Mid term quiz

A colorful classroom with students actively participating in a grammar quiz, with question sheets and a teacher guiding them.

Mid Term Grammar Quiz

Welcome to the Mid Term Grammar Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your understanding of English grammar rules and sentence structures. It includes various question types such as converting statements into questions, forming negatives, and using grammatical forms correctly.

Whether you're a student looking to reinforce your skills or someone wanting a refresher on essential grammar, this quiz is tailored for you!

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Focus on sentence structure
  • Designed for various proficiency levels

15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by LearningLeaf103
Change the statement, "They play basketball on Saturdays" into a grammatically correct yes/no question.
They play basketball on Saturdays.
Do they play basketball on Saturdays?
Is the play basketball on Saturdays.
Are they play basketball on Saturdays?
Change the statement, "I play piano very well" into a negative statement.
I do play piano very well.
Do you play piano very well?
I don't play piano very well.
How well do you play piano?
Using present progressive, which words fill in the following sentence best: "The students __________________the video right now."
Are watching
Is watching
Is the following sentence correct or incorrect - "Who are those guys at the bus stop?" (yes/no)
Yes it is correct.
No it is not correct.
Is the following sentence correct or incorrect - "I would like some potatos with my steak." (yes/no)
No it is incorrect.
Yes it is correct.
Rewrite the following sentence with the correct indefinite pronoun: "____________ is impossible."
Some things
Out of much, many, few, or little, which works better to fill in the following sentence: "I didn't take as ______ vacation photos as my sister."
Change the following positive statement into the negative: "She liked her new car."
She didn't like her new car.
Did she like her new car?
Change the following sentence into a yes/no question: "She received an unusual gift."
Did she receive an unusual gift?
Have you received an unusual gift?
What is an unusual gift?
Change the following positive sentence into the negative: "They were stopping at every red light."
They ran through every red light.
They stopped at the red light
They didn't stop at every red light.
They didn't stop at a red light.
Rewrite the following sentence using, 'use to,' correctly:"Edmund didn't have long hair."
Edmund didn't use to have long hair.
Edmund didn't used to have long hair
Which option modifies the bracketed word to make it a superlative: "Which of the uniforms at the store is _____________ (cheap)
Out of better than/ the best/ gooder, which makes the most grammatical sense for the following sentence: "She plays tennis _____________ of all of us.":
Better than
The best
Which option correctly makes the sentence an equative sentence: "Snowboarding is _____ fun _____ snowshoeing."
Snowboarding is as fun as snowshoeing
Snowboarding and snowshoeing are fun activities.
Which option uses 'going to' correctly: "We ____________________ to the union meeting after class today."
We will go to the union meeting after class today.
We are going to the union meeting after class today.
We is going to the union meeting after class today
They are going to the union meeting after class today.
{"name":"Mid term quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Welcome to the Mid Term Grammar Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your understanding of English grammar rules and sentence structures. It includes various question types such as converting statements into questions, forming negatives, and using grammatical forms correctly.Whether you're a student looking to reinforce your skills or someone wanting a refresher on essential grammar, this quiz is tailored for you! Multiple choice questionsFocus on sentence structureDesigned for various proficiency levels","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/104-5107687/img-tud1i3n5dbl6upzpjboqdzga.jpg"}
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