Slides 101-122

A topographic map with contour lines and a compass in a natural outdoor setting, showcasing mountains and valleys, realistic and detailed

Master Your Map Skills

Test your knowledge of map reading and navigation with this engaging quiz! Whether you are a beginner or an experienced adventurer, this quiz will help you solidify your understanding of essential map concepts and techniques.

  • 10 challenging questions
  • Multiple choice and checkbox formats
  • Perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and military training
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by NavigatingMountain57
What are the 3 Map Scale
1:10,000 / 1:25,000 / 1:100,000
1:25,000 / 1:125,000 / 1:500,000
1:25,000 / 1:100,000 / 1:500,000
1;25,000 / 1:100.000 / 1:50,000
What can contour lines tell you about certain terrain?
Where there may be cliffs, draws, or other obstacles to prevent easy passage
What the enemy's highest avenue of approach might be
Where it might be most beneficial to setup a hide/support by fire/camp
What shouldn't you do with a map? (not laminated)
Fold it
Get it wet
Battle track
Rip it
Leave in the open for the enemy
Draw on it with permanent ink
How should you treat a map?
Laminate it
Keep in water, dust, mudproof protections
Ball it up and shoot hoops
Fold it with care
Use super fine map markers
It is possible to be totally lost with a map?
As you move from you start point, what should you be cognizant of?
My known point
Where I'm going / End point
Possible contacts
Ahead terrain
What scale helps translate the distance from map to ground?
Grid scale
Bar Scale
Rule Scale
Distance Scale
Map Scale
Map-to-Ground Scale
Contour Scale
What Map do we most commonly use?
Topographic Map
Aerophoto Map
Satellite Map
Google Maps
It is possible to locate your position without a compass
What do contour line represent?
Determine elevations
If I'm walking off a cliff
Distance between incline
How far I'll have to suffer
How tall a mountain/hill is
{"name":"Slides 101-122", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of map reading and navigation with this engaging quiz! Whether you are a beginner or an experienced adventurer, this quiz will help you solidify your understanding of essential map concepts and techniques.10 challenging questionsMultiple choice and checkbox formatsPerfect for outdoor enthusiasts and military training","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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