It is the condition of the sky from time to time. Thus, it changes all the time
Is the average weather pattern in a given region.
Scientists who monitor weather conditions and climate.
Scientists who monitor weather conditions and climate.
Short term state of the atmosphere
Long-term pattern of weather
It is a person whose duty it is to forecast the weather for the time being
Collection of condensed water vapor in the sky.
This forms in the clouds when water vapor condenses into bigger and bigger droplets of water. When the drops are heavy enough, they fall to the earth.
It refers to the hotness or coldness of air. Changes in air temperature are caused by the energy from the sun.
It is used to measure temperature.
It is the amount of precipitation, in the form of rain (water from clouds), that descends onto the surface of Earth, whether it is on land or water.
It is used to measure the amount of rainfall in millimeters.
Refers to the direction where wind comes from.
Descibes how fast a wind blows.
Describes wind speed based mainly on observed sea conditions. It employs the speed of a sailing vessel to describe the wind speed.
When a wind blows from east to west, the wind is called ___________
It is used to determine wind direction.
It is used to measure the wind speed.
It changes as temperature changes. It is the amount of water vapor or moisture in the air.
It is used to measure the moisture in the air.
Which does not belong to the group?
Rain gauge
Which does not belong to the group?
Wind vane
Amount of rainfall
Wind speed and direction
How many seasons does philippines have
Which of the following statements is NOT true?
Air temperature is high if there are clouds covering the sky.
Air movement causes
Air temperature is affected by the amount of sunlight
The higher the temperature, the higher the humidity
Which of the following statements is TRUE about humidity?
Humidity is low if warm air holds more water vapor
Humidity is low if cold air holds less water vapor
Humidity is high if cold air holds more water vapor
Humidity is high if warm air holds less water vapor
Which of the following is bad effect of weather to people?
It can cause people to get sick
It dictates the choice of clothes
It allows people to observe proper hygiene
It affects the kind of occupation and livelihood
Which tool enhances weather forecasts by enabling monitoring, which is necessary for predicting global weather and environmental events?
Weather balloon
Automated weather station
An important component of the Solar System. It is the center of the Solar System and planets moving around it. It is our daytime star and source of heat and light.
What gases make up the sun?
Carbon, hydrogen, helium
Carbon, boron, hydrogen
Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
Oxygen, aluminum, hydrogen
What gases make up the sun?
Which of the following is untrue?
It is composed mainly of 70% helium gas, 28% hydrogen gas, and 2% heavy elements such as carbon, iron, oxygen
The sun is a medium-sized star close to the Earth.
A star produces its own light, heat, and energy at its core.
According to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the core of the sun has a temperature of 15 600 00°C.
The heat of the sun travels toward the surface and radiates out into the universe.
What causes the sun to attract all objects? It also attracts the planets to one another. It keeps the solar system together.
It is the outermost layer of the sun’s interior.
It is a region between the core and at convection zone.
It is where energy produced from the core travels outward through radiation.
It is the innermost part of the sun.
It is the inner layer of the sun’s atmosphere.
It is the middle layer of the sun’s atmosphere.
It is the outer part of the sun’s atmosphere.
Areas that appear dark because they are slightly cooler than other regions of the sun.
The eruption of gases from the chromosphere of the sun.
They are violent explosions on the sun’s atmosphere.
It comes from the sun and moves in all directions with the speed of 400 kilometres per second.
A device that tells time depending on the position of the sun’s shadow during the day.
Sunlight activates ___________ found in your skin. It helps in absorption of calcium that makes the bones strong and hard.
It is a change in the environment to which organisms respond in different ways
Plant need energy from the sun to manufacture their own food or undergo ___________
What happens to the length of the shadow if the sun’s angle is low?
The shadow will be long
There will be no shadow
The shadow will be short
The shadow will be right above the object
Which does not belong to the group?
Solar flare
Solar wind
Which does not belong to the group?
Radiation zone
Convection zone
What is the coolest part of the sun?
What refers to the violet explosion on the sun’s surface?
Which of the following does not describe the sun?
It has limited light
It is a star
It has layers
It has an atmosphere
Which of the following helps tell time?
Position of the sun
Solar Energy
Which of the following refers to the inactivity of some animals during summer?
Which of the following activities protects the skin from direct heat from the sun?
Use of sunblock
Drinking a lot of water
Wearing thick clothing
Taking a bath every day
Which of the following is made up of electrical particles?
Solar flare
Solar wind
{"name":"SCIENCE", "url":"","txt":"It is the condition of the sky from time to time. Thus, it changes all the time, is the average weather pattern in a given region., scientists who monitor weather conditions and climate.","img":""}
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