Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 26 Aug 21
[2108.10894] Bo Xing, Xiansong Xu, Vinitha Balachandran et al.: Thermopower in a boundary driven bosonic ladder in the presence of a gauge field
[2108.10895] Bruno Arderucio Costa, Pedro Pessoa: Statistical Mechanics of Unconfined Systems: Challenges and Lessons
[2108.10897] Tommy Li, Max Geier, Julian Ingham et al.: Higher-order topological superconductivity from repulsive interactions in kagome and honeycomb systems
[2108.10903] Behnam Farid: On the Luttinger-Ward functional and the convergence of skeleton diagrammatic series expansion of the self-energy for Hubbard-like models
[2108.10917] Joon Sang Kang, Dung Vu, Joseph P. Heremans: Identifying the Dirac point composition in Bi1-xSbx alloys using the temperature dependence of quantum oscillations
[2108.10930] Alexander S. Davis, Jeffrey T. Llyod, Vinamra Agrawal: Moving window techniques to model shock wave propagation using the concurrent atomistic-continuum method
[2108.10945] D. Vaclavkova, M. Palit, J. Wyzula et al.: Magnon-polarons in van der Waals antiferromagnet FePS3
[2108.10965] Z. K. Juthy, M. A. J. Pikul, M. A. S. Akanda et al.: Shape anisotropy effect on magnetization reversal induced by linear down chirp pulse
[2108.10968] Fábio D. Bonani, Anderson H. Siqueira, Horácio W. Leite Alves et al.: Strain and crystal field splitting inversion in III-Nitrides
[2108.10973] Jeffrey A. Brock, Eric E. Fullerton: Skyrmion stabilization at the domain morphology transition in ferromagnet/heavy metal heterostructures with low exchange stiffness
[2108.10976] Sanjay Dharmavaram, Hossein Ebrahimi, Ranajay Ghosh: Coupled Bend-Twist Mechanics of Biomimetic Scale Substrate
[2108.10981] J. J. Kasa, F. D. Vila, C. D. Pemmaraju et al.: Full spectrum optical constant interface to the Materials Project
[2108.10983] Krishna Pandey, Debashis Mondal, John William Villanova et al.: Magnetic Topological Semimetal Phase with Electronic Correlation Enhancement in SmSbTe
[2108.10995] Kunyan Zhang, Yunfan Guo, Daniel T. Larson et al.: Spectroscopic Signatures of Interlayer Coupling in Janus MoSSe/MoS2 Heterostructures
[2108.10997] Wonhee Jeong, Unjong Yu: Critical Phenomena and Strategy Ordering with Hub Centrality Approach in the Aspiration-based Coordination Game
[2108.11002] Lei Yang, Yifan Huang, Kehai Liu et al.: Dislocation induced energy dissipation in a tunable trilayer graphene resonator
[2108.11006] Michiyasu Mori, Sadamichi Maekawa: Half-integer Shapiro-steps in superconducting qubit with a $π$-Josephson junction
[2108.11008] Hong Chul Choi, Eric D. Bauer, Filip Ronning et al.: DFT+DMFT study of dopant effect in a heavy fermion compound CeCoIn5
[2108.11009] Meng Zhang, Chao Wang, Shaojun Dong et al.: Projected entangled pair states study of anisotropic-exchange magnets on triangular lattice
[2108.11017] Bo Li, Wang Gao, Qing Jiang: Predictive model of surface adsorption in dissolution on transition metals and alloys
[2108.11024] Minghao Li, Zehua Sun, Klavs Hansen: Free energies of triply and quadruply degenerate electron ladder spectra
[2108.11026] Peiyu Zhang, Xue Li, Xin Yang et al.: En route to high Tc superconductivity via Rb substitution of guest metal atoms in SrB3C3 clathrate
[2108.11051] Ryui Kaneko, Ippei Danshita: Tensor-network study of correlation-spreading dynamics in the two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model
[2108.11059] Marc A. Gali Labarias, Karl-H. Muller, Emma E. Mitchell: Numerical study of the transfer function of two-dimensional SQUID and SQIF arrays
[2108.11060] Shota Ono: Comprehensive search for buckled honeycomb binary compounds based on noble metals (Cu, Ag, and Au)
[2108.11070] Mao Wang, John Wang, Jianwen Jiang: Membrane fouling: microscopic insights into the effects of surface chemistry and roughness
[2108.11086] Vyacheslav Semenenko, Mengkun Liu, Vasili Perebeinos: Simulation of Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy Spectra of 1D Plasmonic Graphene Junctions
[2108.11097] Hiroshi Nakajima, Hirofumi Tsukasaki, Jiong Ding et al.: Crystallization behaviors in superionic conductor Na$_3$PS$_4$
[2108.11109] Alexander S. Minkin, Irina V. Lebedeva, Andrey M. Popov et al.: Atomic-scale defects restricting structural superlubricity: Ab initio study study on the example of the twisted graphene bilayer
[2108.11110] Benoît Mahault, Evelyn Tang, Ramin Golestanian: A topological fluctuation theorem
[2108.11113] Phatthamon Kongkhambut, Hans Keßler, Jim Skulte et al.: Realization of a periodically driven open three-level Dicke model
[2108.11134] Jarosław Ryszkiewicz, Mirosław Brewczyk, Tomasz Karpiuk: Dynamics of large samples of repulsive Fermi gases at nonzero temperatures
[2108.11142] Mykola Yelisieiev, Petro Maksymovych, Anna N. Morozovska: Probing phonon softening in ferroelectrics by the scanning probe microwave spectroscopy
[2108.11146] Cristina Mier, deung-Jang Choi, Nicolás Lorente: Calculations of in-gap states of ferromagnetic spin chains on \textit{s}-wave wide-band superconductors
[2108.11158] Davide Enrico Quadrelli, Matteo Alessandro Casieri, Gabriele Cazzulani et al.: Experimental validation of a broadband pentamode elliptical-shaped cloak for underwater acoustics
[2108.11165] Yifei Duan, Lu Jing, Paul B. Umbanhowar et al.: Segregation forces in dense granular flows: Closing the gap from single intruders to mixtures
[2108.11174] Ignacio M. Alliati, Myrta Grüning, Davide Sangalli: Double $\mathbf{k}$-Grid Method for Solving the Bethe-Salpeter Equation via Lanczos Approaches
[2108.11180] Sergey Kolesnikov: An improved kinetic Monte Carlo model for computational and analytical investigations of the magnetic properties of finite-size atomic chains
[2108.11183] Angelika Seidl, Roozbeh Anvari, Marc M. Dignam et al.: Pump-induced terahertz anisotropy in bilayer graphene
[2108.11219] Huang-Hsiang Lin, Jonathan Heinze, Alexander Croy et al.: A Nanographene Disk Rotating a single Molecule Gear on a Cu(111) Surface
[2108.11225] Fabio Leoni, Carles Calero, Giancarlo Franzese: Nanoconfined fluids: Uniqueness of water compared to other liquids
[2108.11229] Alexander Ahrens, Chenhang Huang, Matt Beutel et al.: Stochastic Variational Approach to Small Atoms and Molecules Coupled to Quantum Field Modes
[2108.11243] Yinan Fang, Stefano Chesi, Mahn-Soo Choi: Probing Kondo spin fluctuations with scanning tunneling microscopy and electron spin resonance
[2108.11247] Huang-Hsiang Lin, Jonathan Heinze, Alexander Croy et al.: Effect of Lubricants on the Rotational Transmission between Solid-State Gears
[2108.11261] Dimitrije Mara, Flavia Artizzu, Joydeb Goura et al.: Molecular Dysprosium Complexes for White-Light and Near-Infrared Emission Controlled by the Coordination Environment
[2108.11263] A. Fassatoui, L. Ranno, J. Peña Garcia et al.: Kinetics of ion migration in the electric field-driven manipulation of magnetic anisotropy of Pt/Co/oxide multilayers
[2108.11273] Zhiyao Zuo, Shuai Yin, Xuanmin Cao et al.: Scaling Theories of Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Transitions
[2108.11277] Diego Pasquier, Oleg V. Yazyev: $\textit{Ab initio}$ theory of magnetism in two-dimensional $1T$-TaS$_2$
[2108.11306] Silvio Franz, Flavio Nicoletti, Giorgio Parisi et al.: Delocalization transition in low energy excitation modes of vector spin glasses
[2108.11317] N. I. Dumoulin Stuyck, R. Li, C. Godfrin et al.: Uniform Spin Qubit Devices in an All-Silicon 300 mm Integrated Process
[2108.11366] Changming Yue, Yusuke Nomura, Philipp Werner: Doping asymmetry and layer-selective metal-insulator transition in trilayer K$_{3+x}$C$_{60}$
[2108.11369] Farnaz Fazelpour, Zhu Tang, Karen E. Daniels: The effect of grain shape and material on the nonlocal rheology of dense granular flows
[2108.11372] Noga Bashan, Assa Auerbach: Hall and Thermal Hall conductivities of gapless systems
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 26 Aug 21","img":""}
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