Space Tourism - Listening, 2nde

Create an image of a futuristic spacecraft in orbit around Earth, with civilians enjoying the view from inside and stars sparkling in the background.

Journey to the Stars: Space Tourism Quiz

Discover the fascinating world of space tourism with our engaging quiz! Test your knowledge about the rising trend of civilians traveling to space and learn interesting facts about space exploration.

  • Multiple choice questions to challenge your knowledge
  • Learn about the pioneers of space tourism
  • Explore costs and experiences associated with space travel
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by FlyingComet42
1.The rockets will carry
2.The first interviewee says it would be
3.It is part of a growing .... Space race to build a new ... For the .... industry
4.For Denis Tito, "every minute of it was..."
5.How much did the Russian pay to go to orbit on a Russian rocket to the ISS?
6.He's been thinking about it every day
For 17 years
Since 17 years
17 years ago
7. Common point between Bezos, Branson,Musk and Allen?
They are famous but against space exploration
They are billionaires and want to send ordinary people into orbit
They are the first 'common people' who booked a space flight
8. A trip with Virgin Galaxy costs $250,000
Two hundred fifty thousand
Twenty five thousand
Two hundred and fifteeen thousand
9. What's the English for 'un acompte'?
A deposit
A highlight
A heartbeat
10. The reporter's feelings about future space trips for people like us
She sounds worried - it's not safe enough
She is enthusiastic - it will bring us closer to what's above us
She seems indecisive - it's great but very expensive
{"name":"Space Tourism - Listening, 2nde", "url":"","txt":"Discover the fascinating world of space tourism with our engaging quiz! Test your knowledge about the rising trend of civilians traveling to space and learn interesting facts about space exploration.Multiple choice questions to challenge your knowledgeLearn about the pioneers of space tourismExplore costs and experiences associated with space travel","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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