Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in hep-ph on Mon, 22 Mar 21
[2103.10494] Shahin Mamedov, Narmin Nasibova: Temperature dependence of $ρ$ meson-nucleon coupling constant from the AdS/QCD soft-wall model
[2103.10532] Giuliano Panico, Lorenzo Ricci, Andrea Wulzer: High-energy EFT probes with fully differential Drell-Yan measurements
[2103.10632] Nivedita Ghosh, Jayita Lahiri: Generalized 2HDM with wrong-sign lepton Yukawa coupling, in light of $g_μ-2$ and lepton flavor violation at the future LHC
[2103.10655] Debajyoti Choudhury, Kuldeep Deka, Nilanjana Kumar: Looking for a vectorlike B quark at LHC using jet substructure
[2103.10857] D. Aristizabal Sierra, Bhaskar Dutta, Doojin Kim et al.: Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering with the $ν$BDX-DRIFT directional detector at next generation neutrino facilities
[2103.10859] Svjetlana Fajfer, Jernej F. Kamenik, Michele Tammaro: Interplay of New Physics Effects in $(g-2)_\ell$ and $h\to\ell^+\ell^-$ -- Lessons from SMEFT
[2103.10863] G. Karapetyan, R. da Rocha: Configurational entropy of heavy-quark QCD exotica: engendering the next generation
[2103.10950] Guy F. de Teramond, Stanley J. Brodsky: Longitudinal dynamics and chiral symmetry breaking in holographic light-front QCD
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Mon, 22 Mar 21","img":""}