Mcn - finals unit exam
A delivery room nurse is assisting the obstetrician with the delivery of a female newborn. After the delivery, the nurse prepares to prevent heat loss in the newborn resulting from evaporation by which of the following interventions?
Closing the doors to the room.
Drying the infant with a warm blanket.
Warming the crib pad.
Turning on the overhead radiant warmer.
Nurse Cindy prepares to administer a vitamin K injection to a newly born baby. The mother asks the nurse why her newborn infant needs the injection. The best response by nurse Cindy would be:
"Newborn infants are deficient in vitamin K, and this injection prevents your infant from abnormal bleeding."
"The vitamin K will protect your infant from being jaundiced!"
"Newborn infants have sterile bowels, and vitamin K promotes the growth of bacteria in the bowel."
"Your infant needs vitamin K to develop immunity."
Thermal care is central to reducing morbidity and mortality in newborns. Which of the following actions demonstrates the nurse's understanding about the newborn's thermoregulatory ability?
Inspecting the newborn's umbilical cord.
Obtaining an Apgar score.
Placing the newborn under a radiant warmer.
Suctioning with a bulb syringe.
A nursery nurse is monitoring the urine output of a newborn and has noticed a reddish stain in the newborn's diaper. What causes the reddish stain present in the newborn's urine?
Excess iron
Uric acid crystals
Vital signs assessment takes place as part of the art of observation and monitoring of the infant, child or young person. These signs give an indication of the body's basic functions. When assessing the newborn's heart rate, which of the following ranges would be considered normal if the newborn were sleeping?
140 beats per minute
80 beats per minute
100 beats per minute
120 beats per minute
A fontanelle is an anatomical feature on an infant's skull that allows its plates to be flexible to pass through the birth canal. Which of the following is true regarding the fontanels of the newborn?
The anterior is bulging; the posterior appears sunken.
The posterior closes at 18 months; the anterior closes at 8 to 12 weeks.
The anterior is large in size when compared to the posterior fontanel.
The anterior is triangular shaped; the posterior is diamond shaped.
Healthcare providers check reflexes to determine if the brain and nervous system are working well. Some reflexes occur only in specific periods of development. Which of the following groups of newborn reflexes below are present at birth and remain unchanged through adulthood?
Blink, cough, sneeze, gag
Rooting, sneeze, swallowing, and cough
Blink, cough, rooting, and gag
Blink, cough, rooting, and gag
The test for the Babinski reflex is simple but the results can identify potentially very serious central nervous system dysfunction. Which of the following describes the Babinski reflex?
The newborn turns the head in the direction of stimulus, opens the mouth, and begins to suck when cheek, lip, or corner of mouth is touched.
The newborn abducts and flexes all extremities and may begin to cry when exposed to sudden movement or loud noise.
The newborn will attempt to crawl forward with both arms and legs when he is placed on his abdomen on a flat surface.
The newborn's toes will hyperextend and fan apart from dorsiflexion of the big toe when one side of foot is stroked upward from the ball of the heel and across the ball of the foot.
Thermoregulation is a homeostatic process that maintains a steady internal body temperature despite changes in external conditions. Which of the following actions would be least effective in maintaining a neutral thermal environment for the newborn?
Covering the infant's head with a knit stockinette .
Covering the scale with a warmed blanket prior to weighing.
Placing crib close to nursery window for family viewing.
Placing infant under radiant warmer after bathing.
A nursery nurse assessed a female newborn 15 minutes after birth with the following assessment findings: RR-74; HR-160, nostril flaring; mild intercostal retractions; and grunting at the end of expiration. Which of the following should the nurse do?
Start oxygen per nasal cannula at 2 L/min.
Suction the infant's mouth and nares.
Call the assessment data to the physician's attention.
Recognize this as normal first period of reactivity.
If you are task to administer the vitamin K injection to a neonate, you would select which of the following sites as appropriate for the injection?
Deltoid muscle
Vastus lateralis muscle
Gluteus maximus muscle
Anterior femoris muscle
Nurses are expected to evaluate and monitor the neonate as part of a newborn assessment. The head should be closely inspected as part of the neurological examination. The newborn's head is examined using inspection and palpation and assessed for size, shape, and symmetry. What is the feature of the anterior fontanel
It is diamond shaped in appearance.
It closes after 6 to 8 weeks of birth.
It lies near the occipital bone.
It measures about 1 cm by 2 cm.
A pediatric nurse explained that cooperative play is a powerful tool for children's development, providing them with invaluable opportunities to learn essential skills and build meaningful relationships. An example is a group of children playing house. Each child is assigned a specific role as mommy, daddy, or child. At what age does this type of play typically begin?
Between 7 and 10 years old
Between 3- and 5-years old
Between 10 and 13 years old
Between 1 and 2 years old
A pediatric nurse assessed a female infant for her regular check-up. How many erupted teeth would the nurse expect a healthy 8-month-old infant to have?
If you are tasked with developing a care plan for the child's oral hygiene, you should encourage the parent to introduce tooth brushing to the child by age:
7 years
3 years
6 months
1 year
You assessed a male infant for a well-baby check-up. Upon weighing the infant, you noticed that his weight has doubled since the last time you weighed him. How much weight do you expect him to gain in his first year?
Weight doubles
Weight triples
Weight quintuples
Weight quadruples
The couple is concerned that their five-month-old son is not sitting yet. A pediatric nurse explained that a baby will begin to sit with a little help at what age?
By 6 months
By 5 months
By 7 months
By 4 months
The couple asked the nurse, when should a baby start to crawl? Which of the following children's ages would the nurse most appropriate answer?
By 6 months
By 5 months
By 11 months
By 9 months
A baby started walking holding on to rails when he is ten-months old. His mother wants to know if this is normal. When should babies start walking by?
11 months
7 months
13 months
9 months
A mother comes in and is concerned because her baby can turn from abdomen to back, but cannot turn back to her abdomen. You inform the mother that this is:
Normal; babies turn from abdomen to back by 3 months and back to abdomen by 6 months.
Abnormal; babies should be able to turn both ways at the same time.
Normal; babies turn from abdomen to back by 5 months and back to abdomen by 6 months.
Abnormal; babies should turn from back to abdomen before abdomen to back.
A mother is very concerned because her infant has not laughed. She is worried that she is doing something wrong in caring for her infant. When should babies laugh by?
4 months
2 months
6 months
At birth
A mother is concerned because her daughter is crying often when she leaves her alone. She mentions that this did not happen when her daughter was a newborn. When does "separation anxiety" begin?
2 - 6 months
10 - 12 months
1 - 2 months
4 - 8 months
A grandparent is concerned that her newborn granddaughter is equally happy with family and strangers. She fears that the baby will not have a healthy fear of strangers. You reassure her that fear of strangers develops with time. When does fear of strangers develop?
6 - 8 months
4 months
2 years old
10 - 12 months
You are explaining the cognitive development of infants to a group of students. You explain that object permanence develops at 9 - 10 months. What is object permanence?
Understanding of death and mortality.
Realization of the difference between real objects versus visual representations.
Realization that objects moved out of sight still exist.
Recognition of parents.
You are explaining the cognitive development of infants to a group of parents. You explain that many reflexes are replaced by voluntary activity during infanthood. What is this phase called?
Sensorimotor phase
Voluntarimotor phase
Voluntariloco phase
Locomotor phase
A parent comes in and tells you that she is trying to teach her two-week old daughter how rattles make sound when shaken. You explain that the understanding of cause/effect takes time to develop. When do babies start to understand cause/effect?
By 7 months
By 1 - 4 months
By 3 - 6 months
By 9 months
A parent comes in, worried that his son has not started to speak yet. The son is one year old. When should a child's first word be?
1 year old
10 months
15 months
6 months
A mother comes in worried that her daughter has not started babbling, even though she is six months old. She remembers her first child babbling at a younger age. When should babies start babbling by?
3 months
9 months
5 months
7 months
You are explaining toilet training regimens to new parents. A father asks when should they expect their child to be toilet-trained. You explain that daytime and night control varies. When is a child expected to gain daytime bowel/bladder control by?
1 year
3 years
6 months
2 years
You are explaining toilet training regimens to new parents. A father asks when should they expect their child to be toilet-trained. You explain that daytime and night control varies. When is a child expected to gain night bowel/bladder control by?
6 months - 1 year
3 - 4 years
2 - 3 years
1-2 years
You are monitoring the growth of a toddler. Which of the following conditions is expected?
Anorexia bulimia
Physiological anorexia
A child is teething. The parents are uncertain about how many teeth are expected since they themselves have different counts of teeth due to past oral procedures. How many teeth are expected of toddler?
A father comes into the office and mentions that his toddler is walking. He wants to know when the toddler will start running so they can enter the father-son marathon together. When do children start running by?
22 months
20 months
14 months
18 months
A grandmother comes in and tells you that she wants to make clothes for her newborn grandchild. She wants to know how big the baby will be when he is 2.5 years old. How much will his weight have increased by compared to his birth weight?
2 times
6 times
4 times
8 times
You are giving a lecture on the physical changes toddlers undergo. Which of the following is not true?
Increased growth rate.
Decreased naps.
Increased appetite.
Increased taste preferences.
You are giving a lecture on stages of developments, and talk about Freud's theory. In regard to toddlers, what stage of development are they in?
You are coaching a mother who is about to adopt a toddler. You spend some time talking about the psychosocial changes toddlers experience compared to newborns. Which of the following shouldn't the mother expect?
May fear sleep, engines, animals.
May have security object.
May have imaginary friend.
Notes sex role differences and explores own body.
A four-year old comes in for his annual check-up. His father is concerned because the patient had gained 15 pounds last year. What is the normal annual weight gain for pre-schoolers?
10 lb/yr
20 lb/yr
5 Ib/yr
15 Ib/yr
A four-year old comes in for his annual check-up. His father is concerned because the patient had not gained any height in the last year. What is the normal increase in height for preschoolers?
2-2.5 in/yr
1-2 in/yr
0-1 in/yr
2.5-3 in/yr
You are tracking the growth of a five-year old patient. Which of the following would you not expect?
That her immune responses have increased from toddlerhood.
That she has started to get her permanent teeth.
That she dresses and washes herself.
That she skips, hops, jumps rope, skates, holds pencil and utensils with fingers.
A parent is quite concerned about the speech development of their preschooler. You lay out key milestones for them. Which of the following milestones do not occur during the preschool stage?
Asks the meaning of new words.
Stuttering and stammering common.
Talks incessantly.
Uses all parts of speech.
You are giving a workshop on the cognitive changes of pre-schoolers to educators. You explain that depending on the stage of development, some concepts would be too difficult for them. Which of the following would be too difficult for pre-schoolers?
Intuitive thought by 4-5 yr.
Understands past, present, future.
Curious about immediate world.
Grasps concepts of conservation.
You are visiting a school and explaining about puberty a class of adolescent boys. Which of the following is not part of the physical changes of male puberty?
Enlargement of scrotum, testes, and penis.
Pubic, axillary, facial, and body hair.
Bone precedes muscular development.
Nocturnal emissions and mature spermatozoa.
When planning nursing care, the nurse needs to remember that energy expenditure and nutrient requirements are higher during the:
Early adult years.
First year of life.
Middle adult years.
End of the life cycle.
A pediatric nurse planned to conduct a health education about growth and development to a group of parents with children ages 1-3 years old. The nurse is aware that the common stressor identified associated with the developmental stage of early childhood (1-3 years) is:
Responding to life-threatening illness.
Resolving conflicts associated with independence.
Accepting limited dietary choices.
Adjusting to a change in physique.
Normal growth is the result of the proper interaction of genetic, nutritional, metabolic, and endocrine factors. Which of the following statements helps explain the growth and development of children?
The sequence of developmental milestones is predictable
Rates of growth are consistent among children
Development proceeds at a predictable rate.
At times of rapid growth, there is also acceleration of development.
Piaget's cognitive theory places a strong emphasis on the active role that children play in their own cognitive development. Which behavior is most characteristic of the concrete operations stage of cognitive development?
Ability to think in abstract terms and draw logical conclusions.
Inability to put oneself in another's place.
Increasingly logical and coherent thought processes.
Progression from reflex activity to imitative behavior.
Reviewing the dietary history in the context of recommended dietary intake is an important component of nutritional assessment in children. Which statement explains why it can be difficult to assess a child's dietary intake?
Recall of food consumption is frequently unreliable.
Families usually do not understand much about nutrition.
Biochemical analysis for assessing nutrition is very expensive.
No systematic assessment tool has been developed.
According to Erikson, infancy is concerned with acquiring a sense of:
In regard to the concept of child's growth and development, the development of a 2-year-old child is characterized by:
Having attained one third of adult height.
Dressing self with supervision.
Engaging in parallel play.
Having a vocabulary of at least 500 words.
A group of nursing students discussed the child's different developmental theories. They explained that according to Erikson, the primary psychosocial task of the preschool period is developing a sense of:
Nurse Beth explains to a 23-year-old mother the reasons for her newborn's cranial molding and notices that the mother needs further instruction when she makes which of the following statements?
"The amount of molding is related to the amount and length of pressure on the head."
"The brain may be damaged if the molding doesn't resolve quickly."
"The molding is caused by an overriding of the cranial bones."
"The molding should disappear within a few days."
During assessment the nurse understands that the Moro reflex should disappear by what age in an infant?
2 months
4 weeks
6 weeks
4 months
A nursery nurse assessed a newly admitted newborn. She noticed a blue-black discoloration in the newborn's sacral area which is known as "Mongolian spots." The nurse is aware that this finding:
Indicates a birth defect.
Usually fades over time.
Is indicative of an internal problem.
Result from trauma during delivery.
A first time mother brought her infant to a private clinic for a well-baby check-up. She expresses concern over strabismus in her infant. What would the nurse explain to the mother regarding this condition?
This may be a permanent defect.
It is a normal finding in newborns.
It will require corrective surgery.
It will result in impaired vision.
Jaundice is caused when too much bilirubin builds up in the newborn's body. What is the best technique for assessing jaundice in a newborn?
Blanching skin on the forehead.
Testing capillary refill.
Assessing the skin on the bottom of the feet.
Assessing the skin on the palm of the hands
Infant stimulation is a process of providing supplemental sensory stimulation in any or all of the sensory modalities. When instructing a new mother about the newborn's need for sensory stimulation, the nurse should explain that the most highly developed sense in the neonate is:
Taste .
At the time of delivery, the nurse assigns a newborn an Apgar score at 1 and 5 minutes. The purpose of this scoring system is to obtain:
An assessment of mental retardation.
The infant's initial vital signs.
An initial assessment of vital functions.
A survey of gross functioning.
A healthy, full-term newborn was given vitamin K intramuscularly right after birth. The nursery nurse is aware that infants:
Need vitamin K to stimulate liver maturation.
Are often born with hypokalemia, which responds to vitamin K therapy.
Have a sterile intestinal tract and cannot synthesize vitamin K.
Cannot get enough vitamin K from their feedings.
Cognitive development is the development of knowledge, skills, problem solving and dispositions, which help children to think about and understand the world around them. Which best describes Piaget's cognitive stage of formal operations?
Transductive reasoning and egocentrism.
Cause-and-effect reasoning and object permanence.
Deductive and abstract reasoning.
Inductive reasoning and beginning logic.
Growth is natural and automatic process but development is planned and deliberate efforts to bring desirable changes among children. Based on the concept of growth and development, the most appropriate explanation of development is:
A child grows taller all through early childhood.
A child's brain increases in size until school age.
A child's weight triples during the first year.
A child learns to throw a ball overhand.
A group of nursing students discussed about the child's growth and development prior to exposure to the clinical area. Which assessment finding indicates the child's development is on target?
The child can throw a large ball but not a small ball.
The child has not gained weight for 3 months.
The child can pull herself or himself to her or his feet before the child is able to sit steadily.
The child's arms are the most rapidly growing part of the child's body.
While reviewing the concept of growth and development, the student nurses recalled that based on Piaget's theory of cognitive development, what is one basic concept a child is expected to attain during the first year of life?
If an object is hidden, that does not mean that it is gone.
He or she cannot be fooled by changing shapes.
Parents are not perfect.
Most procedures can be reversed
Nurse Bea is assessing a toddler and is explaining with the mother the psychosocial developmental theory. Nurse Bea is aware that the most age-appropriate activity to suggest to the mother at this stage is to:
Allow the toddler to pull a talking-duck toy.
Turn on a TV show with bright colors and loud songs.
Feed lunch.
Allow the toddler to start making choices about what to wear.
A nursery nurse prepares Vitamin K injection to be administered to newly born baby weighing 2600 g with an estimated gestational age of 38 weeks. The baby is 1 hour of age. In preparation of administering vitamin K, the nurse will:
Completely undress the neonate to identify the injection site.
Remove the neonate from the room so the parents will not be distressed by seeing the injection.
Replace needle with a 21 gauge 5/8 needle.
Explain to the parents the action of the medication and answer their questions
A nurse assesses the vital signs of the neonate. In assessing the neonate's apical pulse, where is the proper placement of the stethoscope?
Fourth or fifth intercostal space
First or second intercostal space
Third or fourth intercostal space
Second or third intercostal space
A nursery nurse takes the vital signs of a full-term neonate born few hours ago. In assessing the respiration, which of the following breath sounds are normal to hear in the first few hours after delivery?
Scattered crackles
A nursery nurse takes the vital signs of a neonate born at 40 weeks gestation. The nurse notices that the neonate's body temperature is 36.2°C. What would be the priority nursing intervention?
Turn up the heat in the room.
Notify the neonate's primary provider.
Place the neonate on the mother's chest with a warm blanket over the mother and baby.
Take the neonate to the nursery and place in a radiant warmer.
A student nurse is tasked to assess for the tonic neck reflex of a full-term neonate born few hours ago. Tonic neck reflex is being elicited by which of the following?
Turning the neonate's head to the side so that the chin is over the shoulder while the neonate is in a supine position.
Making a load sound near the neonate.
Holding the neonate in a semi-sitting position and letting the head slightly drop back.
Placing the neonate in a sitting position
A nurse is admitted four full-term babies born via normal spontaneous vaginal delivery who have just been admitted into the nursery. Which of the following babies should the nurse assess first?
The baby with glucose 60 mg/dL, heart rate 132.
The baby with Apgar 9/10, weight 2960 grams.
The baby with temperature 96.3°F, length 45 cm.
The baby with respirations 52, oxygen saturation 98%.
A student nurse assesses the rooting reflex on a newborn baby admitted in the nursery. The student nurse would expect to observe which of the following responses?
When the cheek of the baby is touched, the newborn turns toward the side that is touched.
When the baby is suddenly lowered or startled, the neonate's arms straighten outward and the knees flex.
When the lateral aspect of the sole of the baby's foot is stroked, the toes extend and fan outward.
When the newborn is supine and the head is turned to one side, the arm on that same side extends.
The nurse assessed a full-term neonate newly admitted to the nursery with the following assessment findings: weight 3100 grams, overriding sagittal suture, closed posterior fontanel, and point of maximum intensity at the xiphoid process. The nurse should report which of the following findings to the physician?
Birth weight
Sagittal suture line
Closed posterior fontanel
Point of maximum intensity
Which of the following newborn's responses should a nurse expect to observe when eliciting the Moro reflex?
When the cheek of the baby is touched, the newborn turns toward the side that is touched.
When the lateral aspect of the sole of the baby's foot is stroked, the toes extend and fan outward.
When the newborn is supine and the head is turned to one side, the arm on that same side extends.
When the baby is suddenly lowered or startled, the neonate's arms straighten outward and the knees flex.
A nurse completed the initial newborn examination on a full-term neonate born two hours ago. The examination reveals: HR-143 bpm; RR-62 breaths per minute; body temp-98.2°F; length-51 cm; and weight-3100 g. The nurse documented the presence of a heart murmur, absence of bowel sounds, no grunting or nasal flaring. Which of the following assessment findings would warrant further investigation and require immediate consultation?
Respiratory rate
Presence of a heart murmur
Absent bowel sounds
A nursery nurse notices the presence of small, irregular, red patches on the cheeks that will develop into single, yellow pimples on the chest or abdomen of the neonate admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. Which of the following refers to this common neonatal skin condition?
Neonatal acne
Pustular melanosis
Erythema toxicum
A nursery nurse assessed the heart rate of a newborn and noticed a heart murmur that was auscultated during a routine newborn assessment. The nurse reported the finding to the physician. This finding would be abnormal at:
24 to 48 hours
48 to 72 hours
8 to 12 hours
12 to 24 hours
A group of student nurses discussed the mechanisms of heat in a newborn. They understand that the heat loss through radiation can be reduced by which of the following nursing actions?
Drying the neonate.
Placing crib near a warm wall.
Warming equipment used on the neonate.
Closing door to room.
A newly hired nurse admitted a full-term newborn to the nursery unit, delivered via normal spontaneous vaginal birth. The nurse is aware of the newborn's mechanisms of heat loss. Heat loss via convection can happen under which of the following conditions? Select all that apply.
An infant is placed near an open window.
An infant loses heat when not dried adequately after birth.
An infant is placed on a cold scale.
An infant is placed under a ceiling fan.
A nursery nurse is aware that a term newborn has normal respiratory functioning that includes which of the following conditions? Select all that apply.
The neonate's lung sounds may sound moist during early auscultation.
A breathing pattern that is often shallow, diaphragmatic, and irregular.
A respiratory rate of 60 to 80 breaths per minute.
Periodic episodes of apnea.
Which of the following maturity components are assess in completing the Ballard scoring of a newborn? Select all that apply.
Physiological status
Age of gestation
The student nurse who assessed a 38-week newborn for heat loss is understand that non-shivering thermogenesis utilizes the newborn's stores of brown adipose tissue to provide heat in the cold-stressed newborn.
A nurse is caring for a full-term newborn admitted to the nursery unit, with a body weight of 2300 grams. What is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for this neonate?
Altered Nutrition: More than Body Requirements
Ineffective Airway Clearance
Risk for Infection
Risk for Altered Body Temperature
A newly hired nurse performed an initial physical assessment of a newborn admitted to the nursery unit. Which of the following would be considered an abnormal assessment finding?
Loud, continued crying
A two-vessel cord
Newborn required suctioning of the mouth and nares immediately after delivery.
APGARs of 8 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minutes
Rooming-in is being implemented in the maternity clinics and hospitals. Which of the following nursing actions are appropriate to promote family-newborn attachment? Select all that apply.
Take the newborn to the nursery for periods of sleep.
Take the newborn to the nursery for IV antibiotic therapy.
Encourage sibling visitation whenever possible.
Assist with an interactive bath.
A nurse is caring for a newly admitted newborn in the nursery and performs the initial physical assessment. Which of the following assessment findings would indicate respiratory distress in the newborn? Select all that apply.
Apnea of 10 seconds
Facial grimacing
Periodic breathing
Chest indrawing
Changes in color or activity
Shallow and irregular breathing
A fontanelle is a soft spot of a newborn baby's skull. The anterior fontanelle is triangular in shape and closes at 12 to 18 months of age.
A nursery nurse is giving discharge instructions to a primipara client. She teaches the mother about umbilical cord care and tells that;
Alcohol is the only agent to use to clean the cord and avoid infection.
Cord care is done only at birth to control bleeding.
The process of keeping the cord clean and dry will decrease bacterial growth.
It takes at least 21 days for the cord to dry up and fall off.
A nursery nurse performed an APGAR scoring to a newly born baby. Assessment reveals; heart rate: 105 bpm, good respiratory effort, neonate crying vigorously, some flexion of extremities, body color: pink, extremities blue. What would be the APGAR score for this newborn?
Nurse Dianne noticed some edema in both eyes of a 6-hour old newborn. She is aware that the best reason would be based on the fact that;
The eye medication given at birth may cause a mild inflammation and edema.
Birth trauma usually will not develop until a few hours after delivery.
The edema may be a sign of eye infections and will need to be investigated.
This is a sign of infection acquired from the mother during the delivery process.
A group of nursing students discussed the mechanism of heat loss in newborns. In order to promote thermoregulation in a newborn, which action by the nurse is best?
Lay the infant in an incubator and monitor the vital signs every 15 minutes.
Put a knitted cap on the baby's head.
Place the infant in skin-to-skin contact with the mom.
Wrap the baby in warmed blankets.
A postpartum mother and her newborn were assessed by the nurse 24 hours after delivery. The nurse is aware that which of the following would be a warning sign of ineffective adaptation to extrauterine life if noted when assessing a 24-hour-old breastfed newborn before discharge?
Heart rate of 90 beats/min, slightly irregular, when awake and active.
Respiratory depth, rate and rhythm are slow and irregular.
Weight loss representing 5% of the newborn's birth weight.
A nurse assessed a newly born infant and monitored the vital signs every 15 minutes. The nurse must be alert for signs of cold stress that include:
Increased respiratory rate.
Decreased activity level.
{"name":"Mcn - finals unit exam", "url":"","txt":"A delivery room nurse is assisting the obstetrician with the delivery of a female newborn. After the delivery, the nurse prepares to prevent heat loss in the newborn resulting from evaporation by which of the following interventions?, Nurse Cindy prepares to administer a vitamin K injection to a newly born baby. The mother asks the nurse why her newborn infant needs the injection. The best response by nurse Cindy would be:, Thermal care is central to reducing morbidity and mortality in newborns. Which of the following actions demonstrates the nurse's understanding about the newborn's thermoregulatory ability?","img":""}
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