Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in quant-ph on Fri, 25 Feb 22
[2202.11715] Pablo Martinez-Azcona, Aurélia Chenu: Analyticity constraints bound the decay of the spectral form factor
[2202.11727] Steve Abel, Juan C. Criado, Michael Spannowsky: Completely Quantum Neural Networks
[2202.11728] Nick G. Jones: Symmetry-resolved entanglement entropy in critical free-fermion chains
[2202.11750] Tomohiro Hashizume, Sridevi Kuriyattil, Andrew J. Daley et al.: Tunable Geometries in Sparse Clifford Circuits
[2202.11764] Bryce P. Hickam, Manni He, Szilard Szoke et al.: Measurement of Entangled State Before, During, and After a Proposed Entangled Two-Photon Molecular Excitation
[2202.11816] Suparna Seshadri, Navin Lingaraju, Hsuan-Hao Lu et al.: Nonlocal subpicosecond delay metrology using spectral quantum interference
[2202.11829] Adam Paetznick, Christina Knapp, Nicolas Delfosse et al.: Performance of planar Floquet codes with Majorana-based qubits
[2202.11845] Craig Gidney, Michael Newman: Benchmarking the Planar Honeycomb Code
[2202.11846] Demosthenes Ellinas, Peter D. Jarvis, Matthew Pearce: Parameter Estimation with Reluctant Quantum Walks
[2202.11920] Wei-Yin Chiang, Yuan-Chung Cheng, Min-Hsiu Hsieh: Quantum sensing on magnetic field inspired by Avian compass
[2202.11952] Richelle Jade L. Tuquero, Jim Skulte, Ludwig Mathey et al.: Dissipative time crystal in an atom-cavity system: Influence of trap and competing interactions
[2202.12036] Alex E. Bernardini, Orfeu Bertolami: Generalized phase-space description of non-linear Hamiltonian systems and the Harper-like dynamics
[2202.12052] Gabriele Bressanini, Hyukjoon Kwon, M.S. Kim: Noise thresholds for classical simulability of non-linear Boson sampling
[2202.12079] Carlo Marconi, Andreu Riera-Campeny, Anna Sanpera et al.: Robustness of non-locality in many-body open quantum systems
[2202.12080] Z.H. Peng, D. He, Y. Zhou et al.: Resonance Fluorescence from a two-level artificial atom strongly coupled to a single-mode cavity
[2202.12082] Wenxin Ding: Algebraic-Dynamical Theory for Quantum Many-body Hamiltonians: A Formalized Approach To Strongly Interacting Systems
[2202.12094] Nicola Carlon Zambon, Zakari Denis, Romain De Oliveira et al.: Enhanced Cavity Optomechanics with Quantum-well Exciton Polaritons
[2202.12110] Xintong Zhang, Xiaoxiao Song, Shubo Zhang et al.: Multi-fold non-Hermitian phase transitions and exact solution of non-Hermitian skin effects
[2202.12114] Nikolaos Koukoulekidis, Hyukjoon Kwon, Hyejung H. Jee et al.: Born probability estimation via gate merging and dynamic frame optimisation
[2202.12203] Alejandro Vivas-Viaña, Alejandro González-Tudela, Carlos Sánchez Muñoz: Unconventional mechanism of virtual-state population through dissipation
[2202.12209] Mohammed Ali Aamir, Claudia Castillo Moreno, Simon Sundelin et al.: Engineering symmetry-selective couplings of a superconducting artificial molecule to microwave waveguides
[2202.12213] Vikash Mittal, Akhilesh K.S., Sandeep K. Goyal: Geometric decomposition of geodesics and null phase curves using Majorana star representation
[2202.12216] Marc Fleury: Observations of Bell Inequality Violations with causal isolation between source and detectors
[2202.12218] Michael Caouette-Mansour, Adrian Solyom, Brandon Ruffolo et al.: Robust spin relaxometry with fast adaptive Bayesian estimation
[2202.12239] Donato Farina, Vasco Cavina, Marco G. Genoni et al.: Noise-assisted and monitoring-enhanced quantum bath tagging
[2202.12240] Tamoghna Ray, Amit Dey, Manas Kulkarni: Localization and delocalization in networks with varied connectivity
[2202.12279] Klaas Landsman: Bohmian mechanics is not deterministic
[2202.12291] Huo Chen, Marti Vives, Mekena Metcalf: Parametric Amplification of an Optomechanical Quantum Interconnect
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Fri, 25 Feb 22","img":""}