Massive, charged particles traveling close to the speed of light
Light particles traveling close to the speed of light.
Magnetic fields traveling close to the speed of light.
A spectrum that tells you about the observed flux of an object.
Where do cosmic rays come from?
Only the Sun.
They are man made.
We don't know because they take very complicated paths to get to Earth but we think there are common environments capable of accelerating particles to cosmic ray energies.
Cosmic rays are purely theoretical so we cannot say for sure yet.
What is a spectrum?
A spectrum tells you how far away an object is from you.
A spectrum tells you how much mass there is in any given object..
A spectrum tells you what energy range dominates the observed flux.
A spectrum tells you where in the sky the object is located.
Which is more energetic: radio or gamma-rays?
Gamma ray.
Near what known object did we find a newly, unidentified gamma-ray source?
The Vela SNR.
The Crab Nebula.
The Pencil Nebula.
Tycho's SNR.
What is our next step to understanding more about our unknown source?
Call the NASA Fermi-LAT team and tell them what we have found.
Gather all information about this region of space in all wavelengths.
Find out how much danger Earth is in with this gamma-ray source so close by.
What instrument discovered this new source at such high energies?
Hubble Space Telescope
Green Bank Telescope
{"name":"PART I: A CANDIDATE FOR CR ACCELERATION", "url":"","txt":"What are cosmic rays?, Where do cosmic rays come from?, What is a spectrum?","img":""}