Level 2-Unit 1-Part 2-Page 8,9-Vocabulary

What are these?
They're paper clip.
They're a paper clips.
They're paper clips.
The're paper clips.
There are paper clips.
They're paper clips.
They is paper clips.
They were paper clips.
What are these?
They are videos.
They are picture.
Their are pictures.
There are pictures.
They are draws.
They are paints.
They are pictures.
They are books.
What are these?
They are clock.
There are clocks.
They are clocks.
We are clocks.
Their are clocks.
They is clocks.
They are watches.
They are watch.
What are these?
They are workbook.
They are worksbooks.
They are work and books.
There are workbooks.
They are workbooks.
The're are workbooks.
They're are workbooks.
They are bookworks.
What are these?
They are calendar.
They are clandars.
There are calendars.
Their are calendars.
They are calendars.
They are calenders.
They are celendars.
They are clendars.
What are these?
They are pencil sharpener.
There are pencil sharpeners.
Their are pencil sharpeners.
They are pen sharpeners.
They are pencil shapeners.
They are pencil sharpeners.
They are pencil sharpaners.
They are pencil sharpenars.
What are these?
They are window.
There are windows.
Their are windows.
They are windoors.
They are doors.
They are widows.
They are windows.
They are winddows.
What are these?
They are door.
There are doors.
Their are doors.
They are windoors.
They are windows.
They are dours.
They are daws.
They are doors.
" နာရီကို ညွှန်ပြပါ " ဆိုတာကို ဘယ်လို ပြောရမလဲ ? ( " နာရီကို ညႊန္ျပပါ " ဆိုတာကို ဘယ္လို ေျပာရမလဲ ? )
Point to the clocks.
Point the clock.
Paint to the clock.
Finger to the clock.
Hand to the clock.
Point to the clock.
Point to the watshes.
Point to the number.
" ပုံ ကို ထိပါ " ဆိုတာကို ဘယ်လို ပြောရမလဲ ? ( " ပုံ ကို ထိပါ " ဆိုတာကို ဘယ္လို ေျပာရမလဲ ? )
Touch the pictures.
Toush the picture.
Toush picture.
Hand the picture.
Play the picture.
Look the picture.
Look at the picture.
Touch the picture.
" သင့် နာမည်ကို ရေးပါ " ဆိုတာကို ဘယ်လို ပြောရမလဲ ? ( " သင့္ နာမည္ကို ေရးပါ " ဆိုတာကို ဘယ္လို ေျပာရမလဲ ? )
Write you name.
Write my name.
Write name.
Right your name.
Read your name.
Write your name.
Touch your name.
Point your name.
" သင့် ခဲတံကို ချွန်ပါ " ဆိုတာကို ဘယ်လို ပြောရမလဲ ? ( " သင့္ ခဲတံကို ခြၽန္ပါ " ဆိုတာကို ဘယ္လို ေျပာရမလဲ ? )
Sharpen you pencil.
Shapen your pencil.
Sharpan your pencil.
Touch your pencil.
Point to your pencil.
Paint your pencil.
Sharpen your pencil.
Bring your pencil.
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