Neuro Final Review Ch8-Ch20

Taste receptor cells synapse on primary gustatory axons cranial nerves, including CN ____, which project to neurons in the gustatory nucleus of the _________, which project to relay neurons in the _________, which project neurons in the ___________ ______________ cortex.
VI, Thalamus, Medulla, Contralateral, Cerebral
IX, Medulla, Thalamus, Ipsilateral, Gustatory
V, Sensory Cortex, Brain stem, Ipsilateral, Motor
Which is one function that utilizes gustatory information that does not rely on conscious perception of taste?
Olfactory receptor neurons synapse on second-order olfactory neurons in spherical regions called ganglion within the olfactory bulbs.
The central olfactory pathway is unique among sensory pathways because the input is sent to the olfactory cortex without being relayed through the _________.
Brain Stem
Which type of retinal ganglion cell has a large receptive field and is sensitive to low contrast stimuli?
What is the difference between sweet receptors and bitter receptors?
Bitter receptor cells are more specific than sweet receptor cells.
Bitter receptor molecules have two GPCR subunits and sweet receptor molecules have 3.
Their taste receptor molecules come from two different gene families.
Sweet receptor molecules also respond to salt.
Which of the following is true of phototransduction?
When a photoreceptor is stimulated with light it depolarizes.
Once activated, transducin activates phosphodiesterase which produces more cGMP to open more ion channels
In the dark Cl- ions flow out of photoreceptor cells.
Photoreceptors do not fire action potentials, they release neurotransmitter in a voltage-dependent fashion.
All of the above are true.
Retinal ganglion cells project to the lateral geniculate nucleus as well as the:
Midbrain and hypothalamus
Which of the following is the most likely basis of visual perception (assigning meaning to visual stimuli)?
A specialized population of neurons that recognizes each specific persona and object it views
Concerted activity of many neurons throughout the visual pathways
Binocular neurons in the thalamus
Decussation in the optic chiasm
Which of the following does not receive direct input from the vestibular nuclei?
Spinal cord lower motor neurons controlling lower extremities and postural muscles
Nuclei for cranial nerves III,IV,Vi
All of the above receive input from the vestibular nuclei.
Which stream processes motion and location visual information?
Which stream carries information toward the posterior parietal lobe?
Which stream experiences posopagnasia when the pathway is lesioned?
Each thermoreceptor cell expresses ________ type(s) of ___________ which are activated at specific temperatures.
Many, metabotropic receptors
One, metabotropic receptors
One, ionotropic receptors
Many, ionotropic receptors
Pacinian corpuscles are specialized for detecting ______ due to properties of the ______.
Constant pressure, axon ending
Constant pressure, capsule surrounding axon
Vibration, axon ending
Vibration, capsule surrounding the axon.
Which nerve carries somatosensory information from the posterior aspect of the arm, forearm, and hand?
Which of the following is the greatest source of input to alpha motor neurons?
Input from upper motor neurons
Input from muscles spindles
Input from spinal interneurons
All of the above send equal amounts of input to alpha motor neurons
What is the effect of reciprocal inhibition?
Relaxation of antagonist muscles while agonist muscles are active
Rhythmic, alternating movements of the limbs
Increasing contraction when a muscle is suddenly lengthened
Strengthening the extension of the contralateral limb during the flexor reflex
The corticospinal tract originates in the _______ and primarily controls _______ muscles.
Brainstem, distal
Brainstem, axial and proximal
Primary motor cortex, distal
Primary motor cortex, axial and proximal
Which of the following best describes the organization of the primary motor cortex?
Upper motor neurons are grouped into clusters based on which specific muscles they control
The primary motor cortex is organized somatotpically, wither area devoted to the hands and face than other body regions
There is no clearly defined pattern to the organization of the primary motor cortex.
Which of the following is false regarding the HPA axis?
Magnoceullular neurons release CRH onto postsynaptic neurons in the pituitary gland
Cells in the anterior pituitary gland release ACTH into the blood
ACTH acts on cells in the adrenal glands
The adrenal glands produce cortisol.
Which of the following is a property of the diffuse modulatory systems of the brain?
They each originate from a small set of neurons in the brainstem
Neurotransmitters are released into the extracellular fluid and diffuse widely
Each neuron contacts over 100,000 postsynaptic neurons throughout the CNS
Each system uses its own characteristic NT
All of the above
The amygdala is located in which lobe?
Name one area other than the amygdala that is also connected to aggressive behavior.
Limbic system
Flexor pollicis longus
Wrenches' area is located in the________ lobe.
Inferior occipital
Superior temporal
Inferior parietal
Superior frontal
Broca's area is located in the _______ lobe.
Inferior temporal
Superior frontal
Inferior occipital
Superior parietal
Which artery supplies Broca's and Wernicke's areas?
Middle Cerebral Artery
Right Middle Cerebral Artery
Left Middle Cerebral Artery
{"name":"Neuro Final Review Ch8-Ch20", "url":"","txt":"Taste receptor cells synapse on primary gustatory axons cranial nerves, including CN ____, which project to neurons in the gustatory nucleus of the _________, which project to relay neurons in the _________, which project neurons in the ___________ ______________ cortex., Which is one function that utilizes gustatory information that does not rely on conscious perception of taste?, Olfactory receptor neurons synapse on second-order olfactory neurons in spherical regions called ganglion within the olfactory bulbs.","img":""}
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