Which character from The Art of Killin' It are you?

In a moment of crisis, where might you be found?
Hiding in a closet
Moving a body
Taking a shot at the bar
Protecting my friends
Running away as fast as possible
Im fighting anyone in the room
Questioning everyone that was present
I hope I'm not the crisis...
Why is there a crisis in the first place!
How do you feel about your photo being taken?
I LOVE having my pictures taken
Please be sure to catch my good side
Pictures with my friends are the best
For documenting purposes it cant hurt
Please, no photos...
I mean if I'm being paid for the photos why not?
Get that camera out of my face.
Ugh... They never get my angles right.
Who would you say you are in your friend group?
Everyone loves me
The quiet one
People compare me to Bubbles from the power puff girls
Im the motivational speaker
Grumpy 95% of the time
Smooth talker 24/7
The analytical one
Popular. Duh.
What are friends....
How do you measure happiness?
Having close friends
TikTok and or Instagram followers
Having a loving family
A steady reliable profession
Following my passion!
Finding THE ONE
Money AND Power
Being wealthy and self made
Favorite leisure activity?
Trying a new restaurant
Making cool tech things like robots, voice activated appliances etc
Yoga, salsa dancing, meditation, etc.
Video Games
Staying home, with my own booze, away from people
Cleaning my house/apartment
True crime tv show or murder mystery novels
What is your go to outfit
If it sparkles - its all me.
A sharp blazer and slack combo
Jeans and a t-shirt
A nice sweater vest and slacks, mmm cozy
All black everything
Its gotta be professional, but also functional
Anything purple and fabulous
Something that shows off my curves
Your clothes should say - distinguished, and reliable
If you were a murder weapon. Which would you be?
Poison of course
A blunt object
An icicle
I don't want to be a murder weapon...
Deadly flower
A chandelier - love to make a statement
Frying pan
Prosthetic Leg
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would that be?
I could use a little nose job
I'd love to be taller
Give me a luscious booty
Make me young again. Reverse time. Get me the fountain of youth!
I'm a perfect specimen
Theres always room to sharpen the mind and senses
I would like to be less shy
People tell me I'm too aggressive...
I want a clone of myself to be an even better friend!
Favorite childhood game?
Hide and seek
Candy Land
Capture the flag
Musical chairs
Playing by myself
Double dutch
{"name":"Which character from The Art of Killin' It are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"In a moment of crisis, where might you be found?, How do you feel about your photo being taken?, Who would you say you are in your friend group?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/83-3935446/7b4a1917ver3-1-.jpg?sz=1200-00000002121000005300"}
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