Commission, Council, Europan Council, Agencies, decision-making and lobbying

A vibrant illustration of the European Union's emblem with symbols representing its institutions and decision-making processes, such as the European Parliament, European Commission, and Council, surrounded by a map of Europe.

EU Decision-Making Challenge

Test your knowledge about the intricacies of the European Union's decision-making processes and institutions. This quiz will challenge you on various aspects such as the roles of the European Commission, Council, and Parliament, as well as lobbying and agency functions.

Join us to learn more about:

  • European Union Agencies
  • European Council Responsibilities
  • Legislative Procedures
  • COREPER Functions
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ExploringUnion47
How many agencies exist in the EU?
Responsible for representative democracy along the EP (Art.10)
European Commission
European Council
The Council
European Court of Justice
All the following are rules of procedure of the European Council, except:
Can permit "Cobitasion"
Seek political concessions and compromises
Seeks unanimity rather than concensus
Is responsible to execute the Commission's approved drafts
Which COREPER (I or II) was responsible for representing the Council during codecision?
Which two Councils are mentioned in Lisbon treaty?
Ecofin and FAC
Constantly changes staff
Away from national politics
Is a preparatory body for the Council and European Council
High level diplomats
The composition of the College of the Commission:
President, 26 commissioners and High Representative
President, 26 commissioners and civil servants
President and 26 commissioners
President, Secretary General and 26 commissioners
Which of these directives/regulations is likely to be approved in a community type decision way?
Economic Sanctions
Foreign policy and JHA
Economic and environmental
Migration and Border control
The best lobbying campain in the EP would be...
Global and proactive
Global and reactive
Technical and proactive
Ask for favors
All the following are characteristics of informal trialogues
Are held between Commission, Council and Parliament
Seek to facilitate decision making
Have to take place before conciliation committee
Take place at an early stage
Current chairman of european parliament
Jean Paul Junker
Martin Schulz
Antonio Tajani
David Sassoli
The last country to incorporate as EU member is ____ in ____
Slovenia in 2007
Croatia in 2013
Croatia in 2011
North Macedonia in 2021
To prepare a legislative act, the Commission has to consider:
Environmental Consequences
Explain how subsidiarity and proportionality play in every specific proposal.
Art. 235, 308, and 352
Regulatory Impact Assessment
The EU has shared competence in the following areas:
Custom Union
Internal Market
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