Romanian Literature Quiz

Romanian Literature Quiz
Test your knowledge of Romanian literature with our engaging quiz! Dive deep into the works of notable authors and their celebrated books.
Take on the challenge and discover:
- The authors behind iconic Romanian novels
- The publication years and historical context
- Your understanding of Romanian literary heritage
Cine a scris Enigma Otiliei si in ce an?
G. Calinescu 1938
Mircea Eliade 1938
Ioan Slavici 1938
Nichita Stănescu 1938
Cine a scris romanul "Ion" si in ce an?
Mihail Sadoveanu 1921
Liviu Rebreanu 1921
Liviu Rebreanu 1920
Liviu Rebreanu 1930
Cine a scris romanul "Baltagul" si in ce an?
Ioan Slavici 1881
Ioan Slavici 1920
I.L. Caragiale 1905
Mihail Sadoveanu 1930
Cine a scris piesa de teatru "O scrisoare pierdută" si in ce an a fost publicată?
I.L. Caragiale 1882
I.L. Caragiale 1886
I.L. Caragiale 1889
I.L Caragiale 1888
Cine a scris romanul "Moara cu Noroc" si in ce an a fost publicat?
Mihail Sadoveanu 1882
G. Calinescu 1882
Mircea Eliade 1881
Ioan Slavici 1881
{"name":"Romanian Literature Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of Romanian literature with our engaging quiz! Dive deep into the works of notable authors and their celebrated books.Take on the challenge and discover:The authors behind iconic Romanian novelsThe publication years and historical contextYour understanding of Romanian literary heritage","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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