Plate tectonics test

3 layers of the earth and their state
Core, solid
Exosphere, gas
Crust, liquid
Mantle, liquid
Crust, solid
Mantle, solid
Core, liquid
Stratosphere, solid
Thermosphere, liquid
5 layers of earth
Inner core, A dense sphere of solid iron and nickel at the center of Earth
Inner core, A layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of Earth
Outer core, the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
Outer core, A layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of Earth
Lithosphere, the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
Lithosphere, The strong, lower part of the mantle between the asthenosphere and the outer core
Asthenosphere, The soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats.
Asthenosphere, the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
Mesosphere, A dense sphere of solid iron and nickel at the center of Earth
Mesosphere, The strong, lower part of the mantle between the asthenosphere and the outer core
Why does the earth have layers
Electric field of the sun
What is refracted by the liquid outer core
P waves
S waves
What is refracted by the solid inner core
P waves
S waves
What type of rock is the crust mostly composed of
The moho discontinuity is where
Waves speed up due to higher density
The waves turn around due to higher density
Waves slow down due to higher density
Intrusive rocks
Cool above surface, small crystals
Cool below surface, big crystals
High silica rocks are
Light colored, less dense, granite
Dark, dense, basalt and dunite
Oceanic crust is
Made of basalt, high density
Made of granite, low density
Archimedes principle is
Fb= Afdisp
Fb = Mfdisp
What are the three factors that determine the level at which an object will float on a liquid
Density of liquid
Weight of fluid displaced
Weight of object
Amount of metal in object
PH of liquid
Density of object
Thickness of object
Air temperature
Crust floats on mantle due to
Opposite polarities
Why is the earth bimodal
Water eroded the middle
Two densities of plates
Hot rising mantle produces
Ocean ocean divergent produces
Volcanic arc
Ridges(slow rising)
Island arc
Rises(fast rising)
Folded mountains
Wilson cycle(cont-cont becoming ocean-ocean)
Cont-cont divergent produces
Volcanic arc
Ridges(slow rising)
Island arc
Rises(fast rising)
Folded mountains
Wilson cycle(cont-cont becoming ocean-ocean)
Cont-cont convergent produces
Volcanic arc
Ridges(slow rising)
Island arc
Rises(fast rising)
Folded mountains
Wilson cycle(cont-cont becoming ocean-ocean)
Cont-ocean convergent produces
Volcanic arc
Ridges(slow rising)
Island arc
Rises(fast rising)
Folded mountains
Wilson cycle(cont-cont becoming ocean-ocean)
Ocean-ocean convergent produces
Volcanic arc
Ridges(slow rising)
Island arc
Rises(fast rising)
Folded mountains
Wilson cycle(cont-cont becoming ocean-ocean)
There are volcanoes because
The crust melts and rises
Water lowers melting point and then rises
Marie tharp and bruce heezen
Sea floor spreading
First map of oceans/continents
Discovered magnetic orientations in oceans floor
Harry hess
Drummond matthews
Alfred wegener
Marie tharp
Fred vine
Bruce heezen
Alfred wegener discovered sea floor spreading
False-theory of continents that move
Fred vine discovered sea floor spreading
{"name":"Plate tectonics test", "url":"","txt":"3 layers of the earth and their state, 5 layers of earth, why does the earth have layers","img":""}
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