Proficiency Test
By:saif AL-zawahra

CD-ROM stands for:
Compact Disk Random Only Memory
Compact Disk Read Only
Computer Device Read Only Memory
D) Computer Disk Random Online Memory
Control Unit (CU) is the
Main unit of the computer and sometimes is called the brain of the computer
Unit that controls and coordinates all other computer components
C) Main memory of any computer system
D) Unit that is responsible for performing all the computer calculations
3- Which of the following factors you should consider when buying a computer:
A) Size of the RAM
B) Speed of the CPU
C) Size of the hard disk
D) All of the above
4- The term "end user" is used to describe people who
A) use the output from computers (the end product)
B) write software for computers
C) use computers to perform information processing tasks
D) are the last to use a computer or the information from a computer
5- In which areas of today's business world would you expect to find microcomputers:
A) In nearly all areas of business
B) Only in areas that require extensive mathematical processing
C) In areas that demand exact answers or word processing
D) In large corporations with big data processing budgets
6- The largest computers, used mainly for research, are called:
A) microcomputers
B) maxicomputersc
D) mainframe computers
7- The raw material used to create information is called:
D) manuals/procedures
8- Software used to interact between user programs and the computer is called:
A) application software
B) system software
C) Operation software
D) custom made software
9- Microcomputers are divided into two general categories:
A) high speed and low speed
B) graphical and non-graphical
C) portable and desktop
D) math based and text based
10- The abbreviation of www, which is used in the Internet, represents:
A) World Wide Web
B) Wide World Web
D) Web Wide World
C) Web World Wide
11- A magnetic tape is an example of:
A) direct access storage device
B) random access storage device
C) sequential access storage device
D) straight line access storage device
12- Temporary, or volatile, storage is also known as:
C) Megs.
D) Disk
13- When you delete a file:
A) A copy of the file will be sent to the desktop
B) You send the file to the Recycle Bin
C) The file will not be affected
D) A copy of the file will be stored in your active folder
14- Which of the following statements is correct about opening control panel:
A) You can open control panel from windows explorer
B) You can open control panel from settings on start menu
c) You can open control panel from my computer
D) All of the above
15- The documents that is located in start menu store:
A) The last 15 files that you have open
B) The last 15 files that you have delete
C) The last 15 files that you have copy
d) None of the above
16- The desktop is:
A) An example of a hardware device
D) A window
17- When you select MS-Prompt from program on start menu:
A) You will move to DOS window
B) You will close your computer
C)You will close DOS window
D) None of the above
18- The Shut down icon on start menu means:
A) Close all windows
B) Close the current windows
C) Close your computer
D) None of the above
19- The CU:
A. Used to store the processed data in temporarily.
B. Used to control the processes in the CPU
C. Used to control the output and the input units only
D. Used to control the RAM only.
20- When you select find icon from start menu and you type ???.txt, this mean that:
A) The computer will find all files that have extension txt only
B) The computer will find all files that have only three letters with all extensions.
c) The computer will find all files that have three letter and extension txt only
D) None of the above
21- When you select find icon from start menu and type S*S.doc, this means that:
A) The computer will find all files that have extension doc only
B) The computer will find all files that have only three letters and extension is
C)The computer will find all files that have first and last letter is S and extension is doc
D) None of the above
22- The ADD New hardware icon on control panel is used to:
A) Add new hardware to your computer
B) Delete some hardware from your computer
C) Stop the work of some hardware
D) None of the above
23- The easiest way to move a file from one folder to another in windows95 is to:
A) Use Copy and Paste
B) Use Cut and Copy
C) Use Drag and Drop
D) Use Cut and Drop
24- You can slow or fast the movement of the mouse from the:
A) Mouse icon on control panel
B) System icon on control panel
C) Add/Remove program icon on control panel
D) None of the above
25- To launch an application in Windows, you can on its icon:
A) Click
B) Drag
C) Double click
D) none of the above
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