
The evolution of the petroleum refinery was driven by the changing demand for petroleum products as well as the changing crude oil base over time. Which one of the evolution stages listed below was driven primarily by the changing crude oil base?
The Thermal Refinery
Batch Fractionation
The Catalytic Refinery
Continuous Fractionation
The End of the 20th Century Refinery
The transition from a fractionation refinery to a thermal refinery was prompted by one of the following events listed below. Mark the event that triggered this refinery transition.
Mass production of automobiles with spark-ignition engines.
Replacement of coal with a liquid fuel in steam ships
Mass production of aircraft with gas turbine engines.
Declining production of Pennsylvania crude oil
Mass production of automobiles with compression-ignition engines.
One of the statements below is a false statement. Mark the false statement.
Maltenes usually contain lower concentrations of heteroatom species than asphaltenes.
Molecular constitution of asphaltenes depends on the solvent used in separating the asphaltenes.
The yield of asphaltenes obtained by solvent fractionation depends on the solvent used for their precipitation.
Anti-solvent effect describes the observation that a higher solvent/residue ratio used in the separation process produces a higher yield of asphaltenes
Asphaltenes have a definitive chemical formula and molecular structure.
Choose the statement below that would best complete the following sentence. Methane and ethane can be used in a refinery as..
Gas oil.
Isomerization feedstock.
Alkylation feedstock.
polymerization feedstock.
Fuel gas
One of the statements given below is false. Mark the false statement.
Catalytic dewaxing is actually a conversion process.
Dewaxing decreases the freezing point of the lubricating base oil product.
Dewaxing produces slack wax from DAO.
Solvent dewaxing is a separation process.
Low viscosity index is desirable for lubricating oil base stocks.
Two of the statements listed below about the Modified Claus Process are false. Mark the two false statements.
Condenser outlets must be maintained at temperatures above the melting point of sulfur
Ammonia that may be present in the feed to the Modified Claus Process must be completely destroyed in the converter reactor.
The effluent gas from the burner reactor should be kept at a temperature above the dew point of elemental sulfur.
Burner reactor does not produce any elemental sulfur.
The converter effluent is introduced into a condenser unit to obtain elemental sulfur as a liquid product.
One of the statements below most correctly completes the following sentence. Catalytic reforming is no longer considered as a favorable process in the U.S. Refineries because of..
Decreasing hydrogen demand.
Regulatory limits on the aromatic content of gasoline.
Decreasing heavy naphtha yields from distillation.
Competition for platinum by the fuel cell industry.
Increasing sulfur contents of heavy naphtha
Choose one of the statements given below that most correctly completes the following sentence. To obtain the highest yield of alkanes in a thermal cracking process, the refiners would choose to run the reactor at relatively..
High flow rates.
High temperature.
Low space velocity.
High pressure.
Low pressure.
Mark one of the statements below that is most likely to be a true statement.
Radical combination is a propagation step in free radical chain reactions.
High pressures during thermal cracking favors the formation of n-alkanes.
Hydrogen abstraction from hydrocarbons is favored over beta-scission at lower pressures.
High pressures during thermal cracking favors the formation of olefins.
Initiation of free radical chain reactions involves heterolytic bond cleavage.
Which one of the following processes is usually the first process in a hydrotreatment sequence?
One of the statements below is a false statement. Mark the false statement.
Raw natural gas contains water and diluents.
Some raw natural gas streams may contain helium.
Shale gas is produced to obtain Natural Gas Liquids as the principal product.
Natural gas hydrates (methane trapped in ice) could plug production or processing pipelines.
Natural gas can be found in oil wells.
Mark the false statement below.
Organic sulfur compounds tend to concentrate in the higher boling fractions of crude oil.
Iso-alkanes have higher boiling points than n-alkanes with the same carbon number.
Vapor pressure of hydrocarbons decreases with the increasing carbon number.
Vapor pressure of hydrocarbons decreases with the increasing carbon number.
Naphthenes have higher densities than n-alkanes with the same carbon number.
Thermal Severity Index relates most closely to the..
Thermodynamics of thermal cracking.
Mass transfer during thermal cracking.
Momentum transfer during thermal cracking.
Equilibrium conversion in thermal cracking.
kinetics of thermal cracking.
One of the statements below correctly completes the following sentence. Diesel fuel ignition quality is mesaured by an equivalent of..
tetracene number.
Chrysene number.
Hexadecane number.
Butane number.
octane number.
Visbreaking reduces viscosity by
Carbon addition.
hydrogen subtraction
Paraffin addition.
Carbon disproportination.
Choose one of the statements below that would best complete the following sentence. Thermal cracking is carried out in two different reactors because..
One reactor could have a fixed-bed configuration.
thermal reactivity of n-paraffins depends on the chain length.
one reactor could have a moving-bed configuration.
it is a continuous process.
It is a semi-continuous process.
Which sequence below best represents the correct order of forward flow in processes that takes place in the following refinery units: distillation, hydrotreating, reforming, naphtha fractionation.
Distillation,naphtha fractionation, reforming, hydrotreating
Distillation, hydrotreating, reforming, naphtha fractionation
Distillation,reforming, naphtha fractionation, hydrotreating
Distillation, reforming, hydrotreating, naphtha fractionation
Distillation,naphtha fractionation, hydrotreating, reforming
The properties used in calculating the characterization factors relate to chemical composition of crude oil. Mark all of the statements given below that correctly explain this relationship.
These properties represent discreet intervals without any overlap between different liquid hydrocarbons.
These properties reflect the intermolecular forces that exist in a liquid.
These properties relate to energy needed to pull apart the molecules from one another in a liquid.
These properties relate to the concentration of heteroatom species in crude oil.
These properties are independent of the complex interaction between different hydrocarbon species in crude oil.
Choose on of the statements below that would best complete the following sentence. Thermal cracking processes in the U. S. Refineries have been replaced by catalytic cracking processes because..
Hydrogen abstraction by free radicals is very slow.
The isomerization of free radicals is very slow.
the initiation of free radical chain reaction is slow.
the termination of free radical chains is fast.
The free radical reactions produce more aromatics in gasoline.
Choose the statement below that correctly completes the following sentence. High heteroatom contents are typically associated with highly..
Naphthenic crude oils.
Aromatic crude oils.
olefinic crude oils.
Paraffinic crude oils.
Aliphatic crude oils.
Choose the statement below that best completes the following sentence. Heavy naphtha is used for reforming because it contains high concentrations of ..
Compared to the processin of paraffinic crude oils, relatively low temperatures need to be used in vacuum distillation of aromatic crude oils to prevent possible coking in the distillation column.
Choose one of phrases below that would most correctly complete the following sentence. Removal of nitrogen (HDN) may be used as a pretreatment process in a refinery in order to protect ..
Acid catalysts.
Base catalysts
Metal catalysts.
Neutral catalysts.
liquid catalysts.
Reforming increases the octane number primarily by increasing the concentration of what kind of hydrocarbons in the product?
One of the statements given below is true. Mark the true statement.
Catalytic dewaxing is a finishing process.
Catalytic dewaxing increases the ratio i-paraffins/n-paraffins in the lubricating oil base stock produced in the process.
Hydrogen is added during solvent dewaxing to prevent disproportionation.
Wax contains long-chain iso-paraffins.
Solvent dewaxing does not require refrigeration.
One of the statements below provides the best answer to the following question. What is the principal reason for rejecting nitrogen from raw natural gas?
Decreasing the viscosity of natural gas.
Decreasing the basicity of natural gas.
Increasing the heating value of natural gas.
Increasing the specific gravity of natural gas.
Increasing the lubricity of natural gas.
Choose one of the statements below that would best complete the following sentence. Catalytic cracking produces branched-chain alkanes because..
acid catalysts accelerate the cracking reactions.
Olefins are less reactive than naphthenes.
FCC is a well integrated process.
Secondary and tertiary carbocations are more stable than primary carbocations.
Secondary and tertiary free radicals are less stable than primary free radicals.
Choose one of the statements below that most correctly completes the following sentence. At least two drums are used in the delayed coking process in order to..
Increase the coke quality.
Fractionate the coking products.
Ensure the continuity of VDR flow.
Increase the coke yield.
delay the coking reactions.
Choose the statement below that correctly completes the following sentence. Crude oil is generally classified according to..
XRD profiles
proximate analysis
Hydrocarbon composition.
Elemental composition
XPS analysis
Natural Gas Liquids could be processed in petroleum refinery units. Choose the units from the following list that could be used for processing of Natural Gas Liquids. Mark all the options that apply.
Vacuum Distillation
Light Ends Unit
Fluid Catalytic Cracking
Crude Distillation
Mark the false statement below.
Crude oil contains heteroatoms such as S, N, and O.
Crude oil contains alkanes and aromatics.
Crude oil contains alkenes.
Crude oil contains naphthenes.
Crude oil contains metals such as Ni and V.
Mark one of the options listed below that provides the best answer to the following questions. Which one of the five stages in refinery evolution involved a fundamental change in the chemistry of conversion processes?
The Heavy Ends Conversion Refinery
The Catalytic Refinery
The Continuous Fractionation
The Thermal Refinery
The Batch Fractionation
A preliminary calculation to assess the operation of a depropanizer column shows that 8 theoretical plates would be needed for the desired level of separation in the column. Mark the correct statement below assuming a plate efficiency of 80% and a reflux correction factor of 2.
The column would need 24 actual plates.
The column would need 20 actual plates.
The column would need 28 actual plates.
The column would need 13 actual plates.
The column would need 16 actual plates.
Among the sulfur species in petroleum fractions some of the methylated dibenzothiopenes are the most resistant compounds to hydrodesulfurization. Choose one of the staments below that best explains why some methylated dibenzothiophenes are resistant to hydrodesulfurization.
Methyl groups in some methylated dibenzothiophenes react with hydrogen reducing the availability of hydrogen for hydrodesulfurization reactions.
Methyl groups introduce non-planarity to some methylated dibenzothiophenes.
Methyl groups in some methylated dibenzothiphenes react with molybdenum found in the hydrodesulfurization catalyst.
Methyl groups increase the thermodynamic stability of some methylated dibenzothiophenes.
Methyl groups shield the sulfur atom in some methylated dibenzothiophenes.
Mark all the false statements below.
Boiling point of a compound decreases with the decreasing pressure.
Boiling point increases with the decreasing pressure.
Boiling point does not depend on pressure
Higher vapor pressure means higher boiling point.
Cyclohexane has a lower vapor pressure than n-hexane.
A wet flue gas analysis in vol% from an FCC regenerator is as follows: N2: 80%, CO2:14%, CO:2%, O2:1%, and H2O: 3%. What is the hydrogen content (as wt%) of the coke burnt) in the regenerator? Assume that the coke burnt in the regenerator consists only of carbon and hydrogen. Choose the correct answer below.
Hydrogen content of the coke burnt is 3.0 wt%.
Hydrogen content of the coke burnt is 4.6 wt%.
Hydrogen content of the coke burnt is 7.5 wt%.
Hydrogen content of the coke burnt is 6.5 wt%.
Hydrogen content of the coke burnt is 5.6 wt%.
Mark the false statement below.
Alkylation requires highly concentrated acid as catalyst.
Alkylation is the opposite of cracking considering the change in molecular size during the process.
Alkylate has a high aromatic hydrocarbon content.
Alkylate is currently favored over reformate in the U.S. Refineries because of environmental regulations on gasoline.
Alkylate has a higher octane number than polymerate.
Choose the statement below that would correctly complete the following sentence. On a ternary diagram, any blends of two crude oils will be found on a..
curve based on the mixing ratio of the crude oils used to make the blend.
Straight line that connects the points representing the two oils on the diagram.
Boundary line that separates the types or classes of the two crude oils.
Circumference of the circle that contains the points representing the two oils on the diagram.
Choose one of the statements below that would best complete the following sentence. Carbenium ions are made by..
Subtracting hydride ions from olefins.
abstracting protons from olefins.
Adding protons to olefins.
Adding hydride ions to naphthenes.
Adding electrons to alkanes.
Choose the statement below that correctly completes the following sentence. Dewaxing removes..
Long-chain naphtenes.
Large aromatic compounds.
Long-chain n-paraffins.
Nitrogen species.
Choose the statement below that best completes the following sentence. Distillation separates crude oil into different fractions with respect to differences in..
Vapor pressure.
Proximate analysis.
Hydrocarbon functionality.
Elemental composition.
Kinematic viscosity.
Which pair of the following pairs of processes uses a similar concept for providing heat to carry out the desired cracking reactions?
Delayed Coking and Fluid Catalytic Cracking
Visbreaking and Fluid Coking
Catalytic Dewaxing and Fluid Coking
Fluid Coking and Thermal Cracking
Fluid Coking and Fluid Catalytic Cracking
Choose the statement below that correctly completes the following sentence. Characterization factors are calculated using...
Heteroatom composition of crude oil.
Spectral properties of crude oil.
Physical properties of crude oil.
Chemical properties of crude oil
Molecular composition of crude oil.
Choose one the statements that most correctly completes the following sentence. To produce ethylene (an olefin ) in high yields, thermal cracking of naphtha should be carried out at relatively...
High recycle rates.
High space velocity.
High pressure and low temperature.
Low pressure and high temperature
Low recycle rates.
The two principal upgrading strategies used in upgrading heavy fractions of crude oil are..
Carbon rejection and hydrogen addition.
Desalting and sulfurization.
Carbon sequestration and hydrogen oxidation.
Hydrogen abstraction and carbon addition.
Hydrogen addition and oxygen retention.
Choose one of the statements below that is most likely a false statement.
Carbenium ions can be made on Lewis acid sites on a catalyst.
Carbonium ions are made by adding protons to alkanes.
Carbonium ions can be made made on Lewis acid sites on a catalyst.
Carbonium ions can be made on Bronsted acid cites on a catalyst.
Carbenium ions can be made on Bronsted acid sites.
Which type of process in petroleum refining most frequently addresses the environmental concerns from combustion of petroleum fuels?
Soot blowing
Which statement below is a false statement?
Hydrotreatment is a finishing process.
Distillation is a separation process.
Dewaxing produces lubricating oil base stock.
Salt is removed from crude oil by precipitation.
Hydrotreatment removes heteroatom species.
Choose the false statement below.
At full reflux there is no distillation product.
Equilibrium Flash Vaporization maximizes the reflux ratio to reach equilibrium.
Adding steam to a distillation column improves fractionation.
Increasing the number of stages in a distillation column improves separation of the distillate components.
Increasing reflux ratio in a distillation column improves separation.
Choose one of the expressions below that best completes the following sentence. Deasphalting process can be considered as a..
Hydrogen abstraction process.
Hydrogen addition process.
Carbon rejection process.
Supporting process.
Finishing process.
{"name":"E4FD32Mak", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"The evolution of the petroleum refinery was driven by the changing demand for petroleum products as well as the changing crude oil base over time. Which one of the evolution stages listed below was driven primarily by the changing crude oil base?, The transition from a fractionation refinery to a thermal refinery was prompted by one of the following events listed below. Mark the event that triggered this refinery transition., One of the statements below is a false statement. Mark the false statement.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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