Create an infographic or illustration showing various maintenance tools and procedures related to the LX platform and its components, with a focus on safety and inspections.

LX Platform Maintenance Quiz

Test your knowledge on the essential maintenance procedures and safety protocols for the LX platform and its cabin systems. This quiz covers general cleaning, cable and harness inspections, lifting operations, and safety roles to ensure effective operation and safety.

Key Topics Include:

  • General cleaning methods
  • Inspection procedures for cables and harnesses
  • Safe lifting operations roles
86 Questions22 MinutesCreated by InspectingEagle521
Which of the following material is not the correct material use for LX general cleaning?
Soft absorbent cotton, cloth
Cotton swab
Cleaning substance, alcohol
Scroth bite
What are the materials required for general cleaning of the LX platform? (I) soft absorbent cotton cloth. (II) cotton swab (III) cleaning substance, alcohol
I only
I & II
II & IIi
Which of the following statement is false regarding general cleaning of LX platform?
The material use for cleaning of electronic equipment is Scroth bite
The material use for cleaning of electronic equipment is soft absorbent cotton cloth
The material use for cleaning of electronic equipment is cotton swab
The material use for cleaning electronic equipment is cleaning substance, alcohol
What are the steps for inspection of cables? (I) Perform overall integrity check of the cables and cable jackets. (II) Ensure all cable connectors are properly fastened. (III) perform integrity check for shielding connection. (Iv) Ensure no sign of corrosion are detected on cables.
I and II only
I, II and III only
I, II , III and iv
I, III, iv
What are the visual inspection carried out on the coXXs cabin LPS? (I) visually inspect for dent, soil/dirt and is free from moisture. (II) physical geometry is maintained, clean and dry. (III) each of the mast section is clean and free from any physical damage. (iV) the cable guides maintain their physical geometry and are clean and dry
I, II, III only
I, II, III, Iv
II & III only
III & iv only
What should the battery isolator switch in the coXXs cabin DGUX be in when not in use.
There is no isolation in the comms cabin DGU
In between off and on
What are the visual inspection carried out on the LX? (I) auxiliary parts inventory is present and complete. (II) no peeling or cracked paint on the metal surfaces of LX. (III) no defects, breaks, dents or cracks. (Iv) no hydraulic fluid, fuel or water accumulates in the fluid drainage trays under the generator, hydraulic main tank and hydraulic cabinet
II & III only
I, II, III only
I, II, III, Iv
III & iv only
Which of the following material is not the correct tool/material use for coXXs cabin general cleaning?
Scroth bite
Compressed air
What are the inspection carried out on the LX extinguisher? (I) make sure the indicator on the pressure gauge points to the green zone. (II) expiration date is valid according to their label. (III) yellow seal is intact.
II and III only
I and II only
I and III only
I, II and III only
Which of the following needs to be clean and apply hydraulic fluid?
Hydraulic jacks
Elevation cylinder
Elevation support system
All telescopic part (chrome plate) k
Which is not part of cables inspection?
Check for any sign of corrosion
Check for any leak
Perform integrity check of shielding connections
Perform overall integrity check of the cables and cable jackets
Which of the following statement is false regarding cable Inspection?
There is no requirement to check that the cable connectors are fastended properly
One of the check is to Ensure the overall integrity of the cables and cable jackets
One of the check is to Ensure the integrity of the connections shielding
One of the check is to check for any sign of corrosion
What are the steps for inspection of harness? (i) perform overall integrity check of the harness. (ii) Ensure all harness are properly secured. (iii) Ensure that the harness are not damaged. (iv) Ensure no signs of corrosion are detected.
I and II only
I, III and iv
I, II, III and iv
I, II and III only
Which of the following is not part of harness inspection?
Check for any sign of corrosion
Check for any damage
Ensure that they are properly secured
Overall integrity check
Which is not part of cables inspection?:
Check for any sign of corrosion
Check for any leak
Perform integrity check of shielding connections
Perform overall integrity check of the cables and cable jackets.
What are the check carried out for cable inspection?
Perform overall integrity check of the cables and cable jackets.
Ensure all cable connections are properly fastened.
Perform integrity check of shielding connections and any sign of corrosion
All of the above.
What are the check carried out for harness inspection?
Perform overall integrity check of the harness.
Ensure all harness are properly secured.
Ensure that the harness are damaged and no sign of corrosion are detected.
All of the above.
Which of the following statement is false regarding cable inspection?
There is no requirement to check that the cable connectors are fastended properly.
One of the check is to ensure the overall integrity of the cables and cable jackets
One of the check is to ensure the integrity of the connections shielding.
One of the check is to check for ant sign of corrosion.
What are the roles required for safe lifting operation?
Safety lifting supervisor, crane operator, signalman and rigger.
Safety lifting supervisor, crane operator and signalman
Crane operator and signalman
Safety lifting supervisor and signalman
The individual who perform the role of crane operator shall not perform the roles of _____?
Rigger only
Lifting supervisor or signalman
Lifting supervisor only
Signalman only
To ensure safe lifting operation, the 4 roles must be assigned and undertaken by at least ______ individuals.
Which is not the role of a safety lifting supervisor?
He shall brief on the lifting activities prior to the conduct of the lifting operations.
He shall ensure personnel involved with the operation put on a safety helmet.
He shall conduct a safety check in accordance to the checklist in RSAF-L-00-00-34 part 2 chapter 7 Annex-A.
He shall brief on the lifting activities prior to the conduct of the lifting operation.
Which is the role of a crane operator?
He must be capable of conducting routine checks on the crane to ensure that it is ready and safe for operation
He shall ensure personnel involved with the operation put on a safety helmet.
He shall conduct safety check in accordance to the checklist in RSAF-L-00-00-34 part 2 chapter 7 Annex-A
He shall brief on the lifting activites prior to the conduct of the lifting operations
Who conducts the routine checks on the crane to ensure that it is ready and safe for operation?
Safety lifting supervisor
Crane operator
Who is the best person to take up the Rigger role if you have only 3 men for the lifting operation?
Safety lifitng supervisor
Crane operator
Signalman or safety lifting supervisor
What is not the role of the Signalman?
He must ensure all checks in RSAF-L-00-00-34 part 2 chapter 7 Annex D are completed before the lifting operation
He shall be familiar with the crane operation signals.
He shall ensure or verify with the rigger that the load is properly rigged up before he gives the signal
He must always be visible to the crane operator throughout the lifting operation
What is the reauthorisation requirement for crane operator?
6 monthly
Once every 2 years
No requirement to reauthorise
When performing engine oil level check, what should be the correct level of oil on the dip stick.
Above min
Below max
Between min and max
Any level as long its visible
What is the correct way to carry out the coolant level check for LX?
Immediately after the generator is shut down
Run up the engine for 30min if the engine is cold before carrying out the coolant level check
When the engine is running
When the engine is cold
Which of the following is false when performing coolant level check for DGUX?
DGU is shut down before performing coolant level check
It is recommended to perform the coolant check before the you start up the DGU
Ensure the DGU is still warm to get a more accurate reading of the coolant level
Do not perform open the coolant cover when its HOT.
How do you verify there is sufficient engine oil in the DGUX?
By looking at the engine oil dip stick.
By looking at the engine oil indicator
By looking at coolant level indicator
By inserting dip stick into the engine oil refilling valve.
Which of the following is true when performing engine oil level check for DGUX?
You can perform the check when the DGUX is running.
If the engine is stopped, wait at least 15 minutes before checking the oil level. This allows time for the oil to drain into the oil pan.
You must perform the check when the DGUX is in idile states.
Ensure battery is removed before performing the check
When performing coolant level check on the comms cabin DGUX, what should be the correct level?
Above min
Below Max
All internal elements are covered.
At the bream
When the LX is deployed (all jacks are fully extended and craXXX is fully elevated,) what should be the correct level in the fluid gauge on the main tank?
Must be full
At least half
At least quarter
Any level as long as visible
When the LX is packed up, what should be the correct level in the fluid gauge on the main tank?
Must be full
At least half
At least quarter
Any level as long as visible
Which of the following false when replacing the engine oil for LX?
Drain the engine oil when its hot
Ensure the generator is switch off when draining or filling
When filling up the engine oil, the LM should be levelled.
Close the oil tank dip stick
What are the type of grease used in the coXXs cabin?
Grease 7
Grease 6
A & b onlu
Which of the following statement is true regarding LX greasing?"
There are 11 greasing nipples point
There are 8 greasing nipples point
There are 4 greasing nipples point
There are 10 greasing nipples point
When performing greasing on LX craXXX, what position must be craXXX be?
Must be at 7X degree
Lower the craXXX first in order to access 2 greasing points, then raise it to 70 degree greasing on other points.
Must be to 3X
At the coXXs cabin font axle, where is Ep2 applied to?
Hub bearing
Slack adjuster
Link rod knuckle
Spring front hanger
What is used to lubricate the coXXs cabin LPS mast?
Hilomast lubricant oil
Grease 6
Grease 7
SAE 30
How many greasing nipples point are there in the LX?
What are the lubrication point for grease 7 in the front axle of the coXXs cabin? (I) Slack adjuster (II) Hub bearing (III) LInk rod knuckle (iv) Spring front hangar (v) Spring equalizer hanger (vi) Adjustment rod
I, II, III, iv and vi only
I, ii, iv, v and vi only
Ii, iii, iv, v and vi only
I, ii, iii., iv, v and vi
What are the lubrication point for Ep2 in the rear axle of the coXXs cabin? (I) Slack adjuster (II) HUb bearing (III) Camshaft
I & III only
I & II only
II & III only
What are the lubrication point for EP2 in the front axle of the coXXs cabin? (I) Slack adjuster (II) Hub bearing (III) Link rod knuckle (iv) Spring front hanger (vi) Spring equalizer hangar (vi) Adjustment rod
I only
I and vi only
II, III, Iv, v and vi only
I, II, III and vi
What are the check carried out during coXXs cabin generator pre-ops check?
Engine oil level, battery water level and visual inspection
Fuel and coolant level
Engine oil and fuel level
Engine oil level, fuel level, coolant level and visual inspection
What is the purpose of the fuel filter found in the coXXs cabin generator?
To drain off unwanted fuel
To drain out water found in the fuel
To segregate between petrol and diesel
All of the above.
How do you ensure there is sufficient fuel in the LX fuel tank
By looking at the mechanical gauge
By looking at the generator icon in the DGU
By looking at the controller menu in the DGU
All of the abovr
What is the minimum voltage require from the battery to start the coXXs cabin DGUX?
Which is the acceptable line to neutral voltage output from the coXXs cabin DGUX.
Which is the acceptable line to line voltage output from the coXXs cabin DGUX?
Which is the correct output frequency for coXXs cabin and LX DGUX?
Which is not carried out during LX generator pre-ops check?
Battery water level
Engine oil
Fuel level
Coolant level
Which is not carried out during coXXs cabin generator pre-ops check?
Coolant check
Engine oil
Fuel level
Battery water level
Which of the follwing statement is false regarding coXXs cabin generator?
Must clean the generator before powering up
One of the pre-ops check for generator is to check the fuel level
One of the pre-ops check for generator is to check the engine oil level
One of the pre-ops check for generator is to visually check for any sign of crack.
What is the minimum fuel level in order to power up the coXXs cabin DGUX?
Which of the following statement is false regarding LX generator?
One of the pre-ops check for generators is to check the fuel level.
One of the pre-ops check for generator is to check the engine oil level
One of the pre-ops check for generator is to visually check for any sign of crack
Must clean the generator before powering up.
Corrosion of material depends on ______ and _____.
Different types of material, different forms of corrosion
Amount of exposure, weather conditions
Different types of material, amount of exposure
Different forms of corrosion, weather condition
What are the corrosion identified for Ferrous Metal?
General etching, pitting or roughness of the surfaces.
Reddish film AKA rust
Lifting of the pant films and white spots on the surface
Snow-like mounds or "white whiskers
What are the corrosion identified for aluminium or aluminium alloy?
General etching, pitting or roughness of the surfaces.
Reddish film AKA rust
Lifting of the pant films and white spots on the surface
Snow-like mounds or "white whiskers
What are the treatment for ferrous metals corrosion?
Polish the corroded areas with fine abrasives/metal polish, then treat with an inibitive wipe down material, and finally overcoat the polished surfaces with waterproof wax.
Strip the paint and then remove the corrosion products with nonwoven abrasive pad. Apply the area with a chromic acid solution and restore the original protective paint as soon as the surfaces are dry.
Apply the area with a chromic acid solution and restore the original protective paint as soon as the surfaces are dry.
Removed mechanically by the use of abrasive papers and compounds, buffing compounds, hand wire brushing, steel wool or nonwoven abrasive pads with light oils.
What are the treatment for aluminium or aluminium alloy corrosion?
Polish the corroded areas with fine abrasives/metal polish, then treat with an inibitive wipe down material, and finally overcoat the polished surfaces with waterproof wax.
Strip the paint and then remove the corrosion products with nonwoven abrasive pad. Apply the area with a chromic acid solution and restore the original protective paint as soon as the surfaces are dry.
Apply the area with a chromic acid solution and restore the original protective paint as soon as the surfaces are dry.
Removed mechanically by the use of abrasive papers and compounds, buffing compounds, hand wire brushing, steel wool or nonwoven abrasive pads with light oils.
How many forms of corrosion are there?
Which of the following is not a form of corrosion?
Stress corrosion
Dissimilar metal corrosion
Snow like mounds
Surface corrosion
What is surface corrosion?
Usually occurs to aluminum alloys and stainless steels, especially extruded components like spars.
At points or areas of contact where the insulation between the dissimilar surfaces has broken down or been omitted.
It is normally due to surfaces improperly chemically treated prior to painting
Etching or pitting of the surface of a metal, frequently accompanied by a powdery deposit of corrosion products.
What is dissimilar corrosion?
Usually occurs to aluminum alloys and stainless steels, especially extruded components like spars.
At points or areas of contact where the insulation between the dissimilar surfaces has broken down or been omitted.
It is normally due to surfaces improperly chemically treated prior to painting
Etching or pitting of the surface of a metal, frequently accompanied by a powdery deposit of corrosion products.
How to carry out a complete corrosion treatment? (I) cleaning and stripping of the corroded area (II) Removing of the corrosion products as practicable (III) Neutralizing any residual materials remaining in pits and crevices (iv) Restoring protective surface films (v) Applying temporary or permanent coatings or paint finishes.
I, II, iv and v only
I, III, iv and v only
I, II, III and v only
I, II, III, iv and v
What are the visual inspection carried out on the spyder LX equipment? (I) Check for external damage (II) Check for breaks or cracks in the unit casing (III) Check for any sign of corrosion (iv) Check for any dirt, clean if required.
II & III only
I, II, III only
I, II, III, Iv
III & iv only
Which of the following is true regarding hydraulic oil?
Hydraulic fluid is non-toxic. It can be used in a confine area.
Hydraulic fluid is non-toxic. Maintenance crew can use bare hand to handle it.
Oil is toxic and flammable. Avoid eye and skin contact and prolonged breathing of vapors. Protective equipment consisting of goggles and gloves is required.
Hydraulic fluid is non-toxic. PPE is not required.
The viscocity of the hydraulic _______ as temperature decreases.
Remain unchange
Where are the Drainage tray found in the LX? (I) Under the electronic cabinet (II) Under the Hydraulic main tank (III) Under the Hydraulic cabinet (iv) Under the generator
II, III & iv only
I, II & III only
I, II & iv only
I, II, III & iv
Which of the following is false regarding LX leaks inspection?
One of the drainage tray under the Main hydraulic main tankl
One of the drainage tray is found under the electronic cabinet.
One of the drainage tray is found under hydraulic cabinet
One of the drainage tray is found under the generator.
How do you verify if there is a hydraulic leaks in LX?
Checking the drainage tray under the Main tank and hydraulic cabinet
Switch on the hydraulic system, elevate and lower the cradle to check if theres any leakage
Performing a BIT to check if the hydraulic components is functioning correctly.
A & B only
Which of the statement is false regarding LX hydraulic leaks inspection?
Checking the drainage tray under the main tank.
Switch on the hydraulic system, elevate and lower the cradle to check if theres any leakage.
Checking the drainage tray under the hydraulic cabinet.
Switch off the hydraulic system, elevate and lower the cradle to check if there is any leakage.
What is the most important property of hydraulic fluid which is its internal resistance to flow?
Chemical stability
Which of the following is true regarding hydraulic oil?
Hydraulic fluid is non-toxic. It can be use in a confine area.
Hydraulic fluid is non-toxic. Maintenance crew can use bare hand to handle it.
Oil is toxic and flammable. Avoid eye and skin contact and prolonged breathing of vapors. Protective equipment consisting of goggles and gloves is required.
Hydraulic fluid is non-toxic. PPE is not required.
How do you check for engine oil leaks in the LX generator?
By looking in the CUT, in the generator tab and click info to check the amount of engine oil
By observing the oil sump under the generator for any engine oil.
By looking at the engine oil gauge located on the generator.
All of the above.
Dirty connection are the most cause_________ and _____________
Increased back reflection, insertion loss in connectors
Increased back reflection, high VSWR
Power loss, insertion loss in connectors
Power loss, high VSWR
What is the general cleaning process for optical cable connector?
(I) Inspect the fiber connector, component or bulkhead with a fiberscope. (II) If the connector is dirty, clean it with a wet cleaning technique. (III) Inspect the connector. (iv) If the connector is still dirty, repeat the dry cleaning technique.
(I) Inspect the fiber connector, component or bulkhead with a fiberscope. (II) If the connector is dirty, clean it with a wet cleaning technique. (III) Inspect the connector. (iv) If the connector is still dirty, repeat the dry cleaning technique. (v) Inspect the connector. (iv) If the connector is still dirty, repeat the wet cleaning technique.
(I) Inspect the fiber connector, component or bulkhead with a fiberscope. (II) If the connector is dirty, clean it with a wet cleaning technique. (III) Repeat the whole process if the connector is still dirty.
(I) Inspect the fiber connector, component or bulkhead with a fiberscope. (II) If the connector is dirty, clean it with a dry cleaning technique. (III) Repeat the whole process if the connector is still dirty.
Which of the following is not the tool use for dry cleaning technique?
Unit-free swabs
Cartridge cleaning tools: OPTIPOP and CLETOP
Pocket style cleaning tools: CARDCLEANER
99% isopropyl alcohol
Which of the following is recommended for bulkhead and receptacles cleaning?
Unit-free swabs
Lint-free wipes
Cartridge cleaning tools: OPTIPOP and CLETOP
Pocket style cleaning tools: CARDCLEANER
Which of the following statement is wrong regarding optical connector cleaning?
Do not scrub the fiber against the fabric or clean cover the same surfaces more than once.
The lint free swab can be reuse if it is not dirty.
Ensure that the lasers are turned off before the inspecting the connector.
Inspect the connector with a fiber scope before cleaning.
What is the most common cause of high insertion loss in optical connectors?
Loose connectors
Crack connectors
Dirty connectors
Bend connectors
What is optical cable?
A type of cable that has an inner conductor surrounded by a tubular insulating layer, surrounded by a tubular conducting shield.
A cable with 2 or more wires running side by side and bonded, twisted, or braided together to form a single assembly.
An electrical connector designed to work at radio frequency.
A able that uses glass (or plastic) threads (fibers) to transmit data.
What is/are the cleaning methods for pigtails and patch codes?
Using Lint-free wipes
Using Lint-free swabs
Using cartridge cleaning tools: OPTIPOP and CLETOP
All of the above
Which of the following is not recommended for the bulkheads and receptacle cleaning?
Unit-free swabs
Unit-free wipes
Unit-free swabs with 99% isopropyl alcohol
99% isopropyl alcohol
{"name":"GXT", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on the essential maintenance procedures and safety protocols for the LX platform and its cabin systems. This quiz covers general cleaning, cable and harness inspections, lifting operations, and safety roles to ensure effective operation and safety.Key Topics Include:General cleaning methodsInspection procedures for cables and harnessesSafe lifting operations roles","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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