Sandbox mode poll

In sandbox mode: Should you be able to attack ANY animals?
Yes- Any animals can attack any animals (With reduced damaged for prey->predator)
No, Make it like the regular game (bigger can attack smaller only)
Should XP exist in sandbox mode? (For testing food xp rates, etc)
Yes, eating food should still give xp, but SHOULDNT level you up
Yes, eating food should still give xp (And level up Just like the regular game mode)
NO, it's not needed (hide the xp bar, only level up on command)
Should 'TOP PLAYERS' go by kills or xp?
Something else (like time in-game)
How should controls work (to level up)
Double-click to level up
U key- upgrade, D key- downgrade
U key- upgrade, D key- downgrade (BUT keep double click)
Should you be able to upgrade for 5M xp (when dragon?)
In summary, Would you prefer sandbox to be JUST like the regular game, but with upgrading?
Yes, JUST like the regular game (sandbox should be for testing)
NO, sandbox should be unique in gameplay
{"name":"Sandbox mode poll", "url":"","txt":"In sandbox mode: Should you be able to attack ANY animals?, Should XP exist in sandbox mode? (For testing food xp rates, etc), Should 'TOP PLAYERS' go by kills or xp?","img":""}
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