Bio Basis of Behavior CH2

Sally's stomach begins to rumble, reminding her that she skipped breakfast this morning. This hunger signal is sent to the brain which is part of the ___ nervous system.
When substances are transported from the terminal buttons at the end of the axon back to the soma, this process is refer to as
Peripheral axoplasmic transport
Anterograde axoplasmic transport
Retrograde axoplasmic transport
Systemic axoplasmic transport
In order to cross the synapse between two cells, a substance called ___ is released from the first cell (pre-synapse) to activate or inhibit the second cell (post-synapse).
Experiencing hunger or seeing color in the environment are possible via the ____.
Sensory neurons
Glial cells
Motor neurons
A scan shows that a particular substance has spread throughout the body via the bloodstream but has not entered the brain. This finding demonstrates the existence of:
Blood efficacy
Medicine effects
The blood-barrier
The doctrine of specific nerve energies
Susie takes a huge drink of her coffee, assuming that it is tolerable and the heat sears her mouth. Although the pain is so great that her reflex is to spit out the coffee, she does not do so. The reflex to spit out the coffee is inhibited at the ___.
Glial cell
Motor neuron
Sensory neuron
If the inner voltage of a cells is -70 mV and application of stimulation results in a -95 mV charge, the stimulation had a ___ effect. On the other hand, a resultant charge of +40 mV would be a ___ effect.
Depolarizing; depolarizing
Hyper polarizing; depolarizing
Depolarizing; hyper polarizing
Depolarizing; hyper polarizing
A cation would be attracted to:
A sodium ion
A potassium ion
An anion
Another cation
The Na+/K+ pump removes ___ Na+ ions and adds ___ K+ ions.
If a bowling ball fell on your foot, the action potentials would differ from a feather falling on your foot, the action potentials for the bowling ball would be:
The same size as for the feather but they after would be faster in occurrence.
Larger in size and faster in occurrence
The same size as for the feather but they would be slower in occurrence.
Larger in size and slower in occurrence
If Ca2+ was blocked:
Neurotransmitters could not be released from the cell
Voltage-gated ion channels would remain closed
Passive channels would close
Na+ would be stuck inside of the cell
Ca2+ enters the cell when an action potential is generated. Diffusion and electrostatic pressures push Ca2+ into the cell. Ca2+ channels are:
Chemically-gated and voltage-gated
Autoreceptors are located on the ___
Post-synaptic cell
Endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus
Pre-synaptic cell
___ refers to the process of EPSPs and IPSPs interacting to have either an end result of excitation or inhibition
Hormones and neuromodulators differ from neurotransmitters in that:
They disperse more widely than neurotransmitters
They disperse more narrowly than neurotransmitters
They are fast acting compared to neurotransmitters
They are chemicals and neurotransmitters are not
{"name":"Bio Basis of Behavior CH2", "url":"","txt":"Sally's stomach begins to rumble, reminding her that she skipped breakfast this morning. This hunger signal is sent to the brain which is part of the ___ nervous system., When substances are transported from the terminal buttons at the end of the axon back to the soma, this process is refer to as, In order to cross the synapse between two cells, a substance called ___ is released from the first cell (pre-synapse) to activate or inhibit the second cell (post-synapse).","img":""}
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