Do you have a confident image for success ? 
Answer the questions below and let's start to level up Brand You .....
Own Your Style Black

Do you know what your Personal Brand Image is ?
Yes, I have it mastered
No idea
Think so
Keen to learn
How confident are you in getting visible and known for your what you do ?
Really comfortable
I never want to be seen
I'm OK but don't feel confident
I don't know how to start
How do you feel walking into room full of people you don't know ?
Love it - I feel at ease
I will avoid it if I can
I am OK but don't feel confident
I want to feel more confident
How would you describe your Personal Style and Image right now ?
Really happy with it
Lost my style
It's a bit dated
Needs a complete update
Do you engage with the right people on social media and at events for your career or business ?
Yes, lots of people
Never make any new contacts
I do now and again
Need to engage with more
Do you have great imagery to use of your Personal Brand image (if applicable) ?
Yes I have a professional photo shoot
No I use stock photos
I take some photos on my phone
I want to know how to get great images to use
Do you know what colours look best on you and also what they mean for your brand image ?
Yes, I've had a colour analysis for me and my brand
I just use and wear any colours
I have an idea but not sure
I know its important and keep meaning to find out more
{"name":"Do you have a confident image for success ?  Answer the questions below and let's start to level up Brand You .....", "url":"","txt":"Do you know what your Personal Brand Image is ?, How confident are you in getting visible and known for your what you do ?, How do you feel walking into room full of people you don't know ?","img":""}
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