Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Thu, 12 Aug 21
[2108.04823] Asimina Arvanitaki, Savas Dimopoulos, Marios Galanis et al.: Dark QED from Inflation
[2108.04826] Ariel Zhitnitsky: Multi-Modal Clustering Events observed by Horizon-10T and Axion Quark Nuggets
[2108.04828] Eduardo da Silva Almeida, Alexandre Alves, Oscar J. P. Éboli et al.: Electroweak legacy of the LHC Run II
[2108.04861] Martin Beneke: Pole mass renormalon and its ramifications
[2108.04866] Sangem Rajesh, Umberto D'Alesio, Asmita Mukherjee et al.: Sivers asymmetry in inelastic $J/ψ$ leptoproduction at the EIC
[2108.04874] Gloria Montana, Angels Ramos, Laura Tolos et al.: Temperature dependence of the properties of open heavy-flavor mesons
[2108.04937] M. Ouhammou, M. Ouali, S. Taj et al.: Laser-assisted neutral Higgs-boson pair production in Inert Higgs Doublet Model (IHDM)
[2108.04948] Zhu-Fang Cui, Daniele Binosi, Craig D. Roberts et al.: Pion charge radius from pion+electron elastic scattering data
[2108.04955] Sergei P. Roshchupkin, Nikita R. Larin, Victor V. Dubov: Resonant photoproduction of ultrarelativistic electron-positron pairs on a nucleus in strong monochromatic light field
[2108.05033] Xiao Gang He, German Valencia: $R^ν_{K^{(*)}}$ and non-standard neutrino interactions
[2108.05071] Chandni Menapara, Ajay Kumar Rai: Spectroscopic Study of Strangeness=-3 $Ω^{-}$ Baryon
[2108.05089] Shaista Khan, Bushra Ali, Anuj Chandra et al.: Event-by-Event Particle Ratio Fluctuations at LHC Energies
[2108.05093] Z Wazir1*, S M Aslam2, M K Suleymanov3 et al.: Study of the cumulative number distribution of charged particles produced in carbon-carbon interactions at 4.2 A GeV/c
[2108.05103] Ivania M. Ávila, Giovanna Cottin, Marco A. Díaz: Revisiting the scotogenic model with scalar dark matter
[2108.05122] M. K. Volkov, A. A. Pivovarov: Calculation of the width of the decay $τ\to K^{-} K^{0} ν_τ$ in the extended NJL model with estimation of the contribution of the kaon final state interaction
[2108.05147] Rupert Coy, Xun-Jie Xu: Probing the muon $g-2$ with future beam dump experiments
[2108.05148] Zhou-Run Zhu, Yang-Kang Liu, Defu Hou: Holographic Schwinger effect in the dynamical AdS/QCD model
[2108.05259] Zhi-Lei She, Gang Chen, Dai-Mei Zhou et al.: Collision system size scan for light (anti-)nuclei and (anti-)hypertriton production in high energy nuclear collisions
[2108.05267] Karl Ehatäht, Christian Veelken: Application of the matrix element method to Higgs boson pair production in the channel $\textrm{HH} \to \textrm{b}\bar{\textrm{b}}\textrm{W}\textrm{W}^{*}$ at the LHC
[2108.05283] Dmitry Budker, Peter W. Graham, Harikrishnan Ramani et al.: Millicharged dark matter detection with ion traps
[2108.05300] Emma McLaughlin, Jacob Rose, Travis Dore et al.: Shear viscosity at finite baryon densities
[2108.05306] Mao-Jun Yan, Fang-Zheng Peng, Mario Sánchez Sánchez et al.: Interpretations of the new LHCb $P_c(4337)^+$ pentaquark state
[2108.05329] Chathuranga Sirimanna, Shanshan Cao, Abhijit Majumder: Final State Gluon Emission in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at Next-to-Leading Twist
[2108.05337] Luca Buonocore, Gabriël Koole, Daniele Lombardi et al.: $ZZ$ production at nNNLO+PS with MiNNLO$_{\text{PS}}$
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Thu, 12 Aug 21","img":""}
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