Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Fri, 30 Apr 21
[2104.13926] Bernadette K. Cogswell, Apurva Goel, Patrick Huber: Passive low-energy nuclear recoil detection with color centers
[2104.13945] Phil Broadbridge, Ravindi Nanayakkara, Andriy Olenko: On Multifractionality of Spherical Random Fields with Cosmological Applications
[2104.13958] Pradip Kumar Gautam, Deweshvar Singh: Defined the predictors of the lightning over India by using artificial neural network
[2104.13976] Yuri K. Batygin: Six-dimensional matching of intense beam with linear accelerating structure
[2104.13977] George S. Hicks, Oliver C. Ettlinger, Marco Borghesi et al.: Spectrally peaked proton beams shock accelerated from an optically shaped overdense gas jet by a near-infrared laser
[2104.13981] Jordan Cambe, Krittika D'Silva, Anastasios Noulas et al.: Modelling Cooperation and Competition in Urban Retail Ecosystems with Complex Network Metrics
[2104.13995] Olga Shapoval, Remi Lehe, Maxence Thévenet et al.: Overcoming timestep limitations in boosted-frame Particle-In-Cell simulations of plasma-based acceleration
[2104.14020] H. Olsson, M. Andersen, G. Helms: Bias field correction of MPRAGE by an external reference -- The poor man's MP2RAGE
[2104.14027] Victoria H.J. Clark, Sergei N. Yurchenko: Modelling the non-local thermodynamic equilibrium spectra of silylene (SiH2)
[2104.14045] Denis Stanev, Riccardo Riva, Michele Umassi: Deep Neural Network as an alternative to Boosted Decision Trees for PID
[2104.14064] Ashwani Kr. Tripathi, Tamoghna Das, Govind Paneru et al.: Can active hydrodynamic fluctuations affect barrier crossing during enzymatic catalysis?
[2104.14068] Ryan Kohl, Eduardo Corona, Vani Cheruvu et al.: Fast and accurate solvers for simulating Janus particle suspensions in Stokes flow
[2104.14108] Zi-Chao Gao, Chao-Hai Du, Fan-Hong Li et al.: Forward Wave Amplification Enhanced Radiation in a 1 THz Harmonic Gyrotron
[2104.14128] Rafael A. Méndez-Sánchez, Antonio A. Fernández-Marín: Analytical solutions for the Timoshenko beam theory with Free-Free boundary conditions
[2104.14142] Bei Yan, Yiwei Peng, Jianlan Xie et al.: Multifrequency and multimode topological waveguides in Stampfli-triangle photonic crystal with large valley Chern numbers
[2104.14217] Gauthier Wissocq, Pierre Sagaut: Hydrodynamic limits and numerical errors of isothermal lattice Boltzmann schemes
[2104.14230] Alexey Taradin, Denis G. Baranov: Single-handedness chiral optical cavities
[2104.14232] Xiaoyang Duan, Samuel T. White, Yuanyuan Cui et al.: Reconfigurable Multistate Optical Systems Enabled by VO2 Phase Transitions
[2104.14239] Feng Wan, Wei-Quan Wang, Qian Zhao et al.: Generation of quasi-monoenergetic proton beams via quantum radiative compression
[2104.14252] N. Boulanger, F. Buisseret, V. Dehouck et al.: Motor strategies and adiabatic invariants: The case of rhythmic motion in parabolic flights
[2104.14262] Shin-ichi Kimura, Taishi Kawabata, Hiroki Matsumoto et al.: Spin-Resolved Resonant Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy (SR-rEELS): Observation of Element- and Spin-Selective Bulk Plasmons
[2104.14292] Marcos Vinicius C. S. Rezende, Nayara D. Coutinho, Federico Palazzetti et al.: Nucleophilic substitution vs elimination reaction of bisulfide ions with substituted methanes: exploration of chir...
[2104.14293] Xiao-Nan Wang, Xiao-Fei Lan, Yong-Sheng Huang et al.: Prompt Acceleration of a Short-Lifetime Low-Energy Muon Beam
[2104.14302] Enrico Serra, Antonio Borrielli, Francesco Marin et al.: Silicon-nitride nanosensors toward room temperature quantum optomechanics
[2104.14303] Jan Trieschmann, Axel Wright Larsen, Thomas Mussenbrock et al.: Kinetic simulation of electron cyclotron resonance assisted gas breakdown in split-biased waveguides for ITER collective Thomson...
[2104.14305] Kun He, Ben Ma, Lei Wang: Numerical study on electrohydrodynamic enhancement of PCM melting in cylindrical annulus under microgravity
[2104.14308] Ivan Vishniakou, Johannes D. Seelig: Differentiable model-based adaptive optics for two-photon microscopy
[2104.14321] Francisco Freire-Fernández, Konstantinos S. Daskalakis, Javier Cuerda et al.: Magnetic on-off switching of a plasmonic laser
[2104.14326] D. M. Vasileva, K. N. Lyashchenko, A. B. Voitkiv et al.: Resonant elastic scattering of polarized electrons on H-like ions
[2104.14342] F. Minotti, G. Modanese: Are current discontinuities in molecular devices experimentally observable?
[2104.14343] Andrei T. Patrascu: The Universal Coefficient Theorem, Wormholes, and the Island
[2104.14344] Abhinash Kumar Roy, Anmol Sahu, Tejinder P. Singh: Trace dynamics, and a ground state in spontaneous quantum gravity
[2104.14345] Z.E. Musielak: New Equation of Nonrelativistic Physics and Theory of Dark Matter
[2104.14352] S. Bhattarai, D.-M. Mei, M.-S. Raut: Low-Energy Solar Neutrino Detection Utilizing Advanced Germanium Detectors
[2104.14356] Michaela Turčanová, Martin Hrtoň, Petr Dvořák et al.: Full-range optical imaging of planar collagen fiber orientation using polarized light microscopy
[2104.14359] Juste Raimbault, Michael Batty: Estimating public transport congestion in UK urban areas with open transport models
[2104.14378] Sukanta Basu, Albert A. M. Holtslag: Turbulent Prandtl number and characteristic length scales in stably stratified flows: steady-state analytical solutions
[2104.14394] Jacopo M. De Ponti, Luca Iorio, Emanuele Riva et al.: Selective mode conversion and rainbow trapping via graded elastic waveguides
[2104.14410] Chunyi Zhang, Fujie Tang, Mohan Chen et al.: Modeling liquid water by climbing up Jacob's ladder in density functional theory facilitated by using deep neural network potentials
[2104.14411] L. M. Hincapie-Zuluaga, J. D. Mazo-Vásquez, C. A. Betancur-Silvera et al.: Transmission of electromagnetic waves through nonlinear optical layers
[2104.14416] Joanna Gonera, Piotr Kosinski, Patryk Michel: Global Symmetries of the Kepler Problem
[2104.14419] A. Méry, V. Kumar, X. Fléchard et al.: Coulomb explosion imaging of carbon monoxide dimers
[2104.14427] Alejandro Dinkelberg, David O'Sullivan, Michael Quayle et al.: Detect opinion-based groups and reveal polarisation in survey data
[2104.14438] Dmitry Efimov, Artur Maksymov, Marcelo Ciapina et al.: Three-electron correlations in strong laser field ionization: Spin induced effects
[2104.14439] Marco Eckhoff, Jörg Behler: High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials for Magnetic Systems Using Spin-Dependent Atom-Centered Symmetry Functions
[2104.14446] Yves-Marie Ducimetière, François Gallaire, Adrien Lefauve et al.: The effects of spanwise confinement on stratified shear instabilities
[2104.14454] N. I. Petrov: Mechanisms of X-ray and gamma-ray emissions in lightning and spark discharges
[2104.14460] Carl A. Lindstrøm: Self-correcting longitudinal phase space in a multistage plasma accelerator
[2104.14462] Zhenlin Wang, Mariana Carrasco Teja, Xiaoxuan Zhang et al.: System inference via field inversion for the spatio-temporal progression of infectious diseases: Studies of COVID-19 in Michigan and M...
[2104.14471] Yangyang Chen, Hussein Nassar, Guoliang Huang: Discrete Transformation Elasticity: An Approach to Design Lattice-based Polar Metamaterials
[2104.14472] B.T.T.Wong: Generalized Abelian Gauge Field Theory under Rotor Model
[2104.14477] Lucia Pedraza, Juan Pablo Pinasco, Nicolas Saintier et al.: Analytical formulation for multidimensional continuous opinion models
[2104.14505] Sylvio R Bistafa: A translation of G.W. Krafft's "On a new type of oscillations"
[2104.14520] F. H. Lindner, E. G. Fitzpatrick, D. Haffa et al.: Charge-state resolved laser acceleration of gold ions to beyond 7 MeV/u
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Fri, 30 Apr 21","img":""}
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