Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Someone on the street calls out your name. You:
Ignore them. My name's so common that I hear it a lot.
Ignore them. None of my business. If they want to talk to me, they need to chase me down.
Look around discreetly as to not draw attention to myself.
Yell "WHAT??" back at them
Move in the direction of the voice.
The elevator breaks down and you're stuck with a complete stranger. You:
Try to strike up conversation. Just chit-chat while you wait.
Completely ignore them//Pull out your phone and don't make any eye contact.
Scream because you don't want to waste time stuck in an elevator.
Find a corner and pretend you're somewhere else//start crying.
Start a conversation, try to find similarities, and make a new friend.
Press all the buttons//Try to logically find a way out with the stranger's help.
Choose a super power:
Invisibility, to hide when I don't want to be seen.
Mind reading, so I can't embarrass myself.
Super strength, to show off to my friends.
Flight, so I can meet people across the world.
Time travel, so I can correct the wrongs of the past.
Immortality, so I can see the generations of the future.
Where would you be at peace?
In a bustling city where there are so many opportunities and people to meet.
In a quiet settlement by the sea where everything is peaceful.
Alone, traveling the world and seeing things for myself.
Wherever there are a lot of people to socialize with.
With the ones I trust and love deeply.
Somewhere where I can have fun and fool around all I want.
Choose the word that most appeals to you:
Talk about friends.
I don't have any and don't want any.
I don't have any but I'd do anything to have some.
I have one/two really close friends.
I have a group of friends that I regularly hang out with.
I have a bunch of friends that I have fun with.
I'm friends with everyone.
How long would you say it takes for you to get to know a person?
I warm up after hanging out and talking//not all that long.
At first I might be a bit cold, but after a while I become more trusting.
The moment we exchange greetings we're friends.
Very quick, that's why I have so many friends.
Months//years, sometimes, before I'm able to show my true self. But when I do, they really get to know me.
Once I find common ground it's super fast.
How often do you feel lonely?
I've always been lonely.
Sometimes when I'm not around anyone I know.
Never, I always have people around me who I can laugh with.
Rarely, I can always find solitude in small things in life.
Almost none of the time.
Lonely? What's that?
How often do you feel forgotten?
All the time//every day.
Once in a while, when my friends seem to leave me out.
Never, people know who I am.
Not a lot, I have a lot of friends.
Some days, but maybe it's just me.
Rarely, but I do.
What kind of life do you lead?
I wouldn't know, I'm still discovering for myself.
What kind of life do you wish you led?
One in which I'd learn as I went along.
What is one trait you wish you have//admire in others?
Mental strength.
Where do you find yourself at parties?
Nowhere... I don't go//don't get invited.
In the corner, eating food//sticking by people I know.
At the center of the party//everyone wants to talk to me.
Making awkward conversation with people I don't know.
Meeting strangers and making new friends.
Being loud and embarrassing.
One last question! True or false: I think more critically of myself than of others.
{"name":"Are you an introvert or an extrovert?", "url":"","txt":"Someone on the street calls out your name. You:, The elevator breaks down and you're stuck with a complete stranger. You:, Choose a super power:","img":""}
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