What is the other name for Economics ?
What are the subjects that econometrics make use of ?
What is the method that Ricardo made use of ?
Give one or two examples of free goods.
What is the other name for money income ?
Is traditional economy a subsistence economy ?
What is the basic force that drives a capitalist economy ?
What is the result of over-production ?
Name any two successful socialist economies.
Is there planning under mixed economy ?
Define Utility.
What is the other name for the law of Equi-Marginal Utility?
What is Indifference curve ?
What is Indifference Map ?
What is the other name for budget line ?
What is the basic assumption of economic theory ?
How does the demand change during boom and depression ?
Give the formula for point method
What is income elasticity of demand ?
When the demand for labour is inelastic, can a trade union raise wages ?
What is equilibrium in general ?
What are the determinants of shift in demand curve ?
Who has introduced the time element ?
Give an example for fixed input ?
Is supply fixed in the market period ?
Who is the changing agent of the society ?
How do internal economies arise ?
What is other name for isoquant ?
Give the condition for producer’s equilibrium ?
State the Cobb-Douglas production function.
When average revenue remains constant what will be M.R. ?
What is Marginal Revenue?
What is break-even point?
What is an envelope curve?
How will you calculate AC?
What is an industry?
Who undertakes the public utilities?
How does the government control monopoly?
What is the essential feature of monopolistic competition?
In which year the MRTP Act was passed?
Who gave modern definition of economics?
Who called economics a dismal science?
What is the other name for deductive method?
Which economist brought about economic recovery of Germany after World War II?
Who developed cardinal utility method?
Who developed ordinal utility method?
How are the alternative goods called?
What is the fundamental basis for various economic laws?
What is the surplus satisfaction otherwise called?
Who propounded that poor people will demand more of inferior goods if the price rises?
What is the basis to draw the supply schedule?
In the long period, supply curve is ____________ than that of supply curve in short period.
Short run production function is explained by what?
Long run production function is explained by what?
How will you calculate AR?
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