Immunity Check
It's quarantine time, so staying home is mandatory, but it's time to introspect and see whether we are doing enough to keep a check on our immunity levels, as a Strong Immunity helps you fight off the deadliest of the virus. 
So let's check out where each of us stand.....

Your Name
Is your diet rich in antioxidants? (Sources of antioxidant, Fruit: Orange/Grapes/Apple, Vegetable: Onion, Cabbage, Cauliflower)
How many litres of water do you drink in a day?
Less than 1 litre
1-1.5 litres
2 litres
2-4 litres
When do you wash your hand?
Before eating
After sneezing or coughing
After using the washroom
All of the above
How many hours do you sleep?
3-4 hours
5-6 hours
7-8 hours
How often do you exercise?
No exercise
Once a week
3-4 times in a week
How often in a week do you/your family members step out to buy groceries or veggies?
Once a week
Twice a week
3-4 times a week
{"name":"Immunity Check It's quarantine time, so staying home is mandatory, but it's time to introspect and see whether we are doing enough to keep a check on our immunity levels, as a Strong Immunity helps you fight off the deadliest of the virus. So let's check out where each of us stand.....", "url":"","txt":"Your Name, Is your diet rich in antioxidants? (Sources of antioxidant, Fruit: Orange\/Grapes\/Apple, Vegetable: Onion, Cabbage, Cauliflower), How many litres of water do you drink in a day?","img":""}
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