Which Incredibles Character Are You in Conflict?

A colorful illustration depicting characters from an animated superhero film in a group meeting setting, showcasing teamwork and conflict resolution themes.

Discover Your Incredibles Conflict Style

Ever wondered which Incredibles character you resemble when facing conflict? Take this interactive quiz to uncover your unique approach to group dynamics and collaboration!
In this quiz you will:

  • Answer 8 thought-provoking questions.
  • Learn more about your conflict resolution style.
  • Get insights to improve your teamwork skills.

8 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CollaboratingHero42
You are trying to gather all of your group’s papers for a group project that is due in a couple of hours. Everyone in the group has sent you an email with their papers attached, but one. By the time this member finally responds, they mention that they are behind and have quite a bit left to do before class. What would you say to this group member?
€�Okay, that’s fine. See you in class.”
€�Just send me what you have now, and I’ll work on it!”
€�Okay, that’s understandable, we’re all busy. Send it to me completed in an hour”
€�Alright, what can we do to help?”
€�Just send it whenever”
You are in a group meeting and you notice that there is one group member who is taking control of the whole project, cutting others off, and shutting down everyone else’s ideas. What would you do?
Nothing, remain passive.
Continue arguing, after all I am always right.
Suggest using ideas from both members, all ideas are good ideas.
Ask if anyone else has any ideas.
Accept and agree with dominant member’s ideas.
Two people in your group are constantly butting heads and arguing over how to get the assignment done. Since there are no solutions being proposed and no conclusion is made, your project is at a standstill. How would you handle this conflict?
Stay out of it, and wait for things to cool off.
Get involved in the argument, and undermine the argument all together.
Try to mediate the argument.
Try to get everyone to discuss and agree on a common goal.
Agree with whoever seems to be winning the argument.
You are ten minutes into a group meeting, and one of your group members has not shown up, or even called or texted you about being late. What do you do?
Begin the meeting and hope he shows up.
Keep calling him and start leaving nasty voicemails
The next time you see the group member tell him that you will show up early with him to get him caught up.
Work with the person to get them motivated to work in the group.
Understand that your teammate may have a good reason for not showing up
You arrive to one of your final group meetings, and notice that one group member is always late and never has their part of the assignment done. How would you handle this scenario?
Ignore the group member and continue the meeting.
Call the teammate out and tell him he needs to start showing up on time or else.
Offer to help the teammate with their parts if they starts showing up on time.
Explain to the teammate that their behavior is detrimental to the team and it cannot continue.
Let the teammate do what he is doing.
One of your group members has decided to drop the class you guys are in. Your team project presentation is in 2 hours and they failed to give you any warning. What steps do you take before class to fix the issue?
Show up to class without any work to fix it and hope everything goes well, “wing it”.
Take charge of the situation and tell your group you will present their slides.
Offer to do part of the slides if someone else does the other part/parts.
You meet with another teammate and come up with a solution to the problem.
Every group member is unwilling to the the extra slides so you step up and do them.
One of your group members, irritated at not getting his way, stands up and leaves without saying a word. What could you have done differently to prevent this conflict?
Do everything you did the same.
Stand up when he stands up and make him come back to the meeting.
Talk to the group member and understand why they are frustrated with the situation.
Talk to the group member and offer them something they want.
Give them exactly what they want.
Your professor, Adam Barragato, is making the next project very confusing. He is being very unhelpful and uncooperative. What could you do to make the situation better with your professor?
Keep doing what you’re doing for the project and hope it’s correct.
Begin arguing with your professor at what the point of the project is.
Offer your ideas to Adam and then take his advice at what you can do better.
Both of your ideas match up and are perfect there is no reason to meet or argue.
Do exactly what Adam wants and nothing you want.
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