New Super Mario Bros (DS)

What was the overall purpose of this game?
To revive Mario as his original 2D platformer genre
To make the Nintendo DS way more popular and to get really good sales on the game
What is the plot of the game?
Bowser. Jr captures princess peach after a thunder cloud puts peaches castle on fire
Bowser kidnaps peach and Luigi too with the koppalings
Secret Worlds?
The secret worlds are world 4 (the forest) and world 7 (cloud world). You have to beat world 2s boss with the mini mushroom. You need to beat the world 5 boss with the mini mushroom for world 7 or find the cannon in world 4
There are not any secret Worlds you get all of the m as you go through the game
There are secret Worlds and they are world on and 10. They are star Worlds!
How do you get a 3 star profile (100% game)
Get all the star coins and spend them all,beat the final boss and get all the secret exits and the cannons
Beat the final boss
There isn't such thing as a 3 star profile
Collect all the star coins and beat the game
Find all the star coins
Is there a secret mode?
Yes, it's challenge mode and you must do a secret code to get to it as well as beat the game
There isn't a challenge mode
Yes, it's ultra super duper hard mode
How many worlds are There?
Is there any extra modes?
Yes, Mario VS Luigi (Download local play) and minigame mode
Nope just the main mode
Yes, it's Mario kart ds demo
{"name":"New Super Mario Bros (DS)", "url":"","txt":"What was the overall purpose of this game?, What is the plot of the game?, Secret Worlds?","img":""}

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