How old are you?
What is your main source of income?
None, I take money from my parents
I have a part-time job but take money from my parents
I have a part-time job that is self-sufficient
I have a full-time job
Out of the following, what is most important to you?
Food, Water, Shelter
Love, Belongingness
Security, Law, Order
Self-esteem, Achivement, Mastery
What is your education plan?
High School only
University, than Post-grad
How do you make decisions?
I let my impulses guide me
I somewhat plan what to do
I know exactly what to decide on and how to achieve it
I decide things in a moderate fashion
How well did you do in school?
I have failed classes
I barely passed
I passed with a good grade
I was a high achiever
How active were you in co-curricular activities?
I did not participate in co-curricular activities
I sometimes partook in co-curricular activities
I have completed my required 40 hours
I have gone above and beyond the required 40 hours
If you leave home, where do you plan on staying?
With a relative
With friends
In a shared apartment
In an apartment you own/pay rent for
Have you ever experienced a situation in which you've had to live alone before? (Such as a vacation or your parents leaving for work)
No, I have not
Yes, but it went badly
Yes, and it went well
How fluent are you in your country's language?
I cannot speak it fluently
I can speak it on a conversational level
I can speak it well
I can speak it fluently and easily
How do you see yourself?
What is your main means of transportation?
I own a car
Public transport
How dependant would you say you are on your parents?
I do not rely on my parents whatsoever. They don’t provide anything for me
I rely on them at times, for a few things but I might be able to manage on my own
I rely on them for many things like my food, clothing, and money
Are there other family members in your household whom you are required to take care of?
No. I only look after myself
Yes. Younger family members however my parents could take care of them if needed
Yes. Younger family members whom only I take care of
Can you prepare your own meals or do you require help?
Yes. I always have been preparing meals for myself
I can cook Kraft Dinner and use the microwave
No. I rely on my parents to prepare my meals
If you had moved out, would you parents support you?
Yes, for sure they would
Maybe, but not very much
No, not at all
Are you good at handling stress and being in stressful situations?
I am good at handling stress, I don't tend to get stressed out very easily I handled matters calmly
I will sometimes get stressed out depending on the situation
I am always getting stressed out with things going on in life
When you want something but you can't get it you...
Ask parents to get it for you
talk to your parents to see if they can help you think of a way you can get it
Nothing is stoping you from it you are going to find away to get it on your own
You go into your house one beautiful evening and see that you've been robbed. What do you do?
You start crying and ask your parents to move back with them
You find a new job with a better salary or ask for a rise at your old job
You keep doing everything as you used to do. It doesn't inflict your life
Choose the answer that best describes why you want to move out
Now I have the money
I hate my house; I can't stand it anymore
I have the money, I have great credit, I am old enough
My parents want me to move out
{"name":"HHS4UO Test", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"How old are you?, What is your main source of income?, Out of the following, what is most important to you?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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