Time to take the Brand Personality Quiz!!

When it comes to my personal brand, my core goal is to...
Be happy and do things the right way
Create an environment of fun and liveliness
Transform my audience and make dreams come true
Seek out new experience and a fulfilling life
Use my knowledge for the greater good
Employ my skills and mastery to improve the world
Be a visionary and empower my audience
Help others any way I am able
Create lasting relationships with people
Overturn what is not working and create a following
Create a prosperous and successful community
Create common ground and belonging for my audience
My friends, family & co-workers would describe me as...
Free Spirited
Down To Earth
My personal life's motto could be...
If I can dream it, I can create it
The truth will set you free
Everyone is created equal
Rules are made to be broken
We are all free to to who we are meant to be
Where there is a will there is a way
Live, laugh, love
We must all take full responsibility for our own lives
I need to explore that myself without any help
Love they neighbor as thy self
Laughter is the best medicine
Transformation is the spice of life
I make others feel
Secure and taken care of
Captivated and on the cutting edge
Rebellious and part of something bigger
Inspired and motivated
Loved and passionate
Encouraged and happy
Entertained and energetic
Creative and fulfilled
Appreciated and understood
Educated and in the know
Adventurous and alive
Courageous and determined
If I am honest with myself, one of my top weaknesses is I sometimes...
Try to please others at the risk of losing my own identity
Waste time and become impulsive
Can be offensive to others
Can be controlling and unable to delegate
Be a perfectionist and melodramatic
Can be arrogant and aggressive
Can enable others and guilt-trip people
Can become disconnected with reality and manipulative
Can lose who I am in an effort to fit into the group
Aimlessly wander and become restless
Get stuck in analysis paralysis and unable to take action
Can be too simple and boring
I most admire these companies for their branding...
Lexus and Marriott
Dove and Tropicana
Disney and TED Talks
Old Spice and Squatty Potty
Nike and Duracell
Red Bull & Jeep
Apple and LEGO
American Red Cross and Johnson & Johnson
Godiva and Jaguar
Harley-Davidson and Levi Jeans
Google and BBC
I am most fearful of...
Being seen as mediocre and inauthentic
Being exploited and taken advantage of
Being alone, unwanted, and unloved
Being seen as weak, vulnerable, or as a failure
Being bored or boring to others
The unintended negative consequences of my explorations
Being in chaos and out of control
Being punished for doing something wrong
Being seen as ignorant and misled by false truths
Not being appreciated for my sacrifices or being seen as selfish
Being powerless and ineffective
Being trapped by societal norms and conformity
If I am honest with myself, one of my top strengths is...
My ability to lead and be fair
My bravery and ambition
My intelligence and open-mindedness
My humble and free spirit
My courage and determination
My optimism and faith
My compassion and generosity
My ability to find win-win solutions
My creativity and imagination
My passion and gratitude
My knack for joy and fun
My empathy and friendliness
{"name":"Time to take the Brand Personality Quiz!!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","emurl":1,"txt":"Knowing your Primary Brand Archetype, will help you transform your brand from blah to aha!","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/11-487011/brand-personality-quiz.png?sz=1200-000041100053","accounts":"@RoxGilmore","hash":"#BrandPersonality"}
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