: Automated Detection of Antenna Malfunctions in Large-N Interferometers: A Case Study with the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array
[2109.12734] Masashi Tsuge, Akira Kouchi, Naoki Watanabe: Measurements of Ortho-to-para Nuclear Spin Conversion of H2 on Low-temperature Carbonaceous Grain Analogues: Diamond-like Carbon and Graphite
[2109.12745] Xiaolian Liang, Jin-Long Xu, Jun-Jie Wang: Investigating the physical properties and fragmentation of the AFGL 333-Ridge
[2109.12768] Jiansen He, Ying Wang, Xingyu Zhu et al.: Growth of Outward Propagating Fast-Magnetosonic/Whistler Waves in the Inner Heliosphere Observed by Parker Solar Probe
[2109.12779] Yusuke Tsukamoto, Masahiro N. Machida, Shu-ichiro Inutsuka: "Ash-fall" induced by molecular outflow in protostar evolution
[2109.12789] Xiaoshuai Zhu, Thomas Wiegelmann: Toward a fast and consistent approach to model solar magnetic fields in multiple layers
[2109.12807] Marzieh Farhang, Muhammad Sadegh Esmaeilian: Consistency of Planck Data With Power-Law Primordial Scalar Power Spectrum
[2109.12824] Samuel Passaglia, Misao Sasaki: Primordial Black Holes from CDM Isocurvature
[2109.12833] D. Bischoff, B. Gundlach, J. Blum: A method to distinguish between micro- and macro-granular surfaces of small Solar System bodies
[2109.12847] Marina Battaglia, Rohit Sharma, Yingjie Luo et al.: Multiple electron acceleration instances during a series of solar microflares observed simultaneously at X-rays and microwaves
[2109.12866] E. Lellouch, B. Butler, R. Moreno et al.: Pluto's atmosphere observations with ALMA: spatially-resolved maps of CO and HCN emission and first detection of HNC
[2109.12924] M.A.Moradhaseli, M.Javaherian, N.Fathalian et al.: Empirical Scaling Relations for the Photospheric Magnetic Elements of the Flaring and Non-Flaring Active Regions
[2109.12943] E. Callis, M. Fraser, A. Pastorello et al.: How low can you go? SN 2018zd as a low-mass Fe core-collapse supernova
[2109.12971] Y. I. Izotov, T. X. Thuan, N. G. Guseva: Large Binocular Telescope observations of new six compact star-forming galaxies with [NeV] 3426A emission
[2109.13020] Hisashi Hayakawa, Heikki Nevanlinna, Séan P. Blake et al.: Temporal Variations of the Three Geomagnetic Field Components at Colaba Observatory around the Carrington Storm in 1859
[2109.13053] A. Amekhyan, S. Sargsyan, A. Stepanian: Observational scalings testing modified gravity
[2109.13054] Cinthya N. Rodríguez, Gabriel A. Ferrero, Omar G. Benvenuto et al.: Fundamental parameters of the massive eclipsing binary HM1 8
[2109.13115] George A. Gontcharov, Maxim Yu. Khovritchev, Aleksandr V. Mosenkov et al.: Isochrone fitting of Galactic globular clusters -- III. NGC\,288, NGC\,362, and NGC\,6218 (M12)
[2109.13118] G. S. Pavana Gowtami, Haritma Gaur, Alok C. Gupta et al.: X-ray Intraday Variability and Power Spectral Density Profiles of the Blazar 3C 273 with XMM-Newton during 2000-2021
[2109.13125] G. Gallo, D. Lo Presti, D.L. Bonanno et al.: Three years of muography at Mount Etna: results and perspectives
[2109.13170] Holly M. Christenson, George D. Becker, Steven R. Furlanetto et al.: Constraints on the End of Reionization from the Density Fields Surrounding Two Highly Opaque Quasar Sightlines
[2109.13171] Christian Garrel, Marguerite Pierre, Patrick Valageas et al.: The XXL survey: XLVI. Forward cosmological analysis of the C1 cluster sample
[2109.13173] Francine R. Marleau, Rebecca Habas, Melina Poulain et al.: Ultra diffuse galaxies in the MATLAS low-to-moderate density fields
[2109.13203] Robert Strausbaugh, Antonino Cucchiara, Michael Dow Jr. Et al.: Finding Fast Transients in Real Time Using Novel Light Curve Analysis Algorithm
[2109.13204] Mariusz Tarnopolski: Graph-based clustering of gamma-ray bursts
[2109.13206] Amirhossein Bagheri, Amir Khan, Frederic Deschamps et al.: The Tidal-Thermal Evolution of the Pluto-Charon System
[2109.13212] Nina Hernitschek, Keivan G. Stassun: The Impact of Observing Strategy on Reliable Classification of Standard-Candle Variable Stars: Detection of Amplitude, Period, and Phase Modulation (Blazhko Eff...
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