Christian Narrative

To set free by payment of a price
God makes all events of the universe fulfill the original design with which He created it.
God maintains His creation with the properties with which He endowed them.
In the beginning the Godhead made the universe.
God's eternal purpose being worked out in time.
Meaning "The everlasting God"
Meaning "The God of the mountains or God Almighty"
Meaning "The strong one who sees"
Meaning "The most high God"
Meaning "God" a reference to God's power and might
Meaning "Lord" a reference to the Lordship of God
Meaning "The Lord of hosts"
Meaning "The Lord os our peace"
Jehovah- Shalom
Meaning "The Lord our banner"
Meaning "The Lord will provide"
Meaning "The Lord our righteousness"
Meaning "The Lord our healer
Meaning "The Lord who is present
Meaning "The Lord my shepherd
Meaning "The Lord thy sanctifier"
A reference to God's divine salvation.
Jehovah- (YAHWEH)
The trinity is defined by mutual love, OT: heed, NT:Jesus
Righteousness, Justice, Wrath, Goodness
Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience
Infinite, Self-existence, and Immutability
The relationships among the three members of the Trinity- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit- in and with themselves. God apart from all creation.
Ontological Trinity
A view of the Trinity that stresses the functions or work of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit within creation, rather than their eternal being in relation to each other.
God is identified with the creation.
Belief in multiple gods.
Doubt or disbelief in God's existence.
Denial that God can be known.
Denial of God's existence
God is a personal God, creator, preserver, and ruler of all things.
God exists but is not involved within the world.
God spoke through nature
God spoke through angels. Shepherds.
Luke 2:8-14
God spoke through Chrostopahnies. Moses at the burning bush.
Exodus 3:2
God spoke through visions.
Isaiah 6:1-8
God spoke through a donkey, Balaam.
God chose to reveal himself to mankind in stages, and not all at once.
Given to everyone, declares God's greatness, sufficient for condemnation
Given to certain individuals, declares God's grace
Order&Design needs an adequate course that is infinitely wise.
The Bible, Jesus works and Christianity must be accounted for.
Everyone has the concept of God
Universal Belief
Every event must have an adequate cause.
Man exists; therefore, something like man but greater than man exists.
Man has a concept of a most perfect being; ergo, one must exist.
{"name":"Christian Narrative", "url":"","txt":"To set free by payment of a price, God makes all events of the universe fulfill the original design with which He created it., God maintains His creation with the properties with which He endowed them.","img":""}
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