Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 23 Mar 22
[2203.11221] Andrew Hardy, Arijit Haldar, Arun Paramekanti: Nematic phases and elastoresistivity from a multiorbital strange metal
[2203.11225] A. Alexandradinata: A topological principle for photovoltaics: Shift current in intrinsically polar insulators
[2203.11248] Peng Wu, Joerg Appenzeller: Design Considerations for 2D Dirac-Source FETs: Device Parameters, Non-Idealities and Benchmarking
[2203.11289] Jean Paul Nery, Francesco Mauri: Non-perturbative Green's function method to determine the electronic spectral function due to electron-phonon interactions: Application to a graphene model fr...
[2203.11303] Josef Willsher, Shu-Wei Liu, Roderich Moessner et al.: Measurement-induced phase transition in a classical, chaotic many-body system
[2203.11308] Emanuel A. Martínez, Juan I. Beltrán Fínez, Flavio Y. Bruno: BinPo: An open-source code to compute the band structure of two-dimensional electron systems
[2203.11320] Arnab Barman Ray, Kevin Liang, Nick Vamivakas: Valley engineering electron-hole liquids in TMDC monolayers
[2203.11330] Stephen Teitsworth, John Neu: Stochastic line integrals and stream functions as metrics of irreversibility and heat transfer
[2203.11351] Vincent Hakim, Simon Pigeon, Amandine Aftalion: Metamorphosis of the Landau transition in the flow of a resonantly-driven bistable polariton fluid
[2203.11362] Steven W. Hall, Grisell Díaz Leines, Sapna Sarupria et al.: Practical guide to replica exchange transition interface sampling and forward flux sampling
[2203.11388] Heron Caldas, S. Rufo, M. A. R. Griffith: The Gor'kov and Melik-Barkhudarov correction to an imbalanced Fermi gas in the presence of impurities
[2203.11411] Takashi Uneyama: Linear Response Theory of Scale-Dependent Viscoelasticity for Overdamped Brownian Particle Systems
[2203.11428] D. M. Zhang, D. Y. Sun, X. G. Gong: The Angell Plot from the Potential Energy Landscape Perspective
[2203.11454] Kenichiro Aoki, Takahisa Mitsui: Observing individual thermal motions of ions, and molecules in water with light
[2203.11465] Gerald Q. Yan, Senlei Li, Hanyi Lu et al.: Quantum sensing and imaging of spin-orbit-torque-driven spin dynamics in noncollinear antiferromagnet Mn3Sn
[2203.11467] Xiaokun Teng, Lebing Chen, Feng Ye et al.: Discovery of charge density wave in a correlated kagome lattice antiferromagnet
[2203.11501] Van Tuan Vo, Tan Van Vu, Yoshihiko Hasegawa: Unified thermodynamic kinetic uncertainty relation
[2203.11507] Wen-Fan Chen, Sajjad S. Mofarah, Dorian Amir Henry Hanaor et al.: Enhancement of Ce and Cr Codopant Solubility and Chemical Homogeneity in TiO2 Nanoparticles through Sol Gel versus Pechini Sy...
[2203.11524] Baptiste Gault, Kevin Schweinar, Siyuan Zhang et al.: Correlating atom probe tomography with X-Ray and electron spectroscopies to understand microstructure-activity relationships in electroca...
[2203.11539] Mary K. Coe, Robert Evans, Nigel B. Wilding: Measures of Fluctuations for a Liquid Near Critical Drying
[2203.11543] G. Ciampalini, C. V. Blaga. N. Tappy, S. Pezzini et al.: Light emission properties of mechanical exfoliation induced extended defects in hexagonal boron nitride flakes
[2203.11566] Fysol Ibna Abbas, Kazuhisa Hoshi, Aichi Yamashita et al.: Lattice Anharmonicity in BiS2-Based Layered Superconductor RE(O,F)BiS2 (RE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd)
[2203.11568] I. Bakonyi, F. D. Czeschka, L. F. Kiss et al.: High-field magnetoresistance of microcrystalline and nanocrystalline Ni metal at 3 K and 300 K
[2203.11569] Katarina Karlova, Jozef Strecka, Johannes Richter: Towards lattice-gas description of low-temperature properties above the Haldane and cluster-based Haldane ground states of a mixed spin-(1,...
[2203.11582] Hamid Arian Zad, Jozef Strecka: Unconventional spin frustration due to two competing ferromagnetic interactions of a spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on martini and martini-diced lattice
[2203.11583] Naratip Nunchot, Dai Nakashima, Ryusuke Ikeda: Fluctuation Conductivity and Vortex State in Superconductor with Strong Paramagnetic Pair Breaking
[2203.11605] Dibyendu Dey, Avijeet Ray, Liping Yu: Intrinsic ferromagnetism and highly restrictive thermodynamic stability in 2D MA$_2$N$_4$ and Janus VSiGeN$_4$ monolayers
[2203.11620] Duk Hyun Lee, Sang-Jun Choi, Hakseong Kim et al.: Direct probing of phonon mode specific electron-phonon scatterings in two-dimensional semiconductor transition metal dichalcogenides: Symmetr...
[2203.11640] Grant Henderson, Gordon R. M. Robb, Gian-Luca Oppo et al.: Control of light-atom solitons and atomic transport by optical vortex beams propagating through a Bose-Einstein Condensate
[2203.11644] Gianluca Teza, Ran Yaacoby, Oren Raz: Far from equilibrium relaxation in the weak coupling limit
[2203.11657] Bei Xu, Shoufa Sun, Qiang Gu: Kondo Effect in a Spin-3/2 Fermi Gas
[2203.11674] Rituraj Borah, Rajeshreddy Ninakanti, Gert Nuyts et al.: Selectivity in Ligand Functionalization of Photocatalytic Metal Oxide Nanoparticles for Phase Transfer and Self-assembly Applications
[2203.11704] T.K. Kassenova, P. Tsyba, O. Razina et al.: Three-partite vertex model and knot invariants
[2203.11713] Guilherme Eduardo Freire Oliveira, Christian Maes, Kasper Meerts: Resetting photons
[2203.11737] Jules Guioth, Freddy Bouchet, Gregory L. Eyink: Path large deviations for the kinetic theory of weak turbulence
[2203.11741] Annabel L. Davies, Tobias Galla: Network Meta-Analysis: A Statistical Physics Perspective
[2203.11742] N. Suntornwipat, A. Aitkulova, V. Djurberg et al.: Rapid direct growth of graphene on single-crystalline diamond using nickel as catalyst
[2203.11759] Simon Streib, Ramon Cardias, Manuel Pereiro et al.: Adiabatic spin dynamics and effective exchange interactions from constrained tight-binding electronic structure theory: beyond the Heisenbe...
[2203.11773] G. C. Antunes, P. Malgaretti, J. Harting et al.: Pumping and mixing in active pores
[2203.11776] Md. Kamrul Hassan: Recent development on fragmentation, aggregation and percolation
[2203.11778] Georgy Gordeev, Thomas Rosenkranz, Frank Hennrich et al.: Light control over (n, m)-selective aryl bromide like functionalization of substrate supported carbon nanotubes
[2203.11784] Allan Vieira, Judson Moura, Celia Anteneodo: Controlling the average degree in random power-law networks
[2203.11785] Sara A. López-Paz, Zurab Guguchia, Vladimir Y. Pomjakushin et al.: Dynamic Magnetic Crossover at the Origin of the Hidden-Order in van der Waals Antiferromagnet CrSBr
[2203.11794] Rohit Pathak, Parul R. Raghuvanshi, Amrita Bhattacharya: A strategic high throughput search for identifying stable Li based half Heusler alloys for spintronics applications
[2203.11825] Stanislaw Krukowski, Konrad Sakowski, Paweł Strak et al.: Macrosteps dynamics and the growth of crystals and epitaxial layers
[2203.11848] Rui Lou, Yiyan Wang, Lingxiao Zhao et al.: Electronic structure and open-orbit Fermi surface topology in isostructural semimetals NbAs$_2$ and W$_2$As$_3$ with extremely large magnetoresistance
[2203.11850] Guillaume Manzanares, Thierry Champel, Denis Basko et al.: Superradiant Quantum Phase transition for Landau Polaritons with Rashba and Zeeman couplings
[2203.11858] Eesha Andharia, Hind Alquarashi, Bothina Hamad: Lattice Dynamics, Mechanical Properties, Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of Equiatomic Quaternary Heusler Alloys CrTiCoZ (Z =Al,Si...
[2203.11861] Quinn Parker, Dilina Perera, Ying Wai Li et al.: Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning of Structural Phases of Polymers Adsorbed to Nanowires
[2203.11865] Hamed Almohammadi, Sandra Martinek, Ye Yuan et al.: Disentangling kinetics from thermodynamics in heterogeneous colloidal systems
[2203.11871] Justin Boddison-Chouinard, Alex Bogan, Norman Fong et al.: Charge detection using a WSe$_2$ van der Waals heterostructure
[2203.11880] Marko D. Petrovic, Manuel Weber, James K. Freericks: Theoretical description of time-resolved photoemission in charge-density-wave materials out to long times
[2203.11902] Jinbing Hu, Carmine Antonio Perroni, Giulio De Filippis et al.: Electric polarization and its quantization in one-dimensional non-Hermitian chains
[2203.11905] Christopher Wöpke, Clemens Göhler, Maria Saladina et al.: Traps and transport resistance: the next frontier for stable state-of-the-art non-fullerene acceptor solar cells
[2203.11922] Alaska Subedi: Possible structural quantum criticality tuned by rare-earth ion substitution in infinite-layer nickelates
[2203.11925] Tiema Qian, Eve Emmanouilidou, Chaowei Hu et al.: Unconventional pressure-driven metamagnetic transitions in topological van der Waals magnets
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 23 Mar 22","img":""}