What affinities would you have on Tenebris?

A mystical, enchanting landscape representing a fantastical realm, featuring ethereal light, shadowy figures, and magical elements that embody the themes of affinities and supernatural powers.

Discover Your Tenebris Affinities

Uncover Your Supernatural Traits

Are you ready to delve into the world of Tenebris? Take our quiz to discover your unique affinities and superpowers, tailored specifically for you. Participants are presented with intriguing scenarios, revealing insights into their personalities and magical potential.

  • 12 Engaging Questions
  • Explore Your Inner Self
  • Uncover Hidden Strengths
12 Questions3 MinutesCreated by CuriousSpirit247
You are given one superpower. This manifests as a specific ability to help you with the intended task listed and only the task listed. What do you choose?
Object creation. Whenever a problem arises, you can manifest an object that specifically addresses the situation at hand. It is rendered useless after completion.
Stasis bubble. Whenever you have an issue, a bubble forms around you, stopping time but also makes you unable to interact with anything until you break the bubble. You can observe and brainstorm, but otherwise you are powerless to affect anything when time is halted.
Sound mimicry. You can only mimic sounds you have heard. This one has no limits in where you use it.
Touch-up. You can choose one aspect of yourself to "fix" or otherwise alter to suit your wishes. This cannot be used to give you unrealistic proportions or abilities.
Charisma meter. Whenever you interact with anyone you get updates on how their view of you changes throughout the conversation. It can only work on one person at a time and cannot work through text messages.
Deceit detector. Whenever speaking to someone, you can tell if they're trying to deceive you or if they're telling the truth to their knowledge.
Proofread. If you touch a book you immediately "download" the book into your brain. You haven't read it, but you can read through it in your brain at any given moment.
Mend. If you've broken an object, you can immediately stitch it back together but only once. This doesn't apply to objects you didn't directly break.
Refresh. After sleeping for one hour, you completely revitalize yourself like you have had a full nights rest. This does not heal any conditions or help your health I.e. If you have a cold a 1-hour sleep is still a 1-hour sleep in terms of recovery process to the condition.
Checklist. Once a day, you can get any task done for you automatically. This task is a mundane task that you could feasibly do yourself in one day and does not affect probability I.e. You can't make the task "win the lottery" or "build a house".
Skillhunter. Once per day you can become a professional at any ability of your choosing but cannot do the same skill two days in a row. The skill resets when you go to sleep so you could technically pull an all-nighter and have an ability for as long as you can stay awake.
Self-stasis. You do not grow, you do not age and all your characteristics stay the same. You can still learn and grow as a person but you remain the same age and will eventually die of old age but still in the body you paused in. This does not make you invulnerable and your body can still be damaged.
Premonition. Whenever a bad event is about to occur you get a premonition of it 10-seconds before it becomes an issue. Whether or not you can fix it is never guaranteed but you can minimize the fallout.
Clone. You have a clone of yourself that no one else can see that can help you do your daily tasks. The clone has your personality and requires food.
Familiar. A small spirit/animal floats around you at all times and is invisible to others. You can command it to do anything you want but you can only command it to do so once. It cannot rewrite universal rules, override its own limits or grant powers.
Which sounds most like you?
I like to be well prepared, so I'm reliable for planning things.
I think before I act.
I'm a good listener.
I am proud of who I have become.
I am tactful and well-spoken.
I am not easily deceived.
I'm naturally curious and investigative, learning things for myself.
I am compassionate.
I am patient and determined.
I get things done and know when something isn't worth pursuing.
I love learning new skills and keeping spice in my life.
I am dependable for my loved ones.
I am empathetic and never trivialize people's issues.
I rarely lose my temper and can be relied on to do what I'm told.
I'm creative and love finding new ways of doing things.
If you had to self-reflect, what about you would make others dislike you?
I am a perfectionist and will constantly start again if it isn't how I envisioned.
Many think I'm absent minded and aloof, not actually paying attention to anything.
I tend to be very passive in situations and sit on the sidelines instead of actually having fun.
My self-love can come off a bit conceited.
I worry too much about what other people think about me so I can say things I don't mean to try and make them like me.
I ask too many questions instead of checking myself.
I care too much about the nitty gritty which can make me tedious to talk to.
I can be passive-aggressive instead of directly addressing my anger.
I do things at my own pace which can be annoying to deal with.
If I don't think something is worthwhile, I can often jump ship and seem non-committal.
Although I aim to have an eclectic set of skills, I can often underperform because I move on too quickly.
I am stubborn and afraid of change.
I treat everything as if it has a lot of magnitude, which can be exhausting to deal with because I can make a big deal about something minor I said.
I can be a stickler for rules and come off as a brown-nose to authority figures because of it.
People think I'm contrarian just to make fun of the norm/seem hipster.
Tomorrow is your birthday and you are to choose the first object which will become your conduit to help you perform magic and amplify it. What do you choose?
Something I can take with me everywhere such as my keys or backpack.
Something that I can hide away easily or disguise such as my glasses or a pen.
Something super personal such as a bracelet or keyring.
Something that others would look at and immediately know its my conduit, such as a flashy ring or necklace.
Something that someone gave me. It will help remind me that others are looking out for me.
Something like a book or tablet that I can write in as I learn more about my magic.
Something that will last a long time and can stay with me for a long time such as a pendant/gemstone.
I'm not really concerned with the object, I will replace it a lot anyway if I do get bored of it.
Something that has a secondary purpose such as a watch or a multi-purpose tool so I can use it for more than magic!
A family heirloom. It will be reliable and has stood the test of time.
I'll probably go for something impersonal like a wand.
Something that is common for someone with my affinity so I can have a greater control of my magic.
I want to try many different objects for my conduit to see which best suits me! My first one would probably be an accessory that I think makes me stand out.
Which of these concepts scares you the most?
Everything around you begins falling apart. You have no idea of what to do and hopelessly run around trying to avoid the encroaching abyss.
You are stood behind a glass window watching your own body breeze through life. You have no agency as it lives through a month of your life for you.
Every time you go to speak your voice is drowned out by background noise. No one pays any attention to you.
You are stood in front of a mirror and a younger version of yourself looks at you with disgust.
You are all alone. You look outside the window and the world exists but there is nobody to speak to.
You cannot trust your own senses. Every time you look at something and blink, it changes. You hear things that aren't there. Everyone lies to you. Reality bends around you.
You are transported into the body of your younger self, having lived the life you've lived up until now. But reality is completely different. Everything you've learned I.e. maths, science, history, etc. Is untrue in this reality and you have to relearn everything.
People look at you with contempt or fear in their eyes. You are called selfish.
Any projects you have been working on have all disappeared. No matter how hard you try, their existence has been entirely erased from everyone's memories and from reality.
You cannot create anything new. You can only be happy with what you have already discovered and experienced.
You have been working on an idea for years only to find out someone else, of their own idea has came up with it. No one believes you created it and thinks you stole it.
Everytime you try something new you're completely terrible at it and can't improve.
You are forced to move far away from your family and friends.
Everything in your life spirals out of control after one bad decision. Nothing you can do can repair it and you're left floundering.
Which of these Mitski lyrics resonates with you be it personally or aesthetically?
It's just that I fell in love with a war/Nobody told me it ended/And it left a pearl in my head/And I roll it around every night
It took me a while 'til I knew/But you knew from the start it was us, didn't you?/It just took me a while 'til I knew/Now I lay as I study a blank wall
If I could keep anything of you/I would keep just this quiet after you/It's still as a pond I am staring into
But if I gave up on being pretty/I wouldn't know how to be alive/I should move to a brand new city/And teach myself how to die
I'm not the girl I ought to be, but/ Maybe when you tell your friends/You can tell them what you saw in me/ And not the way I am
Baby, though I've closed my eyes/I know who you pretend I am (hang on)/I know who you pretend I am
Venus,planet of love/Was destroyed by global warming/Did its people want too much too?/Did its people want too much?
I bet on losing dogs/I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place/By the ring/ Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down/ I'll be there on their side
'Cause I need somebody to remember my name/After all that I can do for them is done/I need someone to remember me
I steal a few breaths/From the world for a minute/And then I'll be nothing forever/And all of my memories
But when I'm done singing this song/I will have to find something else/To do to keep me here/Something else to keep me
It's always been just him and me/Together/So I bet all I have on that/Furrowed brow
I haven't given you what you need/You wanted me but couldn't reach me/So you went into your memory/Relive all the ways you still want me
Don't wait for me, I can't come/Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me/But I do, I think I do
Everyone, all of them/Everyone said, "don't go that way"/So, of course, to that I said/"I think I'll go that way"
Pick a quote.
Repeat. I'll repeat it for however many times I have to. Until I find the only way out.
If you're not 100% sure why you're doing it, you'll most definitely regret it later.
Sometimes silence is the best answer.
Now it's my turn to take the lead, and all of you can watch me from the background.
I can't control their fear, only my own.
The things that are most important aren't written in books. You have to learn them by experiencing them yourself.
I look at you, and all I see is data to be tested and recorded. If you want tears, or anger, you're barking up the wrong tree.
Friendship isn't a weakness. It's my greatest strength.
Failure isn't falling down, it is refusing to get back up again.
You're afraid of what you might lose, right? But I'm afraid of what I've already lost.
A lack of adaptability...is a lack of survivability. Survival is not based on who is the strongest or the smartest. It comes down to who can adapt.
Sometimes, it's better to retrace old steps than it is to forge new paths.
It is not death that man should fear, it is never really beginning to live...
I have a legacy of honor to uphold. Once I realized I was capable of fighting, it was no longer a question of what I would do with my life.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than liked for who I pretend to be.
How do you deal with difficult boss fights in games?
I tend to hoard a bunch of items across playing the game, so I end up having a tonne of resources to burn. Otherwise I complete all the side-missions/objectives to maximize EXP
If I really struggle I explore around the boss fight to see if I can bypass it. Otherwise I look online for a tutorial.
I ask what my friends did if they have any strategies that would help me. Otherwise I put on my favourite music to help me concentrate.
Buff my character with as much as I can get my hands on and try to knock out a huge chunk of HP with my strongest attack to start off.
I change out my characters strengths and change team members to try and counter the boss as directly as possible. If this doesn't apply in the game I'm playing I try different strategies I find online.
I look for the weakspot/specific weakness of the boss and focus everything I have on that from the get-go. Otherwise I mash the dodge button/abuse evasion moves.
I'm going to be honest, I mostly play for the story and usually have a game on easy mode. Otherwise I research and build my character specifically to counter the hardest bosses.
I spam healing spells/healing potions as I whittle away at their health. Otherwise I use status conditions to rack up large chunks of damage whilst I use protection moves.
I take my time and sometimes even give myself a few days away to try and reset and refresh from the fight. Sometimes going at it too much can make me sloppy, so just kind of dwelling on what aspects I struggle with can really help.
I rush in with my strongest combo/move and then reset after until I manage to defeat the boss. It may be repetitive but getting the beginning tempo right is necessary.
I look online for what playstyle is recommended then practice emulating it against weaker/similar enemies. After I get a bit adept I try my hand at employing it in the actual fight.
I usually keep my same playstyle which is finding out what their attack pattern is and finding a way to block, parry or negate as much damage as possible.
I take podshots from a safe distance. Slow and steady wins the race. If I find an opening I try and maximize it but usually I prefer the safest strategies.
I stay consistent and stick to my guns. I don't give up on an attempt until the game forces me to. As long as I try my best I'll learn.
I try using unorthodox builds/weapons to attempt the fight to see if any of those make any headway. Otherwise I'll try clipping/glitching past the boss fight.
If a God were to favour you, what trait would it be for?
I'm a perfectionist through and through. I will do everything in my power for the perfect result.
I'm observant but not quick to share my knowledge. It's very hard to get one-up on me.
I don't exactly know. Everyone is special in their own way I guess. I hope I can live up to their favour.
I am tenacious and driven. I often see myself making big changes.
I'm charismatic and can blend into any group well.
I have a strong desire to seek out the truth of situations and will only make judgement once I've seen both sides of the coin.
Give me a question and I'll find the answer. I'm dedicated to learn as much as I can.
I'm level-headed and only use violence/conflict as a last resort.
I get tasks done, no matter how long it takes.
I don't spend time twiddling my thumbs waiting for someone else to finish the race for me.
I'm not afraid to learn and grow from my mistakes.
I am naturally protective and try my best to keep those I care about safe.
I am aware actions have consequences and always treat things seriously.
I value order and rules. They probably respect me for putting discipline over desire.
I'm eccentric. I don't charge headfirst into obstacles headfirst, I usually find a way around them or another way.
How do you tend to play games?
I hoard all the items and never use them.
I like to explore. I usually explore the entire area before progressing the story.
I like to play them to unwind after a long day. I especially like playing them with friends.
I obsess over character customization and do my best to make my character the ideal version of myself.
I look to the characters in the story to help inspire me in my own projects. I also enjoy messing around with dialogue options.
I'm not really a big fan of games, I prefer point & click adventures or visual novels.
I learn all the lore from the game and gather as much information as possible. The stories and history fascinate me more than the gameplay.
I tend to play them to connect with friends. I also like collecting and decorating my base.
I like to spend a little time every day trying to keep up to date with my simulators. I'm pretty consistent!
I try to make every playthrough spicy by trying a different class/team setup. Otherwise I try making up different end-goals.
I don't play many games. If I do I go for the standard builds recommended.
I like to practice combos and confirms in action/fighting games. Otherwise I like to epxlore all the different endings in stroy-focused games.
I like fighting games. Parrying and zoning are my favourite playstyles.
I love trying to glitch the game. It scratches an itch in my brain.
Your friend has come to vent to you but you have accidentally upset them further. How would you manage this?
I told them how I would have dealt with it. But they thought I was saying they were unprepared.
They thought I spaced out when I was just intently listening/thinking.
Although I listened, I couldn't give any advice.
I empathized by giving my own similar experience but it sounded like I was making it all about myself.
I said what they wanted to hear instead of what they needed to hear and it ended up blowing up in their face.
I asked them too many questions about the situation and didn't really offer any advice or sympathy.
I offered advice and it came off insincere and like I wasn't sympathetic to their issue.
I got really passive aggressive after they hadn't took my advice.
I took too long to respond.
I told them the issue would soon pass, just give it time.
I told them they should change their perspective to the issue and try and come up with a solution that way. It came off kind of wishy-washy.
I was a bit stubborn when offering advice even though I intended it to be well-meaning.
I ended up talking a lot trying to give sympathy and advice but it was ultimately unhelpful.
I told them what they needed to hear, not what they wanted to.
I told them what I'd do but they thought I wasn't being serious and making light of the situation.
If you were given a single role in a play, out of these, which one resonates most with who you are/seek to be?
The Survivor
The Observer
The Heart
The Leader
The Socialite
The Detective
The Scholar
The Altruist
The Juggernaut
The Spitfire
The Eclectic
The Pillar
The Jury
The Judge
The Wildcard
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