AP Human Geography

What is the study of population characteristics called?
Geographic Study
Population concentrations
What map uses shading to show proportion?
Physical map
Chloropleth map
Political map
Dot distribution
Which is an example of absolute location?
Next to Walmart
Near Kent Meridian
2500 Meridian Street
Which is the correct definition for Distance Decay Effect?
Geographic information study
Areas in which characteristics are found throughout
Spread of an ideal innovation from people to other people
The effect of distance on cultural interactions
Which one is NOT an example of a region?
Formal Region
Functional Region
Perceptual Region
External Region
What is the correct definition of Globalization?
Central place and surrounding places effected by it
The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade and communications
Proportional circles and pie graphs
Shows travel, time and population
What does GIS stand for
Get It Straight
Goats In Shows
Geographical information system
Globalization information system
What are population Pyramids?
The average number of children a woman will have throughout her childbearing years
The percentage by which the population grows in a year
The norms, values and beliefs practiced by group of people
Used to analyze growth or decline of fertility, mortality and migration in cites
What is CDR
The total number of deaths in a year for every 1,000 people alive in a society
The total number of live births in a year for every 1,000 people alive in a society
The average number of children a woman will have throughout her child bearing years
Method of human communication, either spoken or written
Thomas Malthus's Theory was
Population will grow exponentially and Food production will increase with us
Population Grow at an exponential rate while food production increases arithmetically
The food production will outrun the human population
Population spreads from person to person while food grows the natural way
What are some Push Factors?
Not enough jobs
Loss of wealth
Job opportunities
Natural disasters
Political and Religious Freedom
Natural Disasters
What are some Pull Factors?
Not enough jobs
Job opportunities
Better living opportunities
Natural disasters
Migration is
To move from one region or country to another
Method of human communication, either spoken or written
A particular form of language, which is peculiar to specific region or social group
Natural Rate Increase is
Which is not a form of Diffusion?
Stimulus Diffusion
Hierarchical Diffusion
Contagious Diffusion
Cultural Diffusion
What is Stimulus Diffusion?
What is Contagious Diffusion
Dialects are defined as
Something that encourages people to leave a country
The total number of deaths in a year
The spread of an ideal innovation
A particular form of language, which is peculiar to a specific region or social group like the army or navy
Culture is
The norms, values and beliefs practiced by a group of people
Method of human communication, either spoken or written
The average number of children and people in a region
Hierarchical diffusion is
What is fertility rate?
The total number of deaths in a year
Method of human Communication
The average number of children a woman will have throughout her child bearing years
What is an example of relative location?
Next to burger king
Peters Street
234th place
Formal Regions are
Functional Regions are
Geographic Scale is
Statement of relationship between distances on a map and distances in real life
Map used to show proportions
The study of population
Cartograms show
Proportional circles and pie graphs
Travel, time and population
Perceptual regions are
Defined by places, feelings and attitudes about areas like Chinatown
South Asia, east Asia , south east Asia , Europe , north america
Contours of the land
What is the Mercator map projection used for
{"name":"AP Human Geography", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"what is the study of population characteristics called?, What map uses shading to show proportion?, Which is an example of absolute location?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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