
The pivotal figure at the Congress of Vienna, Prince Klemens von Metternich, represented
The first revolution after the settlement reached at the Congress of Vienna occurred in 1820 in
The Revolution of 1830 in France was largely a result of
The harsh treatment that France had received at the Congress of Vienna
Nationalistic demands to restore French domination over Europe as it had existed in Napoleon's time
Working-class disturbances inspired by the death of Louis XVIII, who had supported economic reform
The hostility of the bourgeoisie to oppressive measures imposed by Charles X, the "ultra"-royalist king
The Reform Act of 1832
Granted unions the right to strike
Eliminated so-called "rotten boroughs"
Extended suffrage to workers
Dramatically restricted the power of the monarchy
The June Revolution in Paris was carried out by
A coalition of workers and intellectuals
The bourgeoisie
A coalition of the bourgeoisie and moderate working-class leaders
The most powerful and effective force for change in the German states in 1848 was the
Demand of the peasantry for land reform and relief from their manorial obligations
Desire of the liberal middle classes to establish constitutional republics
Nationalist sentiment that supported German unification but sometimes disagreed on the means for achieving it
Protest of factory workers for improved factory conditions and wages
As a result of the Frankfurt Assembly
A united German republic was proclaimed, with a democratically elected president
A united Germany emerged, ruled by the Austrian emperor, whose state included the largest population of Germans
A parliamentary union was proclaimed, but it failed because the Prussian king refused the offer to become its constitutional monarch
Liberalism in Germany, although temporarily defeated, established itself as the major movement of the future
The most serious threat to Austrian unity came from
Middle-class liberalism
The Magyars in Hungary
Northern Italy
The Italian revolutionary uprisings of 1848–1849 ended in independence from the Austrians in
Both Milan and Venice
Neither Milan nor Venice
The revolutions of 1848 were undermined, in large part, by
The failure of liberalism to win substantial support
The lack of real issues to motivate rebellion
The popularity of conservatism
Class divisions and nationalist animosities
The revolutions in Central Europe in 1848 demonstrated that
Ruling authorities embraced nationalism to increase their power
Nationalists were deeply passionate about the rights of other peoples
Nationalism and liberalism were not natural allies
Nationalism and liberalism were natural allies
Francis Palacky is regarded by many as the father of the ________ nation
One of the major goals of Metternich at the Congress of Vienna was to
Encourage the revolutionary ideals of the French Revolution
Remove power from traditional authorities and invest it in the middle classes
Create a balance of power among the European states
Endorse the spirit of nationalism among ethnic minorities
When expansionist ambitions threatened the Congress of Vienna, Prince Talleyrand of France suggested that Britain, Austria, and France form an alliance against
Prussia and Russia
Italy and Poland
Poland and Prussia
Russia and Italy
All of the following experienced a failed revolution between 1820 and 1829 EXCEPT
In the early nineteenth century, Britain
Enacted only the political reforms called for by the Chartists
Initiated gradual reforms, with the support of the Whigs and sometimes the king, to prevent revolutions
Shared Metternich's fear that change was threatening and rejected calls for all reforms except religious ones
Was free of any social unrest or violence because there was little sympathy for economic or political change
All of the demands of the Chartists were eventually realized in Britain EXCEPT
Annual elections for Parliament
Universal manhood suffrage
The secret ballot
The abolition of property qualifications for members of Parliament
At the conclusion of the Revolution of 1848 in France, Louis Napoleon became president of the Second Republic in an election in which ________ could vote
Only the bourgeoisie
All adult males and females
Only the workers
All adult males
The failure of revolution in Germany in 1848 resulted, in part, from
Ethnic rivalry
The collapse of the alliance between middle-class liberals and urban artisans
The mass support enjoyed by conservatives
The refusal of the ruling class to take violent measures that might have kept enthusiasm for revolution high
The Hapsburg Empire was bound together by
Language and culture
Ethnic homogeneity
Religious unity
Dynastic inheritance
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