מבחן 9

השם שלי
1. Two billion people – 70 percent of the _________ of all developing countries – live without the benefit of electricity.
(1) population
(2) culture
(3) condition
(4) statistic
2. __________ the police had threatened to arrest all the demonstrators, they failed to do so.
(1) Since
(2) When
(3) Although
(4) Before
3. Aircraft technology has progressed so _________ that a ten-year-old plane is considered an antique.
(1) partially
(2) rapidly
(3) carelessly
(4) narrowly
4. If people ate nutritionally balanced meals every day, they would have _________ health problems.
(1) several
(2) regular
(3) fewer
(4) similar
5. Pottery making ___________ an advanced stage of development very early in the history of civilization.
(1) attempted
(2) contacted
(3) designed
(4) reached
6. Linguists make a basic __________ among letters, classifying them as either vowels or consonants.
(1) interruption
(2) concentration
(3) distinction
(4) assumption
7. Due to a shortage of many goods, a black market – where goods are sold illegally – is _______ in the former Soviet Union.
(1) colliding
(2) mediating
(3) flourishing
(4) confessing
8. The invention of movable type is _________ a Chinese printer named Bi Sheng who lived during the 11th century.
(1) resented by
(2) contained in
(3) rotated by
(4) attributed to
9. By 1150 B.C.E., many of the small, scattered villages of the Olmec people had ________ into larger communities.
(1) stumbled
(2) deteriorated
(3) merged
(4) lapsed
10. In theory, modern management techniques are hard to fault, but in practice they have proven to be __________.
(1) disastrous
(2) conscious
(3) anxious
(4) generous
11. The Bronx Zoo, which opened in 1899, was the first zoo to provide spacious _________ for large groups of animals
(1) commentaries
(2) enclosures
(3) destinies
(4) adversaries
This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence.
This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence.
12. Women were generally responsible for farming in ancient agricultural societies.
(1) In ancient agricultural societies, women were only allowed to farm
(2) In ancient agricultural societies, farming was usually the work of women.
(3) The most responsible women in ancient agricultural societies were the women who farmed.
(4) Women have always worked in farming, especially in ancient agricultural societies.
13. Henry David Thoreau died at forty-four, having published relatively little of what he had written.
(1) Much of what Thoreau had written had not been published by the time he died at the age of forty-four.
(2) Because Thoreau died when he was only forty-four, he managed to write and publish very little.
(3) Most of what was written about Thoreau was only published forty-four years after his death.
(4) Thoreau died at the age of forty-four, never having seen any of his work published.
14. The Social Democratic Party in Austria has been part of the government for all but four of the past fifty years.
(1) Four years ago, the Social Democratic Party ended its fifty-year leadership of the Austrian government.
(2) Excluding only four years, the Social Democratic Party has been part of the Austrian government for the past fifty years.
(3) Although the Social Democratic Party was part of the government in Austria for fifty years, it was the biggest party for only four years.
(4) The Social Democratic Party joined the Austrian government fifty years ago, but left after four years.
15. In the 1970s, Saudi Arabia's annual revenue from petroleum sales was more than twice the amount needed to pay for imports.
(1) In the 1970s, Saudi Arabia needed twice the amount of revenue that it was earning from petroleum sales to pay for its imports.
(2) In Saudi Arabia, the yearly revenue from petroleum sales during the 1970s was more than twice as much as the country needed to pay for its imports.
(3) In the 1970s, Saudi Arabia doubled the size of its imports but did not have sufficient revenue from petroleum sales to pay for them.
(4) Saudi Arabia had been spending more than twice its annual revenue on imports until petroleum sales in the country began to increase in the 1970s.
16. Some Americans view their country's economy as immune to external influences.
(1) Some Americans claim that their country's economy has only a small effect on the economies of other countries.
(2) According to some people in America, domestic issues have little influence on their country's economy.
(3) Some Americans think that no outside influences can affect the American economy.
(4) Some people in America believe that their country's economy should be more open to the outside world.
17. Britain's domination of India was greatly facilitated by the political and military disunity in the country.
(1) Britain's domination was responsible for the political and military disunity that weakened India.
(2) India suffered more than any other country from the political and military problems caused by Britain's domination.
(3) The fact that India was divided politically and militarily made Britain's domination of the country easier.
(4) India only became independent politically and militarily after Britain's domination of the country ended.
Reading comprehension
This part consists of two reading passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text.
Reading comprehension
This part consists of two reading passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text.
18. It can be understood from the first paragraph that parents want to believe that -
(1) adults as well as children can be sweet and innocent
(2) children know when somebody is lying to them
(3) lying to children is sometimes necessary
(4) their children are as innocent as the children in fairy tales
19. According to the second paragraph, children over the age of four -
(1) do not lie in order to avoid punishment
(2) tell fewer lies than adults do
(3) should be punished when they lie
(4) understand the difference between a lie and a story
20. The third paragraph mainly discusses -

(1) one type of lie
(2) punishments for lying
(3) why twelve-year-olds lie
(4) lying which hurts people's feelings
21. It can be understood from the last paragraph that parents should say to their children:
(1) "We always know when you're lying, so don't do it."
(2) "We won't lie to you if you promise not to lie to us."
(3) "You can't always trust people, even if they don't lie often."
(4) "You shouldn't lie, because if you do, we won't be able to trust you."
22.  A good title for this text would be -
(1) Should Children Who Lie Be Punished?
(2) When and Why Children Lie
(3) Why Lying Can Be Harmful
(4) Trust and Lying
23. The main purpose of the text is to -
(1) answer an important question about Impressionism
(2) compare the works of several Impressionist masters
(3) discuss a recently discovered Impressionist painter
(4) describe a recent Impressionist exhibition in Paris
 24.  The main idea of the first paragraph is that -

(1) Impressionism is very important in the history of art
(2) modernism in art developed from Impressionism
(3) critics like to study and discuss Impressionism
(4) there seems to be nothing new to say about Impressionism
 25. In line 11, the word "why" could be replaced by -
(1) why Caillebotte's work was neglected for over eighty years
(2) why Caillebotte is now being recognized as a great Impressionist painter
(3) why the Caillebotte exhibit in Paris is interesting
(4) why Caillebotte's paintings are not as good as those of other Impressionists
 26. Which of the following is not true about Streets of Paris on a Rainy Day?
(1) It has been recognized as a masterpiece for over a century.
(2) It is included in the Paris exhibition.
(3) It was painted by Caillebotte.
(4) It portrays the stiff Parisian bourgeoisie of the 1870s.
27. The fact that Caillebotte was rich helps to explain why -
(1) he was able to buy the works of many famous Impressionist painters
(2) he decided to give some of his paintings to the Chicago Art Institute
(3) he was able to help his Impressionist colleagues
(4) he was not recognized as a great artist during his lifetime
28. The bent shape of the water molecule is responsible for many of the characteristics of water.
(1) Among the characteristics of the water molecule is its bent shape.
(2) Many of the characteristics of water are determined by the bent shape of its molecules.
(3) An important characteristic of water molecules is that they can be bent easily.
(4) To change the characteristics of water, its molecules must be bent.
29. A literate population is a necessity for any nation wishing to take advantage of the potential for economic growth offered by modern technology.
(1) In any given nation, the people best able to profit economically from technological progress are those who are most literate.
(2) Many countries are employing modern technology in order to strengthen their economies and provide better education for their people.
(3) A country that wants its economy to grow with the help of modern technology must have citizens who can read and write.
(4) he countries whose economies have grown the most as a result of modern technology are those with the most literate populations.
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